View Full Version : It's been a long time

Apr 11, 2011, 7:52 PM
I am now realizing my Bi tendacies. I traded BJ's with a buddy 30yrs ago and now it is hounding me. Was Hetero all those years and now I think back to sucking that dick, and want to do it again. Wow...when we were that young and how hard and proud we were. I still love women,,,but, OH too put a dick in my mouth again. Why is it so hard to find someone to explore this with.....I know that all men are so horny, that is supposed to be easy. I will never have a relationship with a man, just want to do cock play....

Apr 12, 2011, 9:13 AM
I know your pain buddy. In pretty much the same boat. For me its like.. I had all those options years ago and now getting back into the scene and trying to find a pal when you need one. I look on here and get nervious about who. I get real hard up and look on craigs list... and get nervious and back away from things that might be possable. I have done a little bit of "cyber" and have traded e-mail and pics with people but for nothing. Im just waiting to find the friend who sees things how I do. Keep your chin up. It will happen when you least expect it.

Apr 12, 2011, 9:26 AM
I met a lady on line who had a sexual relationship with a school mate, beginning in grade school. I don't remember how long that lasted. She married young and, although she didn't lose the desire to be with another woman, she abstained during her marriage.

When she was 70, her husband died. Soon after that she moved in with another widow. Within a few months they became lovers. In all those years, the memory of the pleasure she shared so long ago, never faded and it was like they just took off where the last FF relationship ended.

I think it was a shame that she didn't have an opportunity to explore her desires during her marriage. I don't think she ever told her husband of her needs; I guess she just sucked it up and soldiered on................

I wonder how many people aren't allowed to be themselves, or feel that their partners will never understand, much less accept their wishes?