View Full Version : Free Love Day: Draw a Heart on Your Wrist, Change the World

Apr 7, 2011, 11:08 AM
I am not much of a cross poster... hell... Im not much of a poster... but this is something I am Real close to and would like to give my friends here a chance to be involved.

For years I have suffered from depression and thoughts of suicide. I have a "history" and really should not be living right now... but I made it through. It not nice nor is it fun to be in this state nor is it fun to be what feels like "needy" during these times. Alot of people out there suffer from the same thing as I do. I feel that awarness of people being allowed to feel the way they do by being Bisexual awareness of Depression and Suicide needs to be made to EVERYONE! Love should be unconditional. I know my battle with being bi was sometimes part of my problem with my depression.

Soooooo... that being said.... There is a public event on Facebook inviting everyone to draw a heart on their wrist on April 25.

Here are a few of the details:

On April 25th, put a heart on your wrist to signify that you will wear your heart on your sleeve and observe a LIFESTYLE of love. ASK SOMEONE HOW THEY'RE DOING. TELL PEOPLE YOU LOVE THEM AND DO IT. Nobody should have to feel so bad about themselves that they take their own life, so let's give them a reason not to! Let's change the world on April 25th!

You can "attend" the event by searching for : Free Love Day: Draw a Heart on Your Wrist, Change the World

Ok Mr. Moderator... Ill go back to my hole now. :)

Apr 7, 2011, 8:27 PM
Peck to your cheek Jackwaggon. :} Biig snuggly boobie hugs.

Apr 7, 2011, 10:53 PM
On April 25th, put a heart on your wrist to signify that you will wear your heart on your sleeve and observe a LIFESTYLE of love. ASK SOMEONE HOW THEY'RE DOING. TELL PEOPLE YOU LOVE THEM AND DO IT. Nobody should have to feel so bad about themselves that they take their own life, so let's give them a reason not to! Let's change the world on April 25th!

You can "attend" the event by searching for : Free Love Day: Draw a Heart on Your Wrist, Change the World

Ok Mr. Moderator... Ill go back to my hole now. :)

I just put the date in my Blackberry. You are Right...no one should feel alone.


roy m cox
Apr 8, 2011, 1:05 AM
aww i like this idea tho i put a hart on my shoulder for thou's who need one to cry on but i'll do this to :)


Apr 8, 2011, 6:34 AM
I think this is a wonderful idea and will do it :0)

Apr 8, 2011, 9:46 AM
Thanks for the support you wonderful people. Im getting my first ink next Sat which is a heart on the underside of my wrist. Ill try to post a pic in this thread. Thanks... Really..


Apr 16, 2011, 10:39 PM
I have posted a picture of my new ink on my profile which I shall wear for the rest of my life.

Thanks for all of your support folks.

the sacred night
Apr 17, 2011, 11:32 AM
I looked for it on facebook and don't see it. You sure it's a facebook event?

Apr 17, 2011, 1:05 PM
Awww how sweet and special (apologies to the Church Lady lol) :) but it's just more liberal fascist HORSESHIT !! Temporarily or permanently placing a mark on your skin to symbolically display love or care is hypocrisy and you've just sold out and are doing it for show...the mark is either on your heart, or it isn't..you display the real mark of your heart by the way you treat others each and every day...no advertisement is needed.. <sheesh>

drugstore cowboy
Apr 17, 2011, 7:54 PM
So what's the point of this thread? To show off a failed campaign that's not even on facebook at all or to show off a tattoo?

Apr 18, 2011, 10:50 AM
Since it seems some cant find it... here is the link to the site:


@drugstore: 272,000 people is not a failed campain. And as for my tattoo... well... your not the one who had the gun in your mouth ready to kiss a fucking bullet 2 weeks ago were you.... Had it not been for one person calling me and letting me know they cared, not knowing what was going on, I might just be pushing up the grass right now.... This mark I wear is to remind me, ESPECIALLY when I feel I need to take my own life, that life is worth living if not just for the fact that I dont want to cause the same pain that 4 others have caused in my life. It is something I should have done YEARS ago. It is an advertisement to everyone. I dont mind talking about it anymore. People need to know that there are people out there like me who need to hear that someone dose give a fuck about them.

@cuttin2dachase: I am just trying to figure out WHY you posted... why did you even click on the damn title of the post....

Im going to cover your little line and lets see how it works out:

this has nothign to do with being a liberal, I vote for the person *I* feel will be best for the job... not party. (pssss... I didnt vote for Obama)

Second: You next used the word "Fascists"

Fascists exalt violence, war, and militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through the military service. Fascists view violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.

What I am doing has NOTHING to do with violence, trying to stop that, war or militarism... It is to bring to light those who have problems with depression and suicide, of which I am one, and to remind myself in those times were it is so dark that all I can think about is myself, yes suicide is a selfish thing, that there are others who care about my sorry ass and I would only hurt them. I am sure you write yourself notes to get milk, bread and other things at the grocery store.... I look at my "advertisement" as a note to myself. Death is not the end of life. Thats the bottom line. If I take my life.... others live on with the pain I would cause them, not refering to you as I realize this is an internet post and you dont give a rats ass about me... or many other as I am forced to accept by your post. Of course you dont suffer from depression do you.... nope.. you have the perfect life... the perfect body.. all the money you ever need...all the love and affection you could ask for... guess what buck... I dont.. and I am willing to do what I did for me... not you...

As for it being Horseshit.... well.. A horse's shit is comprised of waste material from what a horse eats... grass, nope.. no grass in this campain... legumes, which include peas, beans, peanuts, lentils, alfalfa and carob,
Nope.. none of that in this post... and Hay, which is a mixture of grasses and Legumes, so no.. I would say there is no horseshit in the post.

In closing:

You have your way of living life and I dont judge you... what gives you the right to judge the way I live mine. I dont force my opinions on you unless you attack mine... which you did without knowing or asking you just attacked.. thats called "flaming" and I guess I fell for it... but wanted others to know what I was feeling... since you asked.

April 25. Free Love Day.. a Non-Liberal, Non-Facist, HORSESHIT free way of bringing to more light the problems with depression and suicide!

Draw a heart on your wrist and let the people you care about know YOU CARE!

Just my: :2cents:

Apr 18, 2011, 11:16 PM
Awww how sweet and special (apologies to the Church Lady lol) :) but it's just more liberal fascist HORSESHIT !! Temporarily or permanently placing a mark on your skin to symbolically display love or care is hypocrisy and you've just sold out and are doing it for show...the mark is either on your heart, or it isn't..you display the real mark of your heart by the way you treat others each and every day...no advertisement is needed.. <sheesh>

I think your comment is unfounded. Symbols are reminders..like the Yellow Ribbons we tied on trees to bring our hostages home. Do you feel the same way about the Pink Ribbons which have come to symbolize breast cancer. What about the American Legion and other veteran's organizations who distribute poppies for those lost in the wars.

Funny you do not think something could make a difference but it does. When I first posted to this thread I had made a comment to my daughter who is a sophmore in high school about it. A week ago today, she came home and told me that she noticed one of her team mates had cuttings on her wrists. She told two other team mates. One of them, a transfer student, made the comment that she too had done harm to herself when she was in eight grade. That she was away at boarding school and missed home and family and felt hopeless. In the end they went to the guidence department and nurse and her team mate was intervened upon. As a show of solidarity for their team mate, each girl wore a heart on their uniform.


Apr 19, 2011, 12:07 PM
Awww how sweet and special (apologies to the Church Lady lol) :) but it's just more liberal fascist HORSESHIT !! Temporarily or permanently placing a mark on your skin to symbolically display love or care is hypocrisy and you've just sold out and are doing it for show...the mark is either on your heart, or it isn't..you display the real mark of your heart by the way you treat others each and every day...no advertisement is needed.. <sheesh>

I am hesitant to point it out but what the hell.. liberalism and fascism are diametrically opposed philosphies.. I wear my heart of my sleeve every day of my life... but sometimes we have to have lil campaigns 2 gee people up and draw an issue to the public attention..to make them aware...to change minds by education.. mental illness has a stigma in society which it has never come near to shaking off.. and funnily enough it is proper conservatives/fascists/nazis who are more responsible for this stigma than devptees of any other philosphies..

..is very nice ur lil speech about the real mark of ur heart lyng in how u treat other peeps... makes sense 2 me.. u dont seem 2 practice it 2 much by ur use of the language do ya? Seems like the mark of a Grade A hypocrite 2 me... or do ya think thats 2 strong?;)

Apr 19, 2011, 12:15 PM
So what's the point of this thread? To show off a failed campaign that's not even on facebook at all or to show off a tattoo?

You must be a very lonely man.:(

Apr 19, 2011, 10:59 PM
Thank you folks for standing up and saying something. Sadly I am sure people who make remarks like these two tend to not check on the post after they have made them so they will never know how most really felt about what they said.

I call them seagull posters... they fly in... shit on everything.. then fly away... :)

Thanks again everyone :bigrin:

Apr 19, 2011, 11:19 PM
Awww how sweet and special (apologies to the Church Lady lol) :) but it's just more liberal fascist HORSESHIT !! Temporarily or permanently placing a mark on your skin to symbolically display love or care is hypocrisy and you've just sold out and are doing it for show...the mark is either on your heart, or it isn't..you display the real mark of your heart by the way you treat others each and every day...no advertisement is needed.. <sheesh>

Then don't draw the damn heart on your damn wrist.

I however will be.

Great cause, I have been where you were wrbi01 and it sucks. I hope you are doing better.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:20 AM
Just a quick reminder folks!!! Dont forget your heart on Monday!! :)

And thanks again for all the support... really.. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Apr 23, 2011, 12:19 PM
I'll be remembering this day as well as ANZAC day on Monday so I will be drawing a red poppy and then surrounding it with a heart trouble is I don't draw well so the poppy might not be recognizable :)

Apr 23, 2011, 4:09 PM
wrbi01, don't let it get to you, there are horseshit assholes on this site. ignore them and then they fade into the hateful obscurity from whence they came from.

Apr 23, 2011, 8:06 PM
I prefer the shirts ---- To Write Love On Her Arms (http://www.twloha.com/index.php).


Apr 23, 2011, 9:18 PM
My red sharpie is waiting by my pile of stuff that I carry out the door every morning.

Thanks for sharing so much. There are those days when it is unbearable - I will remember and do better for myself and for others.

Thank you for giving me a much needed boost.

hugs and hugs and hugs-

Apr 25, 2011, 8:48 AM
Well... today is the day folks. Thanks for the support! Wear your hearts proudly!

Every 16 Min. someone dies from suicide.... Every 17 min someone is left to make sense of it

A few Facts:

-In 2006, suicide accounted for 33,300 deaths in the US and an estimated 12 to 25 attempted suicides occur for every completed act.

-People who have attempted suicide in the past are much more likely than the average person to attempt again. 15&#37; of individuals will try again during the first year following an attempt (the risk being higher during the first three months). Approximately 1% will kill themselves during the first year and about 3% during the 5 years following an attempt.

-There are certain characteristics that have been found in those who are more likely to repeat an attempted suicide:

- Age of 45 or more
- Being male
- Previous attempts resulting in hospitalization
- Drug/alcohol abuse
- Personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder
- Living alone
- History of psychiatric treatment
- Criminal record
- Lower social class

However suicide occurs among people of all ethnic groups, genders, religions and social classes.

Free Love Day is a day to promote awareness of suicide and depression, as well as to advocate a LIFESTYLE of unconditional love.

If you are in suicidal crisis please call 800-273-TALK. There are caring and understanding people there to listen to you and hear you out.

I ♥ You all!! Thanks again.