View Full Version : A Guy's First Time

Apr 29, 2006, 8:53 PM
My wonderful girlfriend and myself are looking forward to entering the lifstyle. Like many other men's comments that I have read, my interest is to suck off a man with her next to me. This really excites both of us the older we get. Our question is , do people 'police' themselves as far as STD's go? Do you feel comfortable with the people you meet? Do most people creae a long term relationships?
Thanks for any ideas you all my have!

Apr 30, 2006, 11:25 AM
My wonderful girlfriend and myself are looking forward to entering the lifstyle. Like many other men's comments that I have read, my interest is to suck off a man with her next to me. This really excites both of us the older we get. Our question is , do people 'police' themselves as far as STD's go? Do you feel comfortable with the people you meet? Do most people creae a long term relationships?
Thanks for any ideas you all my have!

The Bisexual community is just like any other community, including the world in general. Some folks are honest, some lie.

Please- - - Be Safe! I can not stress this enough. Especially on the Web, not everyone is who or what they say they are, and your personal health and safety is ultimately your own responsibility! There are folks out there who are going to tell the truth, and are safe and drug/disesase free; then there are those who really don't care about you or your health. They know they have an STD, but want to have that sexual encounter so they lie.

Be careful, ask questions, ask others about the person you are considering meeting to see if they have anything to say. And take everything into due consideration. And remember, it is possible for a person to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease and not even know it themselves.

I don't want to sound like an alarmist (too late???), I just want you to be safe.

Congratulations to both you and yours for wanting to explore this. I sincerely hope you both find what you are looking for and enjoy it (or him - lol)

Apr 30, 2006, 11:47 AM
Howdy M&D, and welcome to the site. I wonder why there have been no replys to your post yet, as it has a good subject (one Im intrested in :) ) and asks some good questions. As far as STDs go, if I had one I would let my possible sexual partner know. I havent met anyone yet (not sure I ever will) but I think you should feel comfortable with them online before you ever meet. I think long term relationships would be the way to go. I know there are many smart, interesting, friendly, folks here that can answer your questions.


Apr 30, 2006, 11:51 AM
OOPS MBM snuck in on me :bigrin: had some great info too. Thanks MBM


Apr 30, 2006, 2:15 PM
OOPS MBM snuck in on me :bigrin: had some great info too. Thanks MBM


Hmmmmm- having "snuck" in on you, what should I do next??? LOL

Thanks to you and everyone else here who has made me feel so welcome!

Apr 30, 2006, 3:23 PM
I agree always ask questions of the person you are with and also state really clear what you are looking for so that they are no mixed messages. As you have already been told be careful and always be safe but have a good time doing it.

Yes a relationship can develope in these instances which is good so that familiarity(opps spelling) is there and everyone is at ease. Also sex is always good just be safe.


May 4, 2006, 1:01 PM
I know the fear of catching an std has kept me from fulfilling my fantasy at all. I couldn't even begin to imagine the guilt I would feel passing along an std to my wife of 28 years.

May 5, 2006, 2:51 AM
yea its such a hassle well at least i can suck my self