View Full Version : a bit of both?

Apr 7, 2011, 7:32 PM
When and where did you know/discover/act on your sexuality?

Apr 7, 2011, 8:45 PM
about 2 years ago

Apr 8, 2011, 10:45 AM
I was a freshman in HS. There was a boy named Bill. We experimented one day with oral and attempted anal, hurt like hell, and I liked it. Not the pain but the oral. At the time I didnt know it was not accepted... I just thought it was not talked about just like sex in general. Then about two years later Bill, I guess mad at is own Bi felings, started a rumor that I was caught with a boy in the locker room. It killed my social life. I moved through 3 school districts that were local to my home and found that the rumor was out there as well. At a point I started questioning my own sexuality and started experimenting with toys and things that would massage my prostate. My parents allowed me to quit HS and move on with life. It was not until college when I was suduced by a guy I went to HS with who was gay, 2 years my senior, did I actually go all the way with anal with him. Which to this day Im still a little upset at being used that night. I thought we would have the full experience but after he got his he was no longer intrested in doing anything. He got dressed and went home and I never saw him again. Too this day I still think thats what makes me nervious about finding a male partner. I want the whole experience to go well. I want both of us to have a good time..... shit... sorry... got on my box....

to answer the question... Freshman in High School...:rolleyes:

Apr 8, 2011, 11:50 AM
It was a while ago when I was 24ish, he was huge and scared me a little as I was shy the first time so he sucked me, rimmed me and jacked me while I just jacked him. I really think my second time was better and I really think of that as my first time. I knew what I wanted to tried everything, wish I still knew him.

Apr 8, 2011, 12:23 PM
I came out as bi when I was 17, slept with a man (one of my friends) at 19, tried to deny my bisexuality between ages 17-19--although I was becoming increasingly interested in women--and then I fell head over heels for a straight Catholic girl on a study abroad trip, came out as lesbian at age 20, and have slept with 2 different women. I'm almost 22 now and engaged. :bigrin:

Briar Rose
Apr 8, 2011, 2:29 PM
Don't laugh. All my barbies and my ken dolls always lived and slept together in a big "house". I would create a bed out of dishtowels to make the bed big enough for four. I knew. I didn't know what I knew, but I knew. They were all Daddies and Mommies and they all shared the same bed and lived together.

All through my teens I wondered what exactly my sexuality was. Nobody ever talked about bisexuality as being on the menu of choices. At first, I thought that I was lesbian because being interested in girls seemed both more important to the world at large and more forbidden, but I could never get over my feelings for guys both sexually and in terms of attachment. My desires felt very even to me, so I wasn't sure what to call it.

I think I had read about bisexuality in passing (Dad's Playboys) but I don't think it registered for me until I started reading science fiction. (Time Enough for Love)

I was pretty repressed. This was all very internal for me. I didn't engage sexually with anyone until very late--after college. I wasn't going to offer someone something I wasn't sure I could deliver on.

Apr 8, 2011, 3:20 PM
I started with my best male friend when we were 11. It was one of those "Would you ever......?" "No! Never..." "OK, lets!" And we were sucking or jerking each other off about every day till we headed in different directions for college.

I started with girls at about 14, very conventional.. 1st base, 2nd... got lucky and a very experienced girl chose me for the night at a party and I shed my M/F virginity at 15.

Along the way, we had boy orgies of up to 5 guys, and was in a few MMF's in college.

Apr 8, 2011, 8:16 PM
Putting aside a few f/f gropings and rubbing at Uni parties (alcohol enhanced, of course) I first seriously acted upon my "strange feelings" just after the birth of my 2nd daughter.
About age 30.