View Full Version : Bad bad Cat...lol

Apr 15, 2011, 5:41 PM
I am an evil, wicked peraon. In case any of ya'll havent noticed, I have a tiny(cough) playful-mean streak. (Shup Rich) Today it came out in full...
Roomie and I were in the store, and as I was waiting on her to get her items rang up, I was standing with my cart, people watching..one of my favorite past times. In the store came two "Punk Kids" You know the type: Looks like they havent changed clothes in a week, tons of make up (Ozzie-wanna be's) face piercings, baggie clothes, chains, untied shoes, and brightly colored hair. You get the idea. One had purple and black hair shagged over his face, the other looked like a refugee from a halloween carnival: Orange and black hair in a tall Mohawk.

They decided that they were going to have themselves a "Fuck with the old people" day. I observed them lunging at old folks and little kids, one waggling his pierced tongue at a little kid, scaring her out of 50years growth. Making stupid remarks at folks, making fun of a disabled person, picking fruit off the produce isles and eating it, ect ect. I watched them for a bit, marveling at their stupidity, and keeping note of where they were. When they manuvered around to be behind me, I thought to myself. "Ok..here it comes"
And I was just in the mood to do some fucking back.

I heard one of them go "Let's fuck with that big bitch over there" I smiled and heard them jangling up behind me.
I stood with one foot on the bottom of the shopping basket, and leaned on the push bar, totally relaxed. The Purple brained wonder steps up beside me and Pumpkinhead stood in front of my cart, blocking me from moving. Purple says, "Hey Gorgeous. You got a number for me?" Pumkin snickered.
I looked at him with my normal dead pan face and replied "Sho nuff Handsome. I have Two actually. 69 and 527"

Here I got what I was counting on; all the lights were on, and nooobody was at home. They looked at each other and Purp says, "I get the 69, what the fuck is 527?"
I smiled and said lazily "Welll, that you and me and my big black boyfriend. Get the positioning of the numbers yet, CupCake?"

The Gods must have been with me on this as they stood slack jawed. Up behind my roomie, in the check out line, came one of my co-workers, a hugely built black man named Curtis. (Think Paul Michael Duncan with hair...):eek:

I looked over at him and winked, blowing him a noisy kiss. He grinned widely and wiggled his fingers. The two Punks turned a little pale as I whispered, 'He dont look it from here, but thats 11 inches of pure Mississippi Black Snake right there, he's almost as big around as this here Pepsi bottle Darlings, and the man loves to pile drive...if ya get my meaning, Boys" ;)
I carressed Purp's chain on his jacket as he looked at Curtis' 6 foot 6 frame with his mouth a little open in shock. I said, "I can be the plump little 5,You can be the 2 in the middle, and Bull can be the 7 coming up from the rear...literally"
I winked at Pumpkin and said, 'And you can be dessert cuz Curt's a multipal cummer. One little tight ass just aint enuff fer him"

They looked at my leering face and turned to swiftly exit the store. When roomie and Curtis got thru, they came over and roomie said, "Alright Miss. What the hell you do to them two boys?"

"Nuffin, nuffin. Was just answering a question for them, thats all" I said innocently.

We all three walked out, and Curt offered to put our stuff in the truck for us. One the way out, I spotted the Punks in the parking lot. I nudged Curt and said "Hey Curt, wave at the cute little twink's, would ya please?"

I placed my hand around my 16 oz plastic pepsi bottle the best I could, and nodded at them, then pointing to Curt as He turned to wave at them. He called out in that big booming voice "Hey Guys, how ya doin?"
Funny, for some reason they beat a hasty retreat.......
And yes, I Did tell Curt later that night what I had done. Thought the poor man was going fall off the chair.
Shame on them..picking on a poor, defenceless little old lady such as myself.....:female::bigrin:;):rolleyes:

Bad Evil Cat ;)

Apr 15, 2011, 6:41 PM
Wow Cat!! That was freaking awesome. You probably got those boys thinking, and you might have changed their ways of living.

You go girl!! :)
Thats all I have to say.

Apr 15, 2011, 6:47 PM
Hehe - that's great Cat! Just goes to show - If you don't really want to know the answer, sometimes better not to ask the question. <grins> How fortuitous that your friend from work just happened to be there, I really think sometimes the universe has the most interesting sense of humor.


Apr 15, 2011, 10:52 PM
That reminds me of the time The wife and I went to home depot a couple years back. I told her to go up to the black associate guy and ask him where he keeps his brown calk. Poor dear wifey didn't get it right away, but the guy did cause he saw me laughing down the isle. Smiling, he asked her if she wanted regular or heavy duty. She turned to ask me, saw that I was on the floor laughing, and then she got it. Man, was she embarassed. I think I still got the bruise where she slugged me. :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

roy m cox
Apr 15, 2011, 11:47 PM
OMG cat i love you hehe <3 ..

Apr 16, 2011, 12:03 AM
Honey if those two punks ever see you again, bet they run the other way. GO CAT.


Apr 16, 2011, 1:13 AM
hehehe thanks for the smile, Cat. I needed it ;)

Apr 16, 2011, 4:45 AM
you put the wrong title to the post it should have been good good cat LOL

Apr 16, 2011, 9:44 AM
woooohoooo awesome Cat!

Some days, being nasty is nice!

Apr 16, 2011, 10:43 AM
Great one! I play little jokes on my wife when we are in the check out... like when she is swiping her Credit Card for the purchase I look at her in a serious face and say "thats not the one you found in the parking lot is it?" Always causes the cashier to stop :)

Apr 16, 2011, 10:07 PM
WOW Cat, that's a good one to pull alright. :cool: You did manage to pull that one off good alright. I got to admit that it's fun when people start fucking with you, and you give them a "Clint Eastwood type smile" and start giving them back more smart-alec remarks than they can handle. :cutelaugh That always sends em off with their tail between their legs! Especially when they realize that they aren't getting at you, rather you are getting at them. Similar to something called "reverse psychology", you know what I mean?

My biggest problem at that kind of action is coming up with good remarks at the right time. I always seem to think of the best, smart-alec remarks, after such incidents. You know what I mean? Like you could have also said something like "my BIG black boyfriend could have you hoodlums all ready for later on in life, when you wind up in prison". that would have really got them, HUH? But I really think you did real good with what you did though. :rolleyes:

You go girl ,,,,, just keep it going, OK?

Your friend, :doggie:

Apr 16, 2011, 11:26 PM
I love folks, who think on their feet, like that! You're a BAD Mama, Mama!

If that had been me, I would have thought of something good, after it was all over!

Apr 16, 2011, 11:58 PM
Well played Cat. Too bad you didn't get a photo of their faces when you did that! :bigrin:

Apr 17, 2011, 6:09 AM

Twisted, peverted, and awsome. They're teenaged brains will never be the same. They might actually start thinking. That's gonna hurt.

Apr 17, 2011, 6:53 AM
Love it! Thanks for the laugh Cat. I wish could have been down the aisle watching :-)

Apr 17, 2011, 10:24 AM
No doubt about it, " CAT RULES!!!"

Apr 17, 2011, 12:38 PM
:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::tongue::tongue::t ongue::cool::cool::rotate::rotate::eek2::eek2::eek ::eek::bounce::bounce::bounce::bowdown::bowdown:

Damn funny stuff Cat---that sounds like a good scene from some sort of comedy movie!!! I would like to have been around to see those guys book out of there!!

Apr 17, 2011, 2:30 PM
Good move Cat. Thank you. I hope some of the people they bullied got to see some of that. Always a great feeling when tables are turned on the meanies of the world.:rainbow::flag2:

Apr 18, 2011, 12:12 AM
Yeah, right... :bigrin::paw::paw: