View Full Version : How about we get drunk, and screw?

Apr 20, 2011, 5:42 PM
Those are actually some song lyrics people.....not a proposal but here's a link anyway. (http://www.brewdog.com/product/royal-virility-performance)

According to the specially commissioned label, the Royal Virility Performance contains herbal viagra, chocolate, Horny Goat Weed and ‘a healthy dose of sarcasm’. The beer is a 7.5% ABV India Pale Ale and has been brewed at BrewDog’s brewery in Fraserburgh.

Apr 20, 2011, 8:05 PM
People are coming out of the woodwork all over the world like so many termites to make a buck or pound, Euro, Yen or whatever off of the first "wedding of the century."

I was at my local supermarket today and passed a display of several magazines done just for the wedding of the royals--or I guess it is more correctly stated as the marriage of one royal and a "commoner" (a very attractive one at that---which I do agree with some of the buzz in the tabloids---the girl has gotten too thin now!!!)

I wonder if that brew is worth anything or is some nasty swill??? I don't think I will find out either way, though.

Apr 20, 2011, 8:17 PM
I wonder if that brew is worth anything or is some nasty swill??? I don't think I will find out either way, though.

Not at 10 quid a half pint, Voltie u wont..:eek::eek:

Apr 21, 2011, 7:11 AM
I found out a long time ago that, for me, I get the most out of an intimate relationship when I'm sober.

Being stoned, or drunk, numbs my senses and I need 'em all when I'm having sex!

Apr 22, 2011, 4:51 PM
well Jimmy Buffet gets the credit for the song: (and it is Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw)


I grew up on it :cool:

I don't like being trashed for sex, but back a million years ago in college qualudes (downs) were really popular for sex and a lot of fun! These days a drink or two or a bong or two makes it mellow and sloooow, that's nice.

(and to those who said weed makes cum taste bad, I never noticed it)

Your Mileage WILL vary :bigrin:


Apr 24, 2011, 2:17 PM
when i was young i would get a beer hard on and could fuck half the night but now, i drink a beer my eyes slap shut and dont even think about sex.