View Full Version : Being Bi is never even mentioned!!! (video)

Apr 18, 2011, 9:04 PM
and clearly, esp in the black community it would seem, being a bi male is looked at w/the most hostility...so frustrating!


Apr 19, 2011, 5:21 AM
Yes, in the black community bisexuality....especially bisexual men are viewed with great disscust.

That's why I'm on the low (in the closet) only my lady , mom, 2 bi men I've been with and the bi couple me and my lady had sex with know I'm bi.

In the black community your either straight or gay, and if your a gay man you have to be feminine.

It's truley sad.

Apr 19, 2011, 7:39 AM
Not long before I left school there was a very unhappy looking black girl who began a relationship with a senior girl. I got to know her quite well and we often talked about our insecurities and how isolated we felt among family and community when we were at home. She had a boyfriend back where she lived but boys werent enough for her. She needed a girl in her life too and she was always at her happiest when away at school. As time drew near for the end of term, she became morose and withdrawn because she hated the idea of suppressing her sexuality but saw no option as she was quite clear that any hint that she was not a nice straight black girl would threaten her safety among family never mind her community.

I do not live in a town or city or a part of the world where there are many non whites. But those I have encountered particularly while at university and on visits to our cities, from limited experience it appears to me that in this country, the black community does not just have a thing about bisexuality, but of any sexuality outwith that which it considers the norm. Gay and bisexual black men and women seem to be much further underground and reluctant to come out than their white counterparts because of their community's dislike of those who are not straight.

I don't know if what I have found is the real situation or not, but from my limited knowledge and talking to gay and bisexual women who are black it does appear to be the case. I have only ever met one black gay man to my certain knowledge, but never spoke to him long enough to find out very much more.

The ethnic minorities of this country certainly do appear to have a very different attitude to homosexuality and bisexuality to the native British and most other whites in the population, although I have found that the recent eastern European influx has added another dimension of anti homosexuality/bisexuality to British society.

Apr 19, 2011, 5:16 PM
i wonder if the convo had gone differently had whoopi been there

Apr 20, 2011, 7:22 PM
Of course, "lesbians" aren't considered "gay" if that makes sense. I have known many people who have declared their intense hatred for "gays" but not "lesbians", if that makes sense. It makes no difference to someone with this mentality. The hatred or intolerance is from either from a general ignorance or from a religious view, "lesbians" aren't threating to this group. I have mentioned before the media has spent the last several decades etc. telling the public how "hot", "cool", "trendy", "open minded" pseudo "lesbians" are. There is a famous saying in the adversting industry "no one ever got rich overestimating the intelligence of the public"In other words "monkey see, monkey do!". The public who have this mentality are simply "sheep".

QUOTE=neveen;198262]and clearly, esp in the black community it would seem, being a bi male is looked at w/the most hostility...so frustrating!
