View Full Version : Stuff for us bi guys and gals

Feb 5, 2011, 6:07 PM
Ok here's another thread from me, but it's on more of a pass it round discussion loop, so to speak. (And i may be wrong so forgive me if all this is pointless)

I want to know what you think.

I have looked around for quite some time now, and have noticed a rather annoying fact. This fact is that we bi people don't have what, gay people and straight people do, and i'm talkin bout things like magazines and stuff.

I walk into a newsagents, and straightaway i see that we are unthought of.
See, straight guys have their, FHM, NUTS, and LOADED magazines. Gay men have GAYTIMES, ATTITUDE, and DNA magazines. I don't know about women mags but ive seen they like FHM and the like.

Then i go on the internet, and there's FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, and BEBO etc. for the world, so straight people are sorted. And for gays there's GAYDAR, for guys and girls(yes gaydar for lesbians), LADSLADS, MANHUNT etc.

But no matter where i look, i can't find anything for those of us who like it both ways (lol), i mean even porno mags, have straight porn mags, and gay porn mags, but i even asked and was told that bisexual porn mags were unlikely.

I don't know about you, but i think it's unfair, that we have to get our interests in seperate packages. It's about time we had a magazine designed for us, packed with interesting stuff like fhm and nuts etc, and hot pics from both sides of the coin, news and gadgets and naughty stuff, meant for us who swing. And a blogging site like facebook designed just for us, (with less of a sexual focus), to make friends and share news, and play games, like on facebook.

And deffinitely, porno mags, for those who buy them, filled with pictures of either bisexual sex, or all types of sex, straight, gay, lesbian, and bisexual threesomes, (2 guys 1 girl, 1 guy 2 girls), all in one magazine.

I feel it's only fair. Personally i think the title BI-SPACE sounds good.

What do you think?:)

Feb 5, 2011, 6:19 PM
Wanna make some money and start a media empire with me lol
or even make a movie lmao.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 6:25 PM
where there is a need, there are a reason to create.......

but a big part of the reason, is that there is not as big a interest as people think and its a wider ranging market for bisexuals......

gay and straight porn focus on a aspect of sex, male on male, and female on female and female / female.....

now the variation of bisexual porn is more complex......you have FMM / FFM /FFMM etc, than there is the sexual acts, such as BJ's, penetration, double penetration, orgies, toys, water sports, fetish, leather, masturbation......

but jamie I will be dead honest......your remark about the mag, has me laughing.... you want a bisexual mag with gay and lesbian and straight porn in it....

I can just imagine a bisexual mag for bisexuals with 6 pages out of a 100 page mag, devoted to bisexual porn.....

Feb 5, 2011, 7:24 PM
Of course the owner of this site is a nice place to see bi pics etc. So I would look at http://www.threepillows.com/index2.phtml

With regards to our market, I think that for bi folks, at least the men, they can be married and in the closet easer that Gays. Look at the percentage of folks that are men and re in the closet, it is rather a high number. So I think that having a business around bi stuff is hard, no pun intended.


Feb 5, 2011, 7:39 PM
Datingwise OKcupid is a lot better for bi folks than most of the other big sites. It's not so clever at dealing with gender diversity - trans and genderqueer people - so I don't think it's the perfect solution for everyone here. And I heard today that it's just been bought out by match.com so whether its style will change, who knows. But for now, for most bi folks, it's probably the best place to look.

And magazines - yes, we're clearly just not a demographic that advertisers believe in, or there would be bigger titles than BCN (http://www.BiCommunityNews.co.uk/) and its counterparts elsewhere in the world like Fence or Bi Women. I guess that's a reflection of how there are gay commercial spaces and brands but not bi equivalents - so such magazines aren't viable.

Feb 5, 2011, 8:11 PM
hi jimmy, until hubby came out with this gobsmacking news about wanting men, i didn't even know bisexuals existed. and then you have transgenders and crossdressers etc. are there mags for them? i think the best idea is to create a website that caters for the sorts of things you are seeking. and when it becomes a success, you can issue a monthly mag incorporating ideas from the site and maybe even here (if drew doesn't mind you picking his brain). hug, b

Feb 5, 2011, 8:56 PM
There's a lot more T press than B, bizel - again, comes down to what is commercial, there are quite a few niche businesses targetting trans people as their customers (think: clothes that fit a slightly different body shape, ways to change your body temporarily or longer term, etc). :flag1:

Feb 5, 2011, 9:27 PM
I do agree there does seem to be a bisexual media gap. What is needed is a epublication that has a mix of current events reporting,with a bi angle,threaded thru with social commentary linking arts and popular culture elements to a bi world. Make it celebral and sexy at the same time. The hardcore porn already has its own media...:bipride::three:

Feb 9, 2011, 5:49 AM
Wanna make some money and start a media empire with me lol
or even make a movie lmao.

A media empire would be awesome, but highly unlikely for me, lol. And i'll pass on the movie, lol, im not there yet.:)

Feb 9, 2011, 6:04 AM
I f i thought i had a chance to do this i would, i'd put all sorts of things in for people. If i was in charge long duck dong (lol), i would remedy that and make sure most content was bi, with a little other, as for alternatives, like water sports and toys, well, maybe a special seperate mag for those. But outside porn, id design the mag like FHM, GAYTIMES, and the like. I'd have things like, pictures of both guys and girls, eithir modeling sweet clothes, or stripped as far as their underwear, even jocks. some seperate pics, just a guy/guys, just a girl/girls, then pics together, like holding each other, back to back, or like a group pose. Then for content i'd have things like a bit of news people might find interesting, like articles on new cars for car lovers, etc. Then a classic readers confessions section would be cool, a gadgets for guys and girls section, maybe a naughty sex toys and lingerie section, advertisements for things like, young people advice sections, events, holidays, websites for dating, stuff like that. People like jokes so some of them, and like gay times do, maybe find well known people to see what they think about bisexuals maybe. Thes are the things i can think of now anyway.

Mar 5, 2011, 7:48 AM
Actually, now iv'e been thinking about it for some time, and i'm just wondering, does anybody know how it's done? Just as a curios thought.

Mar 5, 2011, 1:29 PM
I think the range of perspectives within the bisexuality is way too diverse to ever be encapsulated in a single publication.

For some, bisexuality is a calling, involving political commitment and a crusade for equal rights. At the other end of the spectrum are those like myself, for whom it's purely about the sexuality- about skin on skin, rather than romantic connection or lifestyle aspects.

And even if such a publication was limited solely to sex, whose variant would it be? Just look at the thread on bi porn to see how many perspectives there are and how few people are turned on by what's in the market already. I think there's just too many kinks brought together under the label "bisexual" to ever come close to being satisfied by any one publication.

Mar 5, 2011, 2:37 PM
It would be nice to launch an e-publication and a few good (worthy) Bi films... But it takes money to make good things happen... If I had the cash, I would produce movies I know peeps would get into because a lot of the stuff out there is lame... :2cents::paw::paw:

Mar 5, 2011, 6:58 PM
Actually, now iv'e been thinking about it for some time, and i'm just wondering, does anybody know how it's done? Just as a curios thought.

For serious publication you may need an International Standard Serial Number (http://www.issn.org/2-22636-All-about-ISSN.php). Further reading, particularly U.S. based, on ISSN (http://www.loc.gov/issn/faq.html). And you would need to create submission guidelines for writers/photographers/artists/musicians, decide if it would be non-profit/profit, or if you're going to pay contributors, or not. Hiring editors would be another need. If I recall correctly novel ISBN's run about $250 US, of course that was probably around a decade ago. I've been a non-progressive rut as far as writing for a few years. Depression can do that, take something you love and turn it into a sterile waste. I think I get pretty good at things, realize quality nor quantity matter, then just lose interest. Difficult finding joy. I'm vigilant in seeking it daily.

Mar 6, 2011, 1:27 AM
If you make it, they Will cum...er, come... *Snicker* Lord I need some sleep....lol

Mar 6, 2011, 11:57 AM
I heard they re-launched the Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly in 2010.

I'd say that's one for the bisexuals.

Mar 6, 2011, 11:59 AM
I heard they re-launched the Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly in 2010.

I'd say that's one for the bisexuals.

HA HA HA HA HA ! ! ! ! !

Mar 6, 2011, 7:25 PM
If you make it, they Will cum...er, come... *Snicker* Lord I need some sleep....lol

My arms are open. M'Lady... Come take a nap.... :):paw::paw:

Apr 8, 2011, 7:01 PM
For serious publication you may need an International Standard Serial Number (http://www.issn.org/2-22636-All-about-ISSN.php). Further reading, particularly U.S. based, on ISSN (http://www.loc.gov/issn/faq.html). And you would need to create submission guidelines for writers/photographers/artists/musicians, decide if it would be non-profit/profit, or if you're going to pay contributors, or not. Hiring editors would be another need. If I recall correctly novel ISBN's run about $250 US, of course that was probably around a decade ago

Pricing on ISBN's is a bit of a red herring, I think.

ISSN's are free, at least in the UK - I know cos quite some time ago I filed the paperwork that got the ISSN for the UK's long-running bi magazine BCN. As such I'd imagine they are free wherever in the world you are. Otherwise publishers would just have their titles registered in the UK!