View Full Version : Our Epitaph

Feb 8, 2011, 11:56 AM
Realist and I had a lil spat of correspondence over the last few days.. after hypochondria he mentioned about an epitaph he read of once, which per chance I had done so myself, some lady, presumably who no one ever believed was ill "SEE I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK."

It reminded me of my own epitaph which I have had put in my will ready to be chipped into my gravestone for when I finally snuff it..

"Here she got laid for the final time" :bigrin:

Me sista.. ever the tart.. wants "God.. O god.. O Goooooooood.." Nowt 2 do with ominipotent beings lemme tellya.. an its easy 2 c what she does wiv 'er spare time..:eek:

Me dad has a simple "Fuck me, I'm dead" but me mum ever the smart arse says 'ers will be "You don;t get away with it that easily, Davie!".. ya kno who wears the breeks in their house dontcha?:rolleyes:

Me bug bruvva, big luffly lummox that 'e is wants it simple.. an exasperated "Oh Stuff It".

An Naggy Knickers.. she is just cheeky.. not rude but then thats just 'er! She has 2 b one up on everyone else cos she has alternatives.. if she pops it first it is to be "Ahh.. this is nice.. finally, no incessant chatter in my ear." Or if me kismet is that I breathe me last fore 'er.. "I do hope Frances was wrong about God. I was so enjoying the peace and quiet." Bloody sauce.. dunno wot she means..:bigrin:

Me best friend has a mucky mind.. lil like urs truly.. she, only half joking says she wonts 'er last words 2 be carved on 'er stone.. which will be "No sex? Well I'm not bloody going!" Can see 'er partners face at that an all.. she has never said but 'er usual retort seems just 'bout right.. "Dont u believe it!".:tong:

Its just a harmless bit a fun 2 keep smiles on our faces.. so ne of u lot know wots goin on ur lump of granite wen ya pops ya clogs?

Feb 8, 2011, 2:14 PM
Mine will be:

Once I wasn't

Then I was

Now I'm not again.

Feb 8, 2011, 3:59 PM
"I told you i was ill" was famously on Spike Milligans gravestone.

Personally wanne be burnt and go through the curtains to "I am the god of hellfire" or "Fire in the disco".

When your dead why bother with an expensive casket,service and memorial?

Feb 8, 2011, 4:42 PM


Feb 8, 2011, 4:49 PM
I don't want fancy. Cremate me, scatter me to four winds atop a specific hill, play _In My Time of Dying_ by Led Zeppelin blaring loud, no one cries for at least a week until I'm gone. In other words have a party for me. No need to be sad, I'm free.

Frankly, I actually look forward to retirement. They'll need to come pull me from work. "Dude, you're late for your funereal." And when gone, stay gone. I want no more of this world.

Feb 8, 2011, 5:02 PM
This raises a interesting question, since I believe in past lives/future lives, what would I write on my tombstone that would mean something. Maybe the line I use here

"Do not be afraid of dying be afraid of living a boring life"

But then again, I have a somewhat boring life so it does apply to me as well.


Feb 8, 2011, 5:08 PM
I want to be cremated and my ashes scattered at sea with Elton John's funeral for a friend playing.

Here I lay all dead and buried
Now the world can know
Hey I was part fairy!

Feb 8, 2011, 6:21 PM
"I told you i was ill" was famously on Spike Milligans gravestone...........................

According to the TV documentary and WikiPedia

On the day of his funeral, 8 March 2002, his coffin was carried to St Thomas's Church in Winchelsea, Sussex, and was draped in the flag of the Republic of Ireland. He had once quipped that he wanted his headstone to bear the words "I told you I was ill." He was buried at St Thomas's Church cemetery in Winchelsea, East Sussex, but the Chichester Diocese refused to allow this epitaph. A compromise was reached with the Irish translation, "Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite", and additionally in English, "Love, light, peace".

Feb 8, 2011, 7:04 PM
back in the old days, in sth island new zealand, a stranger was found dead in a little town. a businessman, feeling sorry for him, paid for his funeral and had a headstone made which read 'somebody's darling'. and when he himself died, he left instructions to be buried next the to stranger so that he would not be alone for all eternity. i think that's so touchy. and when someone cut's me off when driving, instead of getting into a rage, i simply say 'that's somebody's darling' - even if it's just their mum.

for me though, i want to be cremated in a cardboard box - no ceremony, no fuss, no expense. my ashes can be scattered in the sea so i will always be floating around. and if they wish, a party for friends and loved ones at the pub. just like my wedding - only thing missing will be me (but i'll be there in spirit).

Feb 8, 2011, 8:25 PM
"She loved to live and lived to love"

Feb 8, 2011, 9:14 PM
I plan on donating my body to medicine, thereafter to be disposed of in an unmarked grave...

Feb 8, 2011, 9:54 PM
chop me up and use me for crab bait!

meteast chick
Feb 8, 2011, 10:32 PM
How about "Mom said it wouldn't kill me. Hmph."

For real I want cremated (have told my kids I want my ashes mixed with paint and made into a hauntingly accurate portrait of me so I can haunt them forever but it's just harmless bollox) and a cherry blossom tree with a bench underneath it epitaphed with my name and a lovely Dickinson poem; most likely "All the letters I can write Are not fair as this - Syllables of Velvet - Sentences of Plush, Depths of Ruby, undrained, Hid, Lip, for Thee - Play it were a Humming Bird - And just sipped - me - "

luv and hugs,

Long Duck Dong
Feb 8, 2011, 10:42 PM
I ain't dead, I'm taking time out from all the fighting......

Feb 9, 2011, 12:38 AM
I got a $51.00 cremation deal... One dollar for a box of matches and fifty bucks for a barrel of gas...:rolleyes:

On my urn, put a plate that reads....

Went BI in this world,
will probably be BI later.... :paw::paw:

Feb 9, 2011, 1:08 AM
Anything that can be used for transplant, research or education will be taken, whatever is left will be cremated, and one of my buddies is going to fly up north and scatter my ashes over the wilderness I love.

Feb 9, 2011, 6:30 AM
Well, hello again, its been a long time hasn't it?

Feb 9, 2011, 10:46 AM
Well, hello again, its been a long time hasn't it?

Not that long ya wee tart.. howsya bonce an ya tum? Recovered yet?? tee hee:bigrin:

Feb 9, 2011, 1:45 PM
I think mine could be:
"I miss you all, but... don't hurry"
"I'll be back"


Feb 9, 2011, 2:23 PM
I think it's of Scottish origin:

"Reader stop and think. I am in eternity, you are on the brink." :rolleyes:

Feb 10, 2011, 11:12 AM
I think a good one for saints fans would simply be


no date,name..just


Feb 10, 2011, 9:36 PM
I believe one of the smartest men I ever read about, Benjamin Franklin, lies underneath a tombstone that reads.....Here lies B. franklin, FOOD FOR WORMS!

Feb 11, 2011, 8:29 AM
Not sure what I'd have on mine just yet, but this has got me thinking. My old man always says he wants to put in a black bag by the side of the road so the "bloody" council will have to pick up the tab for the Burial/Cremation, I personally think there are some flaws in this approach.

Feb 11, 2011, 4:05 PM
Not sure what I'd have on mine just yet, but this has got me thinking. My old man always says he wants to put in a black bag by the side of the road so the "bloody" council will have to pick up the tab for the Burial/Cremation, I personally think there are some flaws in this approach.

Only flaw I can see is...which bin? Recycling or general waste?

Feb 12, 2011, 1:00 AM
I want "We shall over-cum" I Tried that over and over and over, and look what happened to me! lol
Or, "Maybe that marathon on a Sybian with a Pacemaker wasnt such a good idea after all...."
Silly Cat

Feb 12, 2011, 6:26 AM
"Maybe that marathon on a Sybian with a Pacemaker wasnt such a good idea after all...."
Silly Cat

Death by orgasm.. works for me cat.. bloody site betta idea than death inya sleep or worse.. passin away gaga...

*Sybina??? wer r u???????" tee hee:tong:;)