View Full Version : am i ready?

Feb 9, 2011, 6:40 AM
Me and my lady of 5 years split a couple months ago.
We've split a few times over the years but this time its different, I think its for good this time, I'm releaved cause there was a lot of little drama, but deeply saddened cause I love the hell out of her.

Anyway, I'm bi haven't been with a man in over 3 years, she knew I was bi, I told her 3 years ago. We use to always talk about 3somes and 4somes but never went anywhere. Anyway I always pictured her thier when i was going to be with a man but now were split....I just don't know. I want to meet women and start dating, but worried I might catch feelings, and I'm not ready so I don't.
I want to be with a man or a couple but I feel like when I do I'll feel like I'm cheating, and it seems strange picturing her not there......what to do?

Feb 9, 2011, 8:41 AM
Like the song said, "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" ....in some ways, it's a little like dying. I know.........after 3 failed marriages!

Finally, I met and began a relationship with a bisexual lady, who understands my interests and desires. I was 68 when we met and now, at 70, I finally understand why no relationship ever worked before. I just didn't have the compatibility structure I needed to remain fulfilled and happy.

In my case, the three most important things I needed were love, understanding, mutual interests, and a cerebral connection. I've learned that if one of these things were missing, the relationship would not work.

Believe me, there is someone out there who will understand, accept, and support you. It's up to you to do the legwork to find them.......it may take a while, but when you do, it will be worth the effort. Just don't think you can settle for less and make it work...at least in my situations, failure was a sure thing!

Good luck...don't let the past drag you down........focus on the future!