View Full Version : Recently joined the Bi universe

Feb 9, 2011, 3:29 AM
I'll admit, I always thought hot guys were hot. I always got a semi in the gym locker room but never made a move. Well, someone put the move on me a few weeks back and I went for it.

A guy in his late 20's that I have always admired at the gym had a locker near mine that day. He started small talk, complimented my build, we talked about out routines, etc. I slid my towel off and his eyes went to my cock. He smiled and said "damn son, if my wife was here she'd be on her knees for that" I joked back "you wouldn't mind would you?" and chuckled. He said "fuck no I wouldn't mind, you two would look hot together"

He slid down the bench towards me, still looking at my cock. I couldn't help but get a semi. He smiled and asked "you like the idea I see." I said that I would give it a whirl. He put a hand on the inside of my thigh and said "I would like first dibs though" and ran his hand up to my balls and then my cock.

He caressed my cock, stroked me, sighed about how he wanted me to do her. Then he (finally) took me in his mouth. He caressed my hole and gave me fantastic head. I blew my load on his face and chest, he rubbed my dick all over his face, then stood up and we embraced.

He gently pushed me onto the bench and fed me his dick. Gawd it tasted so good. He blew his load on me and rubbed his dick on my face. We heard a couple guys coming down the rows of lockers and we quickly restarted getting dressed and talking.

Needless to say I was over their house within hours enjoying both of them. She was a knockout and a great fuck. I've been with them eight times since that day.

Feb 9, 2011, 9:42 AM
Welcome to the bi side Stan! Nothing like getting the best of both worlds at the same time huh!! I have been bi for 20 years and finally found a gal that is ok with me being bi and life is wonderful! Enjoy your new found bi side!

Feb 9, 2011, 10:12 AM
Very hot, nothing like pussy with cock. Like I always said when eating nothing like having a cocktail with it.

Feb 9, 2011, 4:51 PM
Wow! Very hot! Congratulations. I guess I need to look into joining a gym!

Feb 9, 2011, 5:42 PM
Congrats! That is a hot story. Nothing better than a MMF get together. Had that experience a long time ago and would love to repeat it again on a regular basis.

Feb 9, 2011, 5:45 PM
I call BS on this story. It's sexual assault!

Feb 10, 2011, 3:12 AM
slipnslide, it's what happened. It's not assault if you WANT something to happen. Careful with calling peoples' entries BS. Let's keep this forum a friendly forum.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:21 AM
I smell a rat... Suckthebloateds inbred redneck and coonass cousin.

Feb 10, 2011, 4:26 PM
I smell a rat... Suckthebloateds inbred redneck and coonass cousin.

Grammar and spelling are better. I reserve judgement, I don't think there is any need to do anything other than ignore if you don't want to read the posts.

Feb 10, 2011, 6:38 PM
"I'll admit, I always thought hot guys were hot."

Isn't this why they are deemed hot? Are you trying an infomercial presentation?

"I always got a semi in the gym locker room but never made a move. Well, someone put the move on me a few weeks back and I went for it."

Good for you. Not everyone can afford going to a gym. I get my exercise via tossing around two hundred pound wooden bins used to haul apples for eight hours a day. The bins often need repair, you see?

"A guy in his late 20's that I have always admired at the gym had a locker near mine that day. He started small talk, complimented my build, we talked about out routines, etc. I slid my towel off and his eyes went to my cock. He smiled and said "damn son, if my wife was here she'd be on her knees for that" I joked back "you wouldn't mind would you?" and chuckled. He said "fuck no I wouldn't mind, you two would look hot together""

There is no such creature as coincidence. Are you sure he did not arrange this meeting? Did some crazed fool put aphrodisiacs in the shower water supply? What happened to cause him to so conveniently have a locker next to yours?

His small talk disarmed you that easily? I mean you know that you're likely to be getting aroused, so why not toss the towel? He was that charming using only small talk? Wow, you're really easy, I think.


Sorry. I am also getting an odor and have no sense of smell. I extroverted inner editorial commentary, to elucidate the finer arts and rationale behind the odor thought.

Feb 10, 2011, 10:54 PM
Dear Penthouse Forum,

I never thought this would happen to me. . .

Feb 11, 2011, 2:24 AM
I was thinking Hustler, simply for the gloss of it. That and an infomercial touting the benefits of being bisexual. Too much preaching to the chorus.

Feb 11, 2011, 8:26 AM
Im just skeptical on how they played together at they gym. Donr get me wrong this can happen in the sauna area from what ive heard but he made it sound like he did it by the lockers! Hot anyways

Feb 13, 2011, 3:31 AM
I guess this isn't the forum for me. I didn't sign up to get constant negative comments.

Peace out.

Feb 13, 2011, 4:22 PM
Sounds like some of the so called "Senior and Super Senior members" and self proclaimed experts on the subject are off their meds today...

Continue to enjoy Stanley.

Feb 13, 2011, 7:40 PM
Sounds like some of the so called "Senior and Super Senior members" and self proclaimed experts on the subject are off their meds today...

Continue to enjoy Stanley.


1. Took and do take what medications are prescribed for daily use, regularly. And neither of those medicines are for anything psychiatric. I only take one prescribed medicine for anxiety / panic attacks, as needed. That is even not really considered a psychiatric medicine either, it is an antihistamine. It helps, but mainly because I think it does. In essence one may even consider it a placebo.

2. I never proclaimed any expertise. In my opinion, what the original poster presented sounded fabricated, unlikely. It only means I think it was unlikely to have happened. This does not mean it did, or did not happen. I do not know either way. Frankly, I don't care to know, now.

3. The web site places those 'titles' on users after so many posts. Wait, you'll get yours too.

Feb 13, 2011, 7:50 PM
[B] 3. The web site places those 'titles' on users after so many posts. Wait, you'll get yours too.

You can also do ya own Voidie, sayeth the "opinionated lil tart"....:tong:

Long Duck Dong
Feb 13, 2011, 11:59 PM

1. Took and do take what medications are prescribed for daily use, regularly. And neither of those medicines are for anything psychiatric. I only take one prescribed medicine for anxiety / panic attacks, as needed. That is even not really considered a psychiatric medicine either, it is an antihistamine. It helps, but mainly because I think it does. In essence one may even consider it a placebo.

2. I never proclaimed any expertise. In my opinion, what the original poster presented sounded fabricated, unlikely. It only means I think it was unlikely to have happened. This does not mean it did, or did not happen. I do not know either way. Frankly, I don't care to know, now.

3. The web site places those 'titles' on users after so many posts. Wait, you'll get yours too.

didn't we tell you, void.... you don't have to be mad to be on earth, but it helps...... its one of our only defences against the mindset of the sane people lol

Feb 14, 2011, 2:02 AM
Now wait a minute! Who are you all to say it didnt happen exactly as he said it did??/ Ya'll werent there, you didnt see it, so who are you to put his post down?? It sounded like good writing and if it happened that way, then good on him/them.
Dont give up on us Stanley. Its just their opinion. Dont sweat it. :}

Feb 14, 2011, 4:16 AM
Now wait a minute! Who are you all to say it didnt happen exactly as he said it did??/ Ya'll werent there, you didnt see it, so who are you to put his post down?? It sounded like good writing and if it happened that way, then good on him/them.
Dont give up on us Stanley. Its just their opinion. Dont sweat it. :}

Exactly. Forgive us of jadedness and cynicism. We see much here, often we forget the authentic even though it passes in front of us.

"You can also do ya own Voidie, sayeth the "opinionated lil tart"...."

You can but I stopped bothering over it some time ago. The site kept reseting the title on me. I could fix that ... but this is Drew's server and he's a really great person, excellent to many! :) So, I don't want to go poking in his server's drawers. He might fuss about me not using enough astroglide. ;)

"didn't we tell you, void.... you don't have to be mad to be on earth, but it helps...... its one of our only defences against the mindset of the sane people lol "

It must have been in that rumored 'Memo', I keep hearing about yet never seeing. Told you, I need a secretary. Where did elian wander to? He needs a raise, six more blow-jobs a month. Might get to see that Memo, then. Either that or I need to bend him over more. Bah, probably fall asleep in his arms. He cuddles me too much, spoils me. :)