View Full Version : not coming back here anymore

Apr 18, 2011, 11:44 AM
I will no longer come back to this site. I thought I had found a safe place to explore and learn, but not so.
A member has become increasingly hostile towards me, demanding I send them photos by email and wanting to see my face. I made it clear I was not comfortable with that. I now am receiving private messages daily to the point I feel this is obsessive and frightening behavior. I am now scared to come back here.
Honestly it appears this person is trying to get my identity for whatever reason.
Please delete my account. Thank you.

Apr 18, 2011, 11:46 AM
Hon, it's really simple to put that person on ignore. Then you won't get messages from them. This is a safe site and I'm sorry you feel it is no longer a safe place for you to be. But please forward the abusive pms to Drew and let him deal with it. If this person did it once, they have probably been doing it all along.

Apr 18, 2011, 11:50 AM
Thank you Darling. I will do the ignore thing. I deleted the emails as I was so upset by them. I have not had anything like this happen.

Apr 18, 2011, 11:54 AM
Hey... Ill be your friend.. and you dont have to send me one picture :)

Apr 18, 2011, 12:04 PM
You can also set your profile so that no one can email you outside of the administrators of this site. You can set it so no private messages come from anyone who isn't on your buddy list. Take some time to go through the security options that Drew has implemented on this site and you'll soon feel safe again.

Apr 18, 2011, 3:01 PM
dear cd bbw,
you can also report them and let them know what is going on with with idiot. please dont leave the site because of one idiot.:bipride:

Apr 18, 2011, 3:43 PM
I'm so sorrry you went threw this. Not everyone on here is like that. I have met some realy good people on here. Just ignore them feel free to add me I will never ask for anything other then chat. I hope you stay.

Apr 18, 2011, 3:52 PM
I'm not apologizing for the dickhead but before you consider your options of clearing out of here you should first EXPOSE the bastard secondly never get rid of its emails and thirdly report this arsehole to Drew and naturally put it on ignore......there's just a bit too much of this bullshit going on.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 18, 2011, 3:53 PM
People more knowledgeable than I have provided some good advice. I'll just add, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water." There are a lot of good people here, I hope you can block the jerk and join in.

Apr 18, 2011, 4:22 PM
I agree with the rest CD. Don't let one clown run you off!

You've only posted twice and I don't think that's enough to get to know those here, who may care about you.

I'll bet there 's a lot of nice, interesting, folks who would know more about you.

Apr 18, 2011, 6:27 PM
Why let him have that much power?? Stand on your own two feet and dont let Anyone scare you away, or scare you from staying where you want to. All of the advice that was given was sound and true. Contact Drew and make a formal complaint of the asshole, and simply block him from contacting you anymore. Empower yourself Girlfriend, and use it. :}
(Will teach mean lessons readily) LOL

Apr 18, 2011, 7:02 PM
You can always roll with angels (http://www.cyberangels.org/). They provide some good advice (http://www.cyberangels.org/security/index.php), too. And if you're feeling really (http://www.cyberangels.org/security/stalking.html) threatened. You might also want to consider switching over to Linux as your desktop operating system, or laptop. It is fairly stable and usable for either, not just as a server. I've been running a combination of Debian and Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com/) for the past three years, now. No viruses, no spyware, no real threat of identity theft via your own computer. Linux puts you in control. Besides that it offers diverse software, freely, and most on par with Windows type of stuff. Quality keeps getting better, too. The developers and community involved care about what they are doing, and users. And echoing previous advice posted, don't throw out the baby.

Apr 18, 2011, 7:20 PM
dont let one idiot ruin a wonderful time here
we are all one family

Apr 18, 2011, 9:01 PM
Sorry that you had a scary intro with this site. There are a lot of understanding people here. If you followed their advice for your account settings you can lock it down well.

And report the jerk to Drew. He doesn't tolerate that stuff either.


Apr 18, 2011, 11:25 PM
Please DO NOT LEAVE. If you leave, then the idiot will have been sucessful. NO ONE should require you to send photos and unwanted emails. Hit the ignore button, and come back and get to know the rest of the wonderful people here and not the jerk who pesterd you.


Apr 19, 2011, 10:58 AM
Thank you all. I am feeling better after having read your posts. I found copies of the emails in question- I am going to contact this person and tell them to leave me alone or I will send them all to Drew as you suggested.
Thanks Cherokee I will take you up on those lessons!

Apr 19, 2011, 11:44 AM
Thank you all. I am feeling better after having read your posts. I found copies of the emails in question- I am going to contact this person and tell them to leave me alone or I will send them all to Drew as you suggested.
Thanks Cherokee I will take you up on those lessons!

We have had either one in particular or a small group of "trolls" who have attacked this site for a long time---I don't know if this person was one of those---or if he is just a mentally off idiot---but as others have said---there are the ways of stopping such "attacks" that they told you about---it sounds like you have implemented those steps. I am glad that you have decided to stick with it here---the site is not perfect---but its still pretty good.

Sorry that you had such a jerk bugging you and making things unpleasant for you. I know what that is like---I had one of those aholes "attack" me for a long time---I had preferred to not have to make it that only "buddies" could send me messages---but the volume of that jerk's messages to me both on the inhouse system and my emails got to such a point---I had no choice but to do that myself.

Apr 19, 2011, 11:52 AM
thanks Voltman. I would say probably a mentally off idiot.
I will say this person has apologized to me and admitted their mistake. They deserve that much credit.

Apr 19, 2011, 12:01 PM
thanks Voltman. I would say probably a mentally off idiot.
I will say this person has apologized to me and admitted their mistake. They deserve that much credit.

Good for him---my "tormentor"--he NEVER gave up--I put up with his crap for almost two years!!!!

Apr 19, 2011, 12:03 PM
that is soooo uncalled for! What is wrong with people? And you are such a nice person too!

Apr 19, 2011, 1:09 PM
Hey BBW,Volty is a darling man. And Babe don't let one idiot like this ruin your view of this wonderful site. Ive been cumming here for 6 years now,and weve seen these fucking Trolls cum and go. Just do whatt the others have recomended and stay with the family,we are all some of us have..

Apr 19, 2011, 1:23 PM
Thank you all. I am feeling better after having read your posts. I found copies of the emails in question- I am going to contact this person and tell them to leave me alone or I will send them all to Drew as you suggested.
Thanks Cherokee I will take you up on those lessons!

Dont Ever let anyone run you off from Anything you want to do in life Sweetie. Send them to Drew anyway. Dont give the dork a second chance. You've told him Once, thats enough. Send them on to Drew, then contact the guy in question and tell him you dont want any further correspondance from him. You can also block him by going to his profile and putting a block on his nasty lil ass. . And, if he cant accept that then tell him to take an Airbourne Fornication, and in no uncertain words...lol
Bad Cat
PS The name is Cat, Hon. As in Everybodys Cat..:};)

Apr 19, 2011, 2:45 PM
Assuming what you say is fact we agree with the above comments. However, we are limited to one side of the story. Your profile isn't exactly a welcoming gesture. Sounds more like insecure mood swings.:2cents:

Apr 19, 2011, 4:39 PM
dear cd bbw,
you can also report them and let them know what is going on with with idiot. please dont leave the site because of one idiot.:bipride:


Apr 19, 2011, 8:53 PM
You are always welcome here!
Those who disrespect others are not.
Have a great day and don't forget to smile.

Apr 20, 2011, 9:54 AM
Life is to short to let sh*t bother you. Us ethe ignore feature, send the emails to SPAM and enjoy.

Apr 20, 2011, 5:12 PM
I feel that it is important to say the person in question has apologized and accepted responsibility for their actions. They apologized in multiple messages and I feel they have resolved this situation.
With that said, I want to move forward and not dwell on it. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
Yes my profile is not very welcoming and I will change it.....that was not a good day for me to update it.

Apr 24, 2011, 6:27 PM
Life is to short to let sh*t bother you. Us ethe ignore feature, send the emails to SPAM and enjoy.

let he who is without sin cast the first stone!!

Apr 26, 2011, 10:24 AM

Apr 26, 2011, 1:32 PM
Your individual in question emailed me after my posting. He actually sent me his screen name and his password so I could read the email exchange first hand with nothing missing. I happen to think you have been less than totally honest. Everyone (as usual) was prepared to jump on him based on what you wrote in your post. In that he is in Nevada and I am in Florida I suspect we will never meet but he certainly is an honest individual. I doubt I would ever give someone my password but he just wanted someone to know he wasn't an ogre and hear both sides of the story. I am pleased you two have buried the hatchet. :2cents:

Apr 26, 2011, 2:06 PM
Just out of idle curiosity, why would you have two different IDs on this site?