View Full Version : A good day for GLBT kids in Texas...

Apr 15, 2011, 11:02 AM
With all the GLBT bashing going on in too many places, I am happy to report a good event!

last night we attended a dodge-ball tournament at the local high school at the invitation of the gay team (we tutor one of the girls on the team and know a bunch of them through others). The tourney was to benefit diabetes and was mostly for fun rather than serious competition.

Most of the team members dressed as the opposite sex (and I have to tell ya the two boys in drag looked positively delicious, I chewed a big hole in my cheek behaving :bigrin:

I was a bit concerned that I'd end up defending them, but I was very happily mistaken.

No one that I saw did anything overtly negative, and to the 99th percentile, everyone was completely accepting of the team. We saw quite a few openly 'together' girl-girl couples (but not so many boy-boy ones).

All in all the night was a lot of fun for everyone and I was really really pleased that the gay kids got to be open and happy and were accepted.

As usual, bi kinda gets swept under the rug as the kids are mostly identified as straight or gay by who they are with. But one step at a time.

Happy Friday!


Apr 15, 2011, 4:49 PM
Living in Austin, there are several events that support the teenage LBGT community around here. Makes me proud, too!