View Full Version : Obnoxious

May 1, 2006, 1:22 PM
Hello Everyone~

I wanted to take a moment and thank all of you for putting up with me and my inscessant posting in the forums area.

I just recently found Bisexual.com and am thrilled to have finally found a place where I am not in danger, considered a freak or a pervert, or have to put up with folks assuring me that I am doomed and heading straight to hell because of my sexuality.

I tried several times to set up a site in Yahoo that would do what this site does, but could never get like minded people to join. They always ended up as cruising-only groups where nobody had anything to say and didn't want to discuss the issues and impacts that being Bisexual involve.

When I found this site, I felt like a kid in a candy store. Again, thank you all for your kind indulgence, patience, and replies/messages.

And many thanks to the site owners and moderators for creating and maintaining such a great place.

I think I may have finally found a place where I fit in. I can not describe how wonderful that feels.


May 1, 2006, 2:33 PM
Welcome to the site!!! So glad you found it as it really is a great place to mingle and be yourself. Post away and enjoy yourself!

May 1, 2006, 4:40 PM
God have you been hanging out with my family :eek: . You are most welcome I know how you feel I love it here too. It is like having an extended family that understands and is excepting and indulgent of you. You keep up sweetie.


May 1, 2006, 7:50 PM
Drew has done a fantastic job creating and moderating this site. Glad you found it and like it so much......

May 1, 2006, 10:27 PM
Sweetie, I'm newer than you are I think...and yep, feel like I found home too. You just post away, I've enjoyed everything you've had to say.
