View Full Version : A post found elsewhere...

Feb 7, 2011, 8:06 AM
I belong to another site and it has all types of people on there, gay/straight/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered, vanilla and BDSMers.

Found an interesting post by someone who tried polyamory for 20plus years. So here's a view from the other side of polyamory.

NUP! I'm not into it .. I learn't the hard way .. I wanted to be, even bought the T-shirt .. I am an EPIC fail at this ... I WILL NOT SHARE the person I am intimate with or fucking (excuse my crassness).

I envy those of you that can .. I envy those of you that 'think' you can and I wish you good luck on your journey .. I mean this .. I do! :)

After travelling many roads in the last few years .. I know and believe I can't .. not even a case of can't .. I won't! I will not leave the person I love alone at night (unless I end up in hospital which is like a bitch or the likes of) to be with another .. I will not! I am too selfish to share .. I am too loving to want to .. I am too jealous to honestly adhere to this .. when I give .. I give all .. I want, wish and demand the same respect!

I'll have my cake and eat it .. it's only ever going to be with one though, he/she will be MY cake. I would hope enough cake for them to devour! If I am thats fabulous and maybe I'll get my fairytale if not I'll keep searching my planet. I am for one only .. even through the boring bits ... personally I do not believe bringing other people in is a 'fix'. I believe it makes/produces more bullshit into relationships that are failing in the first place .. a cop out .. an excuse .. a desperate stab at getting laid .. by that other than the person who would hold you tight every night and want you in their bed .. above and beyond anyone else ....

my thoughts .. I will stand by them ... actually this is my soul .. my heart ... dismiss if you wish ... I'd rather be alone than have someone hold another the way they hold me ... I just wouldn't be that special aye, if I'm not available or Im tired or I'm stressed, there is always that 'other' relationship for my partner, or if I'm not feeling in a mood for my partner I can go over to another .. nah .. DONE! .. nup .. over it and honest enough to admit to myself and those who know me ... I've tried this .. as said earlier, several times over the past 20 years and each time I hurt and hurt those who actually really care .. it's just not worth it ... I'd rather be bisexual yet straight .. annoyed and pissed off with my partner at times yet have him be the one I can call on at any given time .. and not worry that he's partaking in another .. Selfish bitch aren't I!

Feb 7, 2011, 9:24 AM
Some folks can handle it, some can't.

It's best to know yourself and act in a way where you don't have this fellow's pain.

I've had two poly relationships and they both were fantastic, loving, and fulfilling for us. Because of circumstances beyond our control, the longest one lasted two years. But those years were spent with the sharing of all of the best that one, who is predisposed to this type of relationships, can ask for.

I've attempted others, that didn't work out....mostly because jealousy. But personality clashes, finances, family and moral issues, distance, and general incompatibility, can cause failures, too.

This fellow certainly took a long time to determine that he wasn't suited for it!

Feb 7, 2011, 9:30 AM
hi i was just wondering what site that was found on as im always on the lookout for other sites thanks

Feb 7, 2011, 1:26 PM
All I heard was, "me! me! me! me! me!" I hope she finds her perfect partner to be co-dependant with. I really do. And good luck to him too.