View Full Version : Touching Base

Feb 16, 2011, 4:23 AM
Thought it time for a bit of updating for those interested. If you aren't skip on to something else. I'm easy to overlook.

My brother's father in law died Monday afternoon some time between 2 and 2:30 pm. He did not have a will, it was being finished yet life, well. So it is possible my two brothers and the one's wife, two little girls may need to look for a home. Her dad hadn't left over the home to them and they had filed bankruptcy a bit ago.

My wife and me will probably be moving as well, before April, no later than April. Mom filed chapter 7 recently. This means the bank gets to take her home to pay creditors. As we're living with her, we need to move out soon.

We will probably return to West Virginia. Hopefully, there will be some form of work available. I'm about ready to literally commit myself and see if getting a 'crazy check' may help. One of the wife's friends knows a lawyer that gets drunks a disability pension. Hey, why not?

I also came to realize something yesterday about work, or at least the work I do. I am paid hourly. This means it does not matter how many bins I repair or don't in any given day. The bins are made from low grade raw lumber, meaning they will without a doubt fall apart again. Which draws me to conclude:

1. Quality nor quantity matter in my work.
2. I am paid one set rate and doubtful of increasing that, see number one.
3. Most of the work I've done until now has fallen into this same model.
4. There's no wonder I no longer give a fuck and am very near picking up a gun to ignite an inferno. Kind of hard not to feel like everyone is out to get you when ... they are.
5. People have become robots.

It keeps getting worse, there is no light at the tunnel's end. I'm tired of being sick and tired. But if I ask for help or say anything the big old "Crazy as Natural Born Sin" label comes out. I surprise people by articulating well, and displaying being so well read. Yet the military says I failed to meet educational standards twenty years ago.

"Codswallop and cherry tarted trolips!!"

To say I'm in a 'mood' is an understatement. Pissed off, me? Fuck no, does no good to be. I'm ready to loose the beast and get results. I say we lock America down, too. No more work until the government starts letting people have homes, keep dignity, pride, a sense of self worth ... kills off the bankers and lawyers, abolishes needless taxes and Representative salaries. They don't do anything for We the People anyway, why pay them? So, lock it up!

And I mean lock it up solid. Let business take it in the wallet. No work, no buying. What would they do, call for Marshall law to force people to be a wage slave and consumer? Stop and think a minute. you work to create a product, get paid say $8 an hour, the product retails for $16 an hour. It may be a product that is vital to your life. But you can't afford it. I don't go to a doctor anymore, not unless there is no avoiding it. Haven't seen a dentist in years, got bad teeth, need dentures. Can't do it. No insurance to help.

I might be able to use welfare, charity type of help. But that is being used by many others, is dwindling away too. Besides that using charity makes me feel worthless, antiquated, obsolete. Help is okay and got no problem asking for it. But it's only help and you ought not rely on it for all. And yes I do got a minor problem asking. It's hard to ask wen in the past you've gotten laughed in the face for asking. Makes you learn more self reliance, get more frustrated.

"Bah, let it rain in Spain, curse the Dane!"

So yeah ... Lock America Up!

Feb 16, 2011, 6:22 AM
Your irked Vodie.. I can tell..

Well hun it isnt very much better here.. if at all.. its quite possible we are beuing dragged back into recession.. Germany has grown of 4%, unemployment half ours, and other countries have probs but are slowly dragging themselves out of the mire (we hope).. at least they are showing signs of it..

Unemployment is soaring month by month, there are no jobs for the young, and its even worse for girls.. of the adult workforce the brunt is on women, pay isnt keeping up any where near with prices, unless you are working for an instituion which helped cause the mess in the first place.. the over 50s inflation rate is at least 50% higher than those under.. fuel costs spiral, food is shooting through the roof, public transport costs rise all the time far ahead of inflation, taxes go up, especially indirect taxation which hurts the poorest sectors worst..

We have a coalition government which is an alliance of the Tories (right of centre) and liberals ("left" of centre) and a junior party which is allowing the Tories more or less get away with what they like on the holy grail of a promise of electoral reform.. the NHS is being squeezed and deformed, local government crushed, the public sector slaughtered, the military ( for all my hatred of it), the welfare state withering on the vine, welfare and disability benefits under real threat, banks getting away with murder, no investment in jobs and industry, university funding in chaos and further education for the poorer sectors of our society fast becoming a thing of the past pressure being heaped on schools with recruitment bans and ever more work outside of actually teaching, social deprivation shooting thorugh the roof, houses repossessed, the police to lose thousands with some forces cutting their bobbies by up to 25%.. crime has been falling but its hard to see how it can last..

.. and to top it all.. Cameron and his "Big Society". What is that? Charity to do work that government and local government have always been responsible for, save your local pub, ur local shop.. do good works.. a few measly hundred million being shoved into a bank to fund these good works to compensate for thousands of billions in cuts..

I am well off, have a very good salary, have a partner who also has a very good salary, we have no mortgage and are very comfortably off in a big rambling house which suits us very well.. down the road a bit we see people with nothing, struggling to make ends meet and often going hungry.. more and more local shops being boarded up and being forced to do increased grocery shopping at bloody great supermarkets and amd are giving up work because they cant afford to pay the costs of travel such is the crappiness of wages and the times they are expected to work.. less work is full time, and people are having to hold down 3 or 4 jobs to come close to making ends meet. Job security is no more.. and there is even pressure on teachers to surrender 4 days of their holidays to fund inservice training.. one local authority is thinking of changing over to a 4 day week for schools.. nursery costs are spiralling, and it appears you have to find on average a deposit of 25% before u are even considered for a mortgage.. and are likely to be 37 before u can even get on the ladder of property owning.. our roads after two shit winters are in a right state and avoiding pot holes can be very precarious (and many werent that great even in good times)..

So we have it good.. we are really lucky.. but even we know that things are difficult cos we see it in our own outgoings..we can still save.. but nowhere near the level of 2 years or even a year ago. For the vast majority things are far far worse than they will ever be for us.. and even impossible for some.. we may be ok.. but that may not always be the case, for we are subject to circumstances like anyone else.. and we care and get really ratty about what we see as blatant injustice in how our goverment is tackiing the crisis.. cuts and, the market and rechanneling into charity seem to be its only weapons.. there is no investment for the future.. I could go on and on.. so I understand your despair Voidie.. for I see it every day here myself.. shit innit?

Long Duck Dong
Feb 16, 2011, 7:55 AM
I was 14 when I left school.......

first job, I could pull $800 a week, working 14 hours a day, 6 days a week....
ciggies were $1.12 for 20 cigs, a 6 pack was $4 and gas was $.32 a litre.....

20 years later, I could pull $800 a week, working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week
ciggies are now $18 for 30 cigs, a 6 pack is $18 and gas is sitting around $2.00 a litre

I spent some time on a unemployment benefit in 86, it was $136 a week.... now in 2011, its $156 a week......

between 86 and 2011, the average politicians salary has increased 87%, including the 33% in the 80s...... they struggle along on a average $150k a year ( 3k a week ).....

in nz, we have 120 politicians for a country of 4.2 mill people......
youth employment is sitting on 20% and 9% overall...... we have more and more businesses moving to asian countries.... and if you ring a company helpline... it will be answered in india......
67% of nz is foreign owed

we are being told that more and more people in NZ are living longer.... by 2020-25 the nz economy will not be able to supply the elderly.....

all I can see, is people telling me to eat healthy, stop smoking and live longer........ all I can say... is what the fuck for ??? higher cost of living, no simple pleasures and to be told when I am 65, I'm too old, too broke and taking up space in a country that is now 100% foreign owned.......

Dead Account
Feb 16, 2011, 8:26 AM
Firstly, thank you for your post, Void. We truly are upon tough times. Some see it more readily than others. And a lot of it is causing corporate greed to go viral, because so many are desperate to work that they are willing to take a pay cut so some greedy fat cat can make even more money at out expense. I just read yesterday how the Governor of Wisonsin is threatening to call out the National Guard if workers go on strike. It's all very surreal. I feel for your family. I was laid off for 4 months with no hope of work in Michigan, when an offer out of state came my way which would've been normally out of reach, but my old government training came into play. I consider myself fortunate. I'm not at all under any illusion that this job could easily wave bye bye at any moment. I live a day at a time knowing that. I hope things turn around for you and yours.

Feb 16, 2011, 9:47 AM
If it's of any consolation we're being screwed sensless by our government. Some bankers will earn in one single bonus more than what it takes a lifetime for an average worker to earn. Globalisation means that workers wages fall towards the lowest common denominator but somehow the money boys remain immune.

The delusion that as a nation we are financially well off is begining to dissipate to the extent that even the liars cannot overlook it. Savings earn nothing in interest so our pensioners are more and more going to have to choose between eating and keeping warm.

The SciFi nightmare is becoming a reality.

I hope that things work out for you in the end Void

Feb 16, 2011, 9:56 AM
If it's of any consolation we're being screwed sensless by our government. Some bankers will earn in one single bonus more than what it takes a lifetime for an average worker to earn. Globalisation means that workers wages fall towards the lowest common denominator but somehow the money boys remain immune.

The delusion that as a nation we are financially well off is begining to dissipate to the extent that even the liars cannot overlook it. Savings earn nothing in interest so our pensioners are more and more going to have to choose between eating and keeping warm.

The SciFi nightmare is becoming a reality.

I hope that things work out for you in the end Void

The nightmare, Heph.. forget the science fiction element.. and its here now and is reality.. we just havent got to the stage where we scream in terror yet.. but thats not far off.. cos we are in the cold sweat, tossing and turning stage..

Feb 16, 2011, 1:53 PM
Indeed Void, the economy is in a mess worldwide and no one ever admitted we were in a depression. There are enough folks still alive around here that went through 1929 and they stated it baldly. Depression is here, but it will get better. I keep asking myself, when?


Feb 16, 2011, 2:02 PM

I read this last night before bed and still can't adequately think of a reply that is more than, Hell Yeah.

It is a bad time for all, unemployment is not skyrocketing anymore it's doing something worse, it's staying steadily high. More and more businesses have to closer their doors or move to areas where there is more of a demand for the supply of services.

So just hugs and thanks for expressing what a lot of us are feeling right now.

Feb 16, 2011, 3:52 PM
Ben-Honey, all I can do is offer you hugs and tell you to not lose hope. Just keep on keeping on and strive forward always. Dont let Anything knock you back. Good luck in finding new digs, and good luck to you and yours. It'l be tough for a while, but do what you Have to do to get by.
Hugs Sweetie.

Feb 17, 2011, 6:56 AM
"shit innit?"

Aye it has been that for a while now. Sure, I know people have things happen sometimes. It has just seemed all the time, for me and mine. We joke but really do understand, "if it weren't for bad luck we'd have none."

And yes I know, or did in general, it's bad to worse the world over. Thank you for providing more of a picture. Not asking pity. Irked, yes. People need to let go of things as a means of coping with stress. I feel on this site capable of a bit more freedom in speech. But I do self censor.

If I appeared to be threatening or menacing, apologies. I feel quite frustrated and restricted in what options are there. This at times makes me and others blurt of exasperation and maybe say what not ought be said in such a state. I feel trapped and as though someone is crushing life with a boot heel. Try being under a boot heel yourself, tell me if you don't feel like doing what ever is needed or perceived as needed to ensure survival, even killing. I would rather blurt something asinine out than follow through with the action in mind, much safer.

"The economy is in a mess worldwide and no one ever admitted we were in a depression. "

Exactly. About five years ago, Russia, Japan and a few other nations and states all went on a bankrupt wagon. America chose to not follow suit despite being there as well. "oh no, not Merika, again, no way."

What really bothers me is money is an idea we all agree on. There is literally nothing backing money now, just the idea. Why not agree on other Good Ideas(tm)? Such Good Ideas as humans are allowed dignity, a base wage for all their needs, abolishing hunger, war, disease, abuse. No we can't do that. Want to know why we can't? Governments and big business who make lots of money creating exclusionary factions. I'm no pure genius but even a dumb country boy can see it. so hey, why not ditch the money idea all together. It is just keeping us down.

No offense Fran. I am glad you gals do alright, glad anyone can really. But I'm sure you may agree about losing a monster and gaining more freedom. And that's my aim in ditching money, a bigger picture than any of us.

One of Anonymous' slogans has been "Because none of us are as cruel as all of us." I think of seeing it another way. "None of us are as compassionate as all of us." I know, I dream.

"More and more businesses have to closer their doors or move to areas where there is more of a demand for the supply of services. "

And move the production to cheaper labor, or bring in cheaper laborers. Again, I'm not prejudice but get tired of seeing well, Mexicans, taking America jobs. "Listen to the new sound, just like the old sound. They come put the noose round. Up on the Hill they open a prison, slam and chain shut a school." (RATM paraphrased)

Our government is a Republic. I have been doing some reading about that recently. In a republic we can solve problems on our own and not rely a government. The government is merely Representatives of us and try solving problems for us. This doesn't mean they always can.

And yes, in our Declaration of Independence We The People are granted Liberty, liberty to abolish a government full of abuse and corruption. In fact We are told it is a undeniable right of all of us to do so. I don't know, it may be time again. Looks like it.

"Some bankers will earn in one single bonus more than what it takes a lifetime for an average worker to earn. Globalisation means that workers wages fall towards the lowest common denominator but somehow the money boys remain immune."

Funny that, huh?

This is what we need to stop. It degrades us all, save the elite. What gives them such right anyway? Of course, human nature. Well, let's evolve that nature. Humans are the only animal that hunt for sport. Sad fact.

"I was laid off for 4 months with no hope of work in Michigan, when an offer out of state came my way which would've been normally out of reach, but my old government training came into play. "

I had to take a year off to attend some therapy, which concluded I'm as sane as everybody else. I suffer being a passionate person and at times letting my words fly too freely. I take responsibility, I said something really scary and stupid. I got fired. So, therapy and help from the state it was for a year. I worked part time making $4 an hour in a light industrial shop geared for disable people.

These folks are great and suffer a lot more than I'd tolerate. They get a real raw end. The shop only supplied an opportunity to work, not a steady work environment. They got bids on odd jobs folks would rather write off. "Hey, we got a disabled sweatshop."

Yes some got benefits from the government. But even then needs were not always met. "Um, they are picking up work for some reason, huh?" So with being on benefits they could only work so much, earn so much. Which in my eyes was atrocity personified. But the shop's motto was "we treat everyone respect." "No, really?"

So due to that year off to learn what I knew about myself. *sigh* We got behind in bills. Fortunately, I'm working now at place paying a little over $8 hrly. But that still doesn't help. even if wife worked, wouldn't help enough to matter. She just can't find work. So she's a housewife, or as she says a Facebook freak.

She keeps the house in order. Shame it doesn't pay. But then again she does keep her talons on the purse strings. I don't mind. Bills get paid, we get food, clean clothes and a little entertainment. We use netflix. Less than $20 a month isn't going to make a difference in our view. and people need something like that.

And yes, I'm being given an opportunity as well. There is a union ran apprenticeship program in West Virginia. You practically live at a job for three to five years, but after the schooling aspect is finished, you are a journeyman in a trade. That means union benefits, a lodge work roster, freedom to choose work, make the work work for you. I'm looking at Millwright, plumbing and pipe fitting, or electrical. Rather just do the Millwright and be done. It offers a more business type of education.

"all I can see, is people telling me to eat healthy, stop smoking and live longer........ all I can say... is what the fuck for ??? higher cost of living, no simple pleasures and to be told when I am 65, I'm too old, too broke and taking up space in a country that is now 100% foreign owned....... "

Euthanasia for the masses! *chuckle*

Pretty much the same here. I think the live longer thing goes back to an Italian proverb, "he who endures, wins." But for me life is no game. And there is nothing for us to win anyway. Life ought to be free, being should not be regulated. Where did we all go wrong? Was it the origin of words? Did the concepts of us and them exist prior to words? Where and how did words originate? I mean think about, what caused a primate to think "gee, wee need standard communication." That's a really advanced concept which would require several lifetimes to even perceive. What triggered such a desire to think about standard communication? Similar is the eye.

But I don't want to veer into philosophy.

"Ben-Honey, all I can do is offer you hugs and tell you to not lose hope. Just keep on keeping on and strive forward always. Dont let Anything knock you back. Good luck in finding new digs, and good luck to you and yours. It'l be tough for a while, but do what you Have to do to get by.
Hugs Sweetie."

Roger that Mama. Am thinking about doing some mountain man stuff for about a year. I'll also be able to be involved with my two nephews, who sorely need a better male role model than their father. And I'm sure her mom, dad and granddad will keep me busy. I'm even thinking about getting a driving license. Before I was really scared of driving, terrified. After running a lift for a spell, I'm not so much. Her granddad tried getting me to run his dozer. i begged off because it would have spoke volumes to him. As if helping him repair track and boogey didn't. *chuckle* "Son, you ever worked on crankshafts? Seem like you got track fixin' down good, might get ya fixing the clutch."

And I'm still not over both of us missing a fence post at five yards. He had a 20.5 caliber pistol, it wasn't rifled out at all. We got lucky it didn't blow up on us. Both of us stood there shaking our heads and laughing. "And you were a crack shot in the Army/Navy?" It was one of those good times.

He's the grandfather that asked while carrying a loaded rifle behind me, "what would say if I shot you in the back?" He laughed at my reply but agreed.

"Better be sure one shot does it, or I'll get up and beat you to death. I'd expect though you'd let me see it coming, you're not a coward." He asked her sister's husband the same. Guess his reply was pretty thin. The boy never set foot in granddad's house without another family member afterwards.

Well need to go get ready for the day. Funeral, off work.

Everyone run it slow, love and best wishes for all.

Feb 17, 2011, 7:31 AM
No offense Fran. I am glad you gals do alright, glad anyone can really. But I'm sure you may agree about losing a monster and gaining more freedom. And that's my aim in ditching money, a bigger picture than any of us

Wy wud me take offence u luffly man? Is odd we hav nev discussed abolition a money in forums.. only just occurred 2 me.. not that me membas ne way.. is anotha 1 a me long term dreams, Voidie... cos I agree wivya completely.. an in time am pretty sure that is summat wich will come.. an I dont mean the cashless society..:)

Feb 17, 2011, 2:48 PM
It's not so much that jobs are being taken by others but more that jobs are being outsourced to other countries. They shut down a lot of call centers in the US and outsourced them to India. It's frustrating to dial a local number and pray you get someone who's dialect and accent you can understand to help with whatever issue you have. My last problem was with my Tracfone, the minutes didn't add appropriately on the card and I had to call. After 10 minutes of wading through menus I get someone who took 20 minutes to add the time to my phone. Kicker? I was on my phone the whole time watching my prepaid minutes drain.

Feb 18, 2011, 5:53 AM
"It's not so much that jobs are being taken by others but more that jobs are being outsourced to other countries."

Agreed but also know big business creates loopholes, exceptions, or flat out greases palms to get people who work cheaper into the country. We joke around about a certain bus. Everyone knows they haul illegal Mexican workers in using that bus. Nobody dares say it, except to joke.

Take away our jobs, raise the prices on goods. Durable goods aren't.

Void hears Deadpool's _Let the bodies hit the floor_. *sigh* "Of course, I'm a psychotic numb skull and terrorist now ready to go out and do mass murder. Not." *chuckles*

But in all seriousness, "something's gotta give" soon. People can no longer give.

Bah, off to pointless work.

Feb 18, 2011, 9:25 PM

Feb 19, 2011, 6:17 AM
Oh wow. I've been caught. Yes, I am Larry Flynt incognito.

Right. I'm just a guy that pretty much sees as he does. Lots of people do or are starting to.

And it's fine to vent, to talk about it. But I'm getting tired of talking about it and achieving nothing. Been that way for at least fifteen years, maybe more. Doesn't seem to change in the least for all the wasted words.

Yes, I know, action needs to back up the words. When you're kept blind though, it makes seeing what action to take difficult. Put the 'suits' out in the wide open country, let me see them coming.

But they won't be 'in country'. They are some of the same ilk as The Church, which called hill folk Pagani and degraded us by opposing our education. They'll stay out of the hills if for nothing more than fear of getting dirty.