View Full Version : A gay porn game: the journey to Kelabra :D

Feb 7, 2011, 9:10 PM
Hi Everyone!

I created the game The Journey to Kelabra.
It's a game for gays, gays are main characters (all the characters are gay actually :p), it's kinda casual with some puzzle adventure features, you can undress the characters and more :p

Please check out my site and let me know what you think.




Platform: PC
Genre: Gay, Adventure, Fantasy, Puzzle, Casual, Porn
Story: Kazan, the prince of Camelot went in search of the powerful sorcerer Jonathan in the Ruins of Kelabra to save his kingdom, he met Jo, a gorgeous wizard along the way, and everything started to be really interesting.





Long Duck Dong
Feb 7, 2011, 9:18 PM
ok.... you have a game for $4.99 with enhanced graphics, but 3 different studios own the copyright and none of them show on on a industry search

yet you pay for the wallpaper so you can down load the game ????

as a vet gamer and former game admin / creator and owner.... I would be very careful about touching this...

Feb 7, 2011, 9:22 PM
Dude, if that is you in the pic, you don't look old enough to even be here let alone to have created any game. I have a use for ignore, now. :2cents:


Feb 8, 2011, 12:19 PM
Dude, if that is you in the pic, you don't look old enough to even be here let alone to have created any game. I have a use for ignore, now. :2cents:


Exactly how old do you think one has to be to create a video game? My guess would be 8 years old.

My 16-year-old friend, a Minecraft and WoW junkie, was not impressed. Sorry, Eric.

Feb 8, 2011, 5:26 PM
"What is the system requirements for The Whirl of Time?
- P4 2.4Ghz, RAM 1GB, VGA 128MB, Windows XP (SP2)/Vista/7, HDD 1GB "


Thought is titled _The Journey to Kelabra_ or _Save the Prince_, the FAQ page has a third title listed. Besides that your game only works on Windows. I could install Wine on my Linux box but I see that as self defeating, I run Linux for several good reasons. Why then use Windows stuff? Wine is also experimental, don't care to risk it exploding on me.

"Could you tell me a little about your company, Golden Unicorn Studio?
- Golden Unicorn Studio is an indie company creating games by gays for gays. We're from Canada."


You've created an entertainment product. If you want to sell it, then you can not restrict who purchases or uses it. That's just a cold hard fact of the entertainment industry, and most industry. You don't get to select your customers. They select your product.

Apologies, not trying to kick a dead horse. From my view though it seems you're attempting to be exclusive. In Unix and Linux, software is portable. A lot of programs in either can run on Windows. They only need a basic C compiler to be built with, presto you got a Windows version of Gnome Hextris. And a Makefile could be used as a stub for a Windows based compiler.

Really not too difficult to port to Windows. Try porting from Windows though and you got lots of problems, dynamic linking libraries just to name one. They are in themselves a good idea. Microsoft has corrupted that idea, though. You need pay lots to use windows dynamic linking libraries, and finding matches that are free can be a hassle.

And Windows also handles memory differently. This causes lots of problems too. One of which being that buffers can be overflowed, making an innocent program into a handy nylon stocking to choke a computer to death. Or the attacker might just insert a key logging program, maybe create core dumps filling up the hard drive.

No, I don't program for a living. I am just a hobby hacker, barely know C, Lisp, Perl, Bash scripting, a little javascript, html, xml. Don't worry, I'm a black hatter as far as good guys and bad guys go. Yes, I have entered systems undetected, left no trace. No, I do not steal data. No, I do not corrupt data. No, I do not use other people's computers as bots. All of that stuff is immature, illegal and wastes time. I mostly enter systems and offer a security report after. Once helped a Microsoft coder secure an NT server, he could not find a firewall hole. I did. :)

As far as your games goes, sadly doubt I'll play it. Doesn't seem the sort I enjoy. Besides the other issues of Windows and gays only. The nudity really didn't offend me but it was a little off putting. Also $5 can buy me a pack of smokes or a whole distribution of Linux, with lots of free games. "Ah, Debian 6 is out." Yay!! :)


If you would like someone to offer level advice from time to time, be at liberty to contact me. I promise, don't always rain on parades. I think you've a good start at something and do respect what you've done thus far. I'm just trying to say you need to give more consideration to how you are leaping. By all means leap! Just know you're doing it as best you can. Listen to your heart and never let anyone quell a dream. My wife tore up a 90,000 word novel I had written by asking a few questions. I'm still trying to gain courage to do it again. But I will do it again.