View Full Version : As a youngster i was 30% gay 70% Hetero, now 80%/ 20%

Apr 4, 2011, 3:03 AM
As a youngster i was 30% gay 70% Hetero, now 80%/ 20%.
Are their more people who made this large change?
What most changed are my sexual fantasies and the sexual possibilities with men. And also the lack of sexual possibilities with women. What seemed really arousing when i was young isn't now anymore, but have changed.
Who has the same?, What changed for you? And how fast did it change?

Apr 4, 2011, 6:26 AM
Yes, that has happened to me as well. It seems for me that lately my relationships with men has been more fullfilling because men give me the opportunity to become more submissive and let them have me completely. Not that women haven't, but with men it is more exciting and rewarding for me. I love to please both and still do.

Apr 4, 2011, 7:30 AM
It seems for me that lately my relationships with men has been more fullfilling because men give me the opportunity to become more submissive and let them have me completely.

That is a bit part of it for me...when younger I was probably 20/80 gay /straight with my fantasies.

To be honest, after years of marriage and lots of straight sex, I'm about 95/5 when it comes to my fantasies. I just don't think of women sexually that often, occasionally see a hot young woman in lingere and I do dwell for a bit, but I'm thinking of sex with men almost daily/

Apr 4, 2011, 11:12 AM
Makes sense to me. My sexuality baffles me completely, and I've often wondered if there were others like me. My best friend is a lesbian and she said different people realize their sexuality at different times. I was completely 100% straight my whole life... or so I thought. Most people have some inkling of knowing. They realize they're different, or realize they have feelings for the same sex even as kids, or at least in high school! Not me! It came about gradually, and I assumed I was bisexual or at least bicurious around the age of 19 or 20. Now I'm 27 and I know that I'm truly bisexual, and I've been with a girl too so there's no mistaking it. Maybe all bisexuals go through varying stages in different parts of their lives, who knows! I've realized bisexuality can be very complicated and confusing at times, but I don't care! I love it and I'm proud of it! :-D

Apr 4, 2011, 11:46 AM
Pretty much the same here. I still like to look at women but my fantasies have gone, over the years, from just women to mmf threesomes to just mm sex these days. I read somewhere that as men get older testerone drops allowing estrogen to have a larger effect. Now if those recent fantasies would become realities... :-)

Apr 4, 2011, 11:58 AM
People do change at different stages in life: at some ages a person can be more into the opposite sex, and at other times into the same sex. Gays consider it heresy to say that, but it is still true.

Apr 4, 2011, 12:40 PM
Same here. mostly fantasize about mm sex and bi mmf. I still find women attractive, but men now occupy my thoughts. I have played with men, but never have been in love with one. Now I want that...a male lover.

Apr 4, 2011, 2:05 PM
I don't have the formula to figure percentages.

I'm dying to find a use for my old calculus calculator though !

Apr 4, 2011, 6:23 PM
I've seen similar thoughts expressed in the forums a lot. I wonder if it is a case of, as men grow older they become less attractive to young fertile women, unless they are rich, famous or powerful of course. As women grow older they become less attractive to men. Men still need or crave the sexual outlet, so they start looking at each other. lol Just an observation.lol

Apr 4, 2011, 6:23 PM
It's the same for me. I've been having sex with guys since I was 12 and I loved it but at some level it was also because guys were available. Now in my early 40s I'd say my sexual energy is 80% homo 20% hetero. If there were a hot guy and a hot women standing next to each other and I had my pick I'd prob end up with the guy.

I still don't see myself in a romantic relationship with a guy. It may be because I've never been hurt by a guy that I like being with them better now.

I'm toying with the idea of taking a solo vacation to another part of the country and doing the whole thing as a gay man. The bit of time I've spent in the gay community has been fun and I'd just like to let myself go.

DB Forever
Apr 4, 2011, 6:53 PM
Morandi, you make an excellent observation about how your preferences change over the years as you mature and grow up. I have done a considerable amount of research in the academic literature about bisexuality and have found a glaring MISTAKE in most of the research. In most of the research on bisexuality the researcher uses the most convient sample population. That population is college age people who want to make a few $$ participating in research surveys. Very few studies use survey subjects over 23 years old, the time we all know is when our attitudes and preferences change. I know for a fact when I was younger (like you) my answers to a survey would be quite different than now. So the next time you read an article that references "academic research" you need to take a look at the study and see the ages of the survey population. In the current research there are "lies", "damn lies" and "statistics" in increasing order of severity.

Keep asking the hard questions, and keep your focus on your own values. That is the most important thing. Thanks for this conversation.


drugstore cowboy
Apr 6, 2011, 1:19 AM
People do change at different stages in life: at some ages a person can be more into the opposite sex, and at other times into the same sex. Gays consider it heresy to say that, but it is still true.

You must not know that many gay men if you think that most or all gay men somehow think this about bisexuals or about human sexuality in general.

No, gay men do not consider it heresy that there are people who are bisexual, and that someone who is bisexual has sexual attractions that change over time or throughout their life.

Apr 6, 2011, 8:39 AM
I didn't act on my bisexual urges until I was 40. I finally met the right guy and he patiently guided me into homosexuality. Yet I maintained and continue to maintain satisfying heterosexual relationships as well. Like some here I swing (bad choice of word) between my "gay" and heterosexual side with some regularity.

Last night I watched the 1936 film Swing Time, which starred Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Ginger Rogers was gorgeous, wearing beautiful costumes, showing awesome leg, funny and very seductive. I went home thinking of her, imagining what it might have been like to hold her, kiss her, make love to her. It was all very arousing and I had to relieve myself before I could sleep..

Tonight I'm meeting a man I've know for a couple of years. I already know that the evening will end (or begin) with me on my back, my legs on his shoulders as he gently enters me. Depending on his (and my) mood, I may even be in heels and nylons, as he likes to see me dressed. Go figure.