View Full Version : Tips please for smooth male genitals

Apr 26, 2006, 7:31 PM
I am looking for any suggestions for the best way to keep my genitals hair free. I have tried shaving which is great for a day or so, then i get unsightly skin for a few days. I have looked at hair removal cream but they state not suitable for pubic hair. I get a real turn on looking at both male and female hair free genitals, including my own. Please help me find the best and most effective way of staying smooth.

Apr 26, 2006, 7:42 PM
Shaving is the only thing I do...Don't really know if there is a safe hair remove cream that would be safe for the genitals... :paw: :paw:

Apr 26, 2006, 8:01 PM
There's always electrolosys, or laser removal; but be sure- the hair won't come back... ever :)

Apr 27, 2006, 4:35 AM
Shaving is definately the best i've found, I dont know how long youve been shaving but I found that after a few times the skin bumps disappeared, I can only assume that the skin got used to it, also just use a moisurising soap instead of shaving creams etc. The only downside is having to do it regularly, but my preference is the smooth look so its worth it. Good luck

Apr 27, 2006, 11:50 AM
wet saving. Lying in a bath of warm water having a relaxing shave, great.

Apr 27, 2006, 12:49 PM
I have tried various methods...shaving, hair removal lotions,..etc. However the method I use for the cock, balls, and crack,...is plucking with tweezers. Yes...I know what everyone is thinking...."OUCH"....but really, its not that bad. I have been doing it for years, and perhaps I have just gotten use to it, but it doesn't seem painful doing it. It lasts much longer then shaving, and you don't have that stubble the next day. The only area that it causes a problem, is the main crop of hair above the cock. For some reason, that area is more susceptable to ingrown hairs, so that area gets shaved. Anyway...give it try..see if it works for you..

Apr 29, 2006, 6:23 AM
Thanks everone. I will try and find the best one for me :flag4:

May 6, 2006, 9:52 AM
To shave bump free:

If you use a fresh razor you have to be gentle and not press too hard.
Soak yourself in warm water then use a good, gentle shaving cream.
Don't shave 'up' above and around the penis that is against the grain, shave in the downwards direction.
Find the best duration for you and keep on a schedule, if you let it grow out too much its harder to shave and it clogs the razor. Try three day intervals, perhaps four and see how that works for you.

May 6, 2006, 11:32 AM
Nice shaving technique here on an uncut guy. Being hard does help.

http://www.evideoshare.com/view/display.jsp?req=4%2BrBXw58cf0oe9XXqNCM%2FLzmFkY0%2 B3n%2B8I049pWGKrhj2HGg0kEBr0iiTBWHCTeqPHZtAHcbDP1i %0D%0AArILRljYFaARL2tNh8f5%2FdD%2FcdwGZHQOKr9d5dIk hJGGhYcR1e5Ep%2FrtaMZH7BPT%2F9rzi3qfO99%2F%0D%0ApH 1a%2F1IR3VxuBWjRZvmVjwqLlW0F9fAhxyGh%2BaAITVfhD3xS 5w2q71w1c1GArQ%3D%3D

BiMale :male: :)

May 6, 2006, 4:48 PM
I use an item from Sharper Image called the Emjoi Optima. It looks like an electric razor, but it is two rotating heads of tweezers. It covers a lot of area quickly. Do a little or do a lot. I use that for all hair removal except on my balls proper. I shave that. I suppose I could have made the Optima work there, but I had a few mishaps and decided it wasn't worth it. The hair is kinda sparse there anyway and shaving is quick.

Tweezing is once every couple of weeks and if you want to, you can always shave for a quick touch up. But I would rather tweeze my crack than try to shave it.

May 6, 2006, 7:23 PM
Gillette Mach 3 works GREAT!! Try it!!

May 6, 2006, 9:01 PM
Shaving with a good quality disposable shaver and my regular soap in the shower works for me.Your skin and hair take some time to adjust to the type of shaver you are using but they will adjust.I've never really wanted to have my hair permanently removed as I want to always have the choice of hairy or smooth and besides I enjoy the shave.

May 6, 2006, 9:15 PM
Waxing works well and keeps you smooth for weeks. Don't do it at home - go to a salon :)

May 7, 2006, 4:23 AM
Damn this thread...

I started reading and got so intrigued that I decided to shave myself... boy what an experience that was seeing as ive never shaved my private area b4. Ive honestly gotta say though that I live the look of my own genitals a lot more now. :tong:


May 7, 2006, 11:16 AM
Here's a new shaving product for guys. The commercial is funny. Looks like it might be a good one for shaving and trimming.


BiMale :male:

May 7, 2006, 6:42 PM
BiMale that is one funny commercial!

May 7, 2006, 7:53 PM
frickin hysterical.

May 13, 2006, 11:40 AM
Bi-Male, once again thanks for sharing.

When I was watching the video of the uncut shaving, it definitely reminded me of what I do....It is true that being hard makes the shaving much easier and faster. I usually like shaving after a long, hot shower. I lather up, wait a minute and then start shaving. With time, I have gotten better.

May 13, 2006, 12:06 PM
shave in the shower, with real shaving cream after your hair has been washed and soft , and with hot water. now if you try to get real close as in going against the hair grain, you will get razor bumps no matter what. so i just go in one direction and shave more often. the hair remover might work only for the pubic area, do not use it on your penis or testicles! good luck!

May 17, 2006, 4:28 PM
I hear ya, I wish mine would stay off. I love smooth genitals.