View Full Version : 1st Cup of Coffee

Paul B.
Apr 10, 2011, 10:49 PM
Hi everyone. In a recent forum post (see"Left Me Sore" thread) I allowed that I hadn't even gotten to the "let's meet for a cup of coffee" stage with anyone. Well, I have finally crossed that threshold with someone I met through the "strictly platonic" section of Craigslist. We ended up having coffee & dinner, but didn't connect really at all. In his ad he said he was 50 (if he's 50 I'm 35). In the ad he said he was bi-in person he said he was gay. Was totally self-centered & self-absorbed. That's one of the drawbacks I guess with the internet people can represent themselves any way they want. It doesn't have to have anything to with reality. When we were talking initially on the phone, we were talking about perhaps doing something later in the week, but I'm going to pass on that. Guess you can't get all of the nuances of a person's personality over the phone that you do in person. Back to the drawing board.

Apr 10, 2011, 11:02 PM
Saw the title and thought wow a thread about my favorite drink, then I read it. Sorry, it didn't work out for you and you are correct when you say some people present themselves online differently than they are offline. Unfortunately, that's the way it is in most of the places including personal ads in a newspaper or magazine. You are selling yourself by putting out what you think people want to buy, in the end though if you are too far afield from what you say then you won't keep anyone around after the initial meeting.

roy m cox
Apr 11, 2011, 1:14 AM
yeah you need to be very care full ,, i met what was to be a guy for a date and it turned out to be 6 haters that just about killed me that night they beat the crap out of me i ended up in the hospital, so from now on i meet in a reentrant and do this till i feel ok about a guy or a girl , so plezzzzzzzzz always meet in a public place never meet alone for any one :2cents:

meteast chick
Apr 11, 2011, 4:59 AM
yeah you need to be very care full ,, i met what was to be a guy for a date and it turned out to be 6 haters that just about killed me that night they beat the crap out of me i ended up in the hospital, so from now on i meet in a reentrant and do this till i feel ok about a guy or a girl , so plezzzzzzzzz always meet in a public place never meet alone for any one :2cents:

WOW Roy that's some scary shat!!! I second what he said about always initially meeting in a public place. You can sometimes find a person on CL who is truly looking for a mate, but by and large(even in the w4w section), they're just looking for a hookup. Patience is a virtue for a reason. I know. I've been kissing and tossing out frogs for some time now and still at it.
Good luck in your endeavor. The right one, or at least the one you think is the right one, will cross your path at some point. Until then it's fun to weed out the ones who are the wrong ones!

luv and hugs,

Apr 11, 2011, 7:55 AM
ID, there are some peaches out there, but they're mixed in with a lot of turnips!

It takes some real detective work to sort them out, sometimes. I agree with meeting in public, first, too.

If you really want to meet someone, you have to keep at it; don't give up until you find who you want. Just don't settle for less than you want.......because you'll never be happy if you do.