View Full Version : A Girl's First Time

Apr 26, 2006, 8:48 PM
This is my first post. I'm actually new here. So here goes...

I've been attracted to women my entire life. I was attracted to girls before I noticed boys. So I finally have my chance to be intimate with another female and I have to say I'm a little nervous/scared.

Any experiences/tips from other females about their first time, positive or negative? I have to say this would be a lot easier if I hadn't waited so long. :eek:

:female: wildangel :female:

Apr 26, 2006, 8:59 PM
It is normal to be nervous you may find that you melt after the first kiss then it will be exporing and learning what the other likes :2cents:
This is also from someone with limited experience but I do know you will melt. :female:
Good luck and don't worry you are with another women.


Apr 26, 2006, 9:12 PM
Congratulations on your first post Wildangel and your first encounter. I hope everything goes well for you and you have many more in your future!
It's natural to be nervous but once things get going I'm sure it will all feel great and the butterflies will go away.

Apr 27, 2006, 12:52 AM
Ok i know im a guy but i think i can give you my :2cents:
Just go with your gut feeling,You know better than anyone what is right for you.Have fun dont stress. Enjoy life :flag4:

Apr 27, 2006, 2:03 AM
This is my first post. I'm actually new here. So here goes...

I've been attracted to women my entire life. I was attracted to girls before I noticed boys. So I finally have my chance to be intimate with another female and I have to say I'm a little nervous/scared.

Any experiences/tips from other females about their first time, positive or negative? I have to say this would be a lot easier if I hadn't waited so long. :eek:

:female: wildangel :female:

first of all...welcome to the site! there are great people here and you learn lots... lots of stuff you never even thought you'd want to learn. haha it's a fun place

2nd, i'm 24 and just recently came out. i am in the process of getting to know a wonderful woman...we have messed around a few times, but had our first real sexual experience about a month ago. she lives two hrs away, so i don't get to see her often. but, i was extremly nervous about doing things with her. i had thought about woman for a long time...and was slowly making steps coming out to myself, then friends and family etc. but i was still scared as hell to do anything TOO intimate with her.

when it finally happeend...it was just so natural. she pretty much took the lead b/c i was still so shy/nervous. but it all just...worked wonderfully...lol it was so natural, intimate, and just a great experience. it was not at all the scary thing i thought it would be. i think alot of this had to do w/the fact that since the beginning of our friendship i hve been open and honest about my feelings. i told her that i was scared to kiss her when i first met her..i told her that i was scared and nervous about things happeneing in teh bedroom. and b/c i let her in on those feelings...she took things slow with me...she waited for teh 'ok' from me before we became too intimate.

my advice is to just be open with your partner (or partner to be)...take things as slow as YOU feel you need to. for me having an intimate relationship w/a woman was like relosing my virginity...and i wanted to wait until it felt right. oh, and don't feel that you waited too long...personally..i'm glad i didn't act on my feelings towards woman too soon...and that i waited for someone that is a friend...and has become more thena friend.

anyway...sorry i got so wordy...lol i just love talkin 'bout my girlfriend and my experience w/her...and this is about the only place i can do that openly!!!

good luck and i hope you enjoy this site!!! :female:

Lisa (va)
Apr 27, 2006, 11:51 AM
I'm not sure age has anything to do with being nervous as it is probably common at any age. As long as you follow your instincts and don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with all should hopefully go well. And, as
Rebeka stated go slowly, there is no need to rush things, let t hem happen normally and above all talk about your excitement as well as your aprehensions. Emotionally (for me at least) it has the same feelings, only the actual mechanics of sex change.


hugs n kisses

Apr 27, 2006, 4:17 PM
Congrats WildAngel, I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
I was about your age the first time I was with another guy and just like you I was VERY nervous. The one thing that did help was alcohol ;)
But seriously, once the initial contact has started, i.e. being alone ( NO distractions), talking, touching etc. you will be surprised at how natural everything will be once you and your lover are in bed.
We have all been with the opposite sex but the first time you are with the same sex needs to be a private and intimate affair.
Oh and a few candles around the bedroom would be an excellent touch!!


Apr 29, 2006, 8:10 PM
Just go with your gut feeling,You know better than anyone what is right for you.Have fun dont stress. Enjoy life :flag4:

I have to go with Bigreg's advice.
KIS Keep it simple!
Just let what happens happen.
At some point, you'll have to make an instantaneous decision "do I go on?"
Once past that point, .....baby, "just do it!"

two small points:
*Everyone was nervous first time. It is like losing your virginity.
*there are a lot of gay/bi people, so it must be pretty good!

Apr 29, 2006, 8:16 PM
Thanks so much everyone!!! She'll be here in about ten minutes. I just thought I'd drop a note real quick and tell everyone how much I appreciate their support.

Love to you all!!