View Full Version : Time to say 'Goodbye'

Apr 27, 2006, 10:55 AM
It's time for me to say goodbye to all my friends on Bisexual.Com.

I've made quite a few friends here and really do enjoy chatting with all of you, but have made a decision that was quite hard to do.

As quite a few of you know, I am straight, but was told that this site had a lot of really wonderful people on it to chat with and have a good time. That person was right. I have met so many wonderful people, one in particular that I ended up falling in love with. With that person now not being on the site any longer and his wife now back in the picture to some extent (at least helping him get his life back in order), I really do feel the need to leave.

I find myself getting back on site all the time with the hopes of seeing him. It's like going through a divorce myself and it really hurts. I'm sure a lot of you know the feeling. The kind of feeling when you really know that it's over, but you keep grabbing for ANYTHING that will bring that feeling back again so you don't hurt so bad!

I find myself coming home from work everyday and getting right on the computer to see if there are any messages from him (which I know there won't be). But, I don't even go into the chat room anymore at all either. I find myself going back over all of the threads, posts, pms, that this person wrote, and I'm just making myself hurt over it.

I am so glad that his wife and daughter are helping him though!!! That he isn't alone in all of this. It has been tough on all of them I'm sure. A HUGE HUG to them both! That has put my mind at ease. I thank them both for that.

I will be getting on chat tonight to talk for one last time to my friends. Hope to see you there!

With love to all of you,


Apr 27, 2006, 11:23 AM

I never had the chance to chat with you, but I wish you well as you move on. You sound like a wonderful person that I would be proud to call my friend.

If/when you return to us, there will be plenty of open arms. God bless.

Apr 27, 2006, 11:32 AM

I'm sorry to hear your moving on Like "Warm" we never had a chat. Please don't be afraid to come back to the site once you have worked things out for yourself. You sound honest and true and it would be a shame to have you gone for good..... Peter

Apr 27, 2006, 12:16 PM
I have been on here a few months but never had the chance to chat with you I am sorry to see you go. Sweetie remember there are always people here who care about you also not just Rupe. With all the threads you have written you care too. Please remember we are here for you too. :kay: .


Apr 27, 2006, 12:38 PM
Hey Macy...

i have such respect for your honesty here... and although we have never spoken, can see how you and Rupe became soulmates so quickly...

take care yeah... and know that if ever you do choose to return here, you will be welcomed with open arms :three:

love Julie x

Apr 27, 2006, 12:46 PM
I never got a chance to chat with you either, but you seem like an honest and caring person. I would have been glad to know you! I hope everything works out for you in the future and I wish you the best.

We'll all welcome you back any time!


Apr 27, 2006, 1:19 PM
Goodbye & and take care!! We will miss you!

Apr 27, 2006, 1:56 PM
I really hate to see you go macy, but understand the reasoning behind it very well. You know where we are if you ever feel like chatting. I hope you will check back once in awhile and let us know how you're doing. You're part of our family here whether you like it or not. :tong:

rupert bears wife
Apr 27, 2006, 2:02 PM
Please dont leave the site i am sure ron will want to keep in touch when he is better. I have NO contact with him and never will , apart from my children if and when they see him so please just wait I am sure you will be part of his world. Ron can not get to any computer at the moment in time that is why you are not receving anything, he is not allowed to he has to steer clear of the real world for a while. Rethink please and be patient.........

Apr 27, 2006, 4:05 PM
Good bye to you my friend, and good luck to you in whatever you do.


Apr 27, 2006, 6:55 PM

Hugs to you...What a wonderful soul you have!.....Please be patient.....we are here for you........Time will be your friend......I am sure of it.........Just a feeling I have.....

If however you decide to leave....like Arana said.....You know where we are..

Thank you Mrs. Rupe for posting......and encouraging Macy to wait.....

That was very kind of you.......

Hugs.......Blessings and a peaceful heart.....


Apr 27, 2006, 8:45 PM
Heed rupe bear wifes advice...Be patient...But if you must leave, then I wish you much luck and good spirits to you...Until our paths cross once again... :paw: :paw:

Apr 27, 2006, 11:33 PM
I used to be a major 'loner' and dealt with ALL difficulties by isolating myself.

....discovered that those incredible friends are there for the laughter, as well as the tears.

I see that style of people in here too, probably why I enjoy hanging out at this site. Connect with those who care when you need to, you are never alone! *hugs*

meteast chick
Apr 28, 2006, 1:28 PM
Macy, I too wish you would heed Mrs. Rupe's advice and give it another chance and wait, but in the event your mind is made up, my best wishes go out to you. I have had a bit of a chance to see you in chat here and there, I have also heard from Ron about his feelings for you and it would be a shame to give up now. Both of you are in difficult situations, but remember: This too shall pass. Things always get worse before they get better, and if anyone's advice makes a difference to you, it should be Mrs. Rupe's. She obviously realizes how he feels about you, and has attested to the nature of their relationship. It takes alot of strength to do what you are all doing, so keep strong Macy.

luv and kisses,

Apr 28, 2006, 2:44 PM
Alright Macylyn...I'm the one that brought you here and it's been great having you here. I have shared many things with you and you with me. You were there for me when I went through a very hard time and appreciate everything you have done for me and still are doing for me. Without you I would have had NO ONE except this place here. While this place is wonderful and we all have made many, many friends and become family..YOU are also outside of this site for me. You are a wonderful friend (crap, now I"m crying) :(

However, I do know how you feel about Rupe..OH, how I know. And I also know that you need to do what you need to do. But I think you will miss seeing some of the other friends you have made on this site. This is the place to come to when you need to talk, need a hug and just need to vent. I got you to join here, you came back many times for Rupe and you helped Rupe in many ways. But you also touched alot of other people here also. Please, don't leave entirely. Just take a break for a bit and when you've recovered..come back. We will all be here waiting for you. We all love you! :bigrin:

Your friend Mrs.F :rotate: :wiggle2: :bounce: :grouphug: :bowdown:

Apr 30, 2006, 4:55 AM
Oh you silly thing!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for no contact but the asylum doesn't allow internet traffic!!!!!

But I am now off close ob.s and escorted leave......I can come and go as I please......it's a heck of a distance to this interent cafe....but here I am on Sunday 30th April 2006 and it's so cool to see the post from my (soon to be ex-) wife...shame she didn't join earlier but then we would never have met!!

I'll be putting up a new thread in a little while (Message from Pluto) for all to read but this is just for you my love.

Ron :)