View Full Version : Most of the LGBT people in the USA actually identify as Bisexual

Apr 15, 2011, 6:47 PM
"These statistics fly in the face of what many people would have you believe — that bisexuals are an insignificant subgroup of the LGBT community that doesn't merit having their different perspective recognized." ~Ellyn Ruthstrom, president BRC in "Getting Your Numbers Straight, So to Speak"


Apr 15, 2011, 7:12 PM
I once heard a crazy statistic that 60% of people have had bisexual thoughts, of course you know how statistics are. I guess there is probably some distance between HAVING a bisexual thought and acting on it.

Apr 15, 2011, 7:35 PM
Bisexuality as misunderstood and miscalculated as it is. Our numbers could possibly be even larger... It makes me wonder how many of the G and L are actually B, but can't admit it due to their own groups that don't want to recognize that bisexuality is something that actually exists and isn't necessarily the gate way fuck to their own alliances. I don't mean this to sound crass at all. Sorry if it does. But Besides this article I watched an episode of law and order off net flix this week that dealt with a lesbian rights group where the leader (Kathy Griffin) Re-outted her self at the end as no longer lesbian but bisexual due to her finding herself in a long term relationship with a male, while she was a lesbian.
We have seen some of our members here take their journeys. Being bi and discovering they are more than that and how difficult it was. And those that were once gay or les and now embrace being bi and how they struggled.

I'm just rambling on.. Sorry... Thanks for the link Neveen.

Apr 16, 2011, 9:46 AM
Just my twisted perspective... but I believe that anyone who claims to have never had a sexual/romantic thought about someone of the same gender is simply lying...

So, the real number should approach 100%

Apr 16, 2011, 10:31 AM
Not a huge surprise to me.
The most logical analytical model I've seen is we're all bisexual.
Some are 99.9% gay,(one end of the spectrum) some 99.9% straight (the other end of the spectrum), and lots of points in between.
Even this model is an oversimplification because one would have to add emotional dimension (axis) of gender attraction (needs) for a more accurate picture of someones state (and that's assuming a static/fixed state vs. dynamic/changing).
Until I see a better model... I'm sticking with this one.

Apr 16, 2011, 1:45 PM
No not every single person is bisexual and you can't say that we're all somehow bisexual.

If this were even remotely true homosexuality/bisexuality would not be seen as a "taboo" by religions, various cultures, there would be no concept of the closet at all, and society would be very different if heterosexual people were a minority like gay men, bisexuals, and lesbians are.

If someone's heterosexual or gay/lesbian then they're not bisexual at all.

Some cultures I have heard about definitely are more tolerant but I know what you are getting at - sometimes on this site I think we tell ourselves what we want to hear. I'm fairly sure that straight people really do exist because I've had more than one crush on a straight guy who I know would never reciprocate those feelings.

Apr 16, 2011, 1:58 PM
To that everyone is bisexual just discounts a person's individuality. You are bisexual because that's the way you are. It's not abnormal, it's just not normal to everyone. There is a difference. There are people who do not have any sexual or romantic thoughts about the same sex, there are people who don't have any romantic or sexual thoughts about the opposite sex. We call those people straight and gay/lesbian. There is a large spectrum in the bisexual community that even includes those that never have experienced or want to experience a same sex adventure. But they do think about it, they dream about it, they fantasize about it but they don't follow through for various reasons. Does that make them any less bisexual? I don't think so and judging from a lot of posts on here,neither do a lot of bisexuals. But to say that everyone is bisexual is a way of stating that you, yourself, are not unique. You are just like everyone else, is that where you want to be?

DB Forever
Apr 16, 2011, 6:07 PM
There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics. This is a case of the author of the report citing studies and selectively using results of the studies that support her conclusion. If you follow the reference string (not an easy task because many references are "studies have shown") it takes you back to a set of academic research studies. One of the biggest done by UCLA that was not mentioned in the article, clearly states that your sexual orientation results will not accurately reflect the true population if you do not ask the right questions. Other results in some of the original research cite the bixsexual community somewhere between 7.5 and 12% (two to three times cited in the subject article).

This is a clear example of somebody picking the numbers they want from original research to support their conclusion. It is a biased article that does not merit any consideration.
