View Full Version : is sex addiction real?

Feb 5, 2011, 4:59 PM
was wondering if sex addiction was real? cos if it were, how would you break the habit? it's not like alcohol or cigarettes. to break those addictions, they say you are never to drink or smoke again cos if you do, it sends you back into the addiction. if you have sex addiction, do you have to give that up forever? cripes, that sounds drastic. is a sex addiction a constant wandering eye, will grab sex whereever the opportunity offers itself, prepared to sacrifice all for sex? or is it on a much deeper level? and how could you tell the difference?

oh, and for the person who pm'd me saying some of my posts make me sound like a sex-starved female, this will probably add fuel to your fire. if the word 'sex' comes out of my fingertips, i must be desperate, right? sorry to disappoint. i feel this is either a double standard (on your behalf) - females should be more select and careful, while men can talk about it any way they like 'til they bleed from their eyes'. or this issue is yours. a healthy interest in sex from a female does not make her sex-starved. a lack of hubby around does not make her sex-starved. and just because i enjoy a friendship with your male, definitely does not make me sex-starved. after careful consultation with others on this site, the general reply is that this says more about your issues than mine.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 5:35 PM
lol yes sexual addiction and sex addiction are very real

like smokers and alcoholics, it affects people in different ways and they can be drawn to different aspects of it and some people like the thrill of the chase, some crave the contact, others crave the feeling of having sex, some need the emotional / hormonal changes.....

sex addiction is the addiction to the act of sex, sexual addiction is the addiction to the aspects of sexual contact and attraction, and it is having them professional diagnosised, that will help a person understand how it works better....

some aspects of sex and sexual addiction are harder to deal with... and like smokers and drinkers, it may require a total ban......or a chemical treatment and long term counselling and that is the reason for a professional diagnosis.....

a interesting aspect is that sex and sexual addiction can be diagnosised with a blood test... what they test for, is elevated hormonal and chemical levels in the body during low and peak addiction times, but that is part of a overall testing and examination stage......

for a personal and private self examination as a precursor for helping a person see if they may need professional help.....

1) keep a one month journal and list the times you felt aroused and desired sex and sexual contact...

2) abstain from any form of sex and sexual contact including masturbating for the same period....

3) if you start feeling unusual bouts of depression, anxiety attacks, sex cravings on a extreme level that have you thinking about forms of sex you would never think of doing ( bestiality ) just cos you desperately need the feeling of fucking........ then stop the test immediately.... and seek a professional.... there could be a number of underlaying issues there that have surfaced.....

most sex and sexual addiction is actually the desire for a partner to be with us...... but even then, the addiction can exist, but its masked by the partner aspect......

so in answer, yes, they both do exist and are very real

Feb 5, 2011, 10:30 PM
This is not the most current of information because when this listing was posted they were still working with the DSM-IV and I believe that the latest edition is out--the DSM-V, so maybe sexual addictions got added---I did find some articles that said it was being considered to add them in the latest edition.

While not all countries follow each other in all matters of what constitutes mental illnesses, disorders and such---they very often do.


As this article states----at least at the time this was published---sex addiction was not a recognized mental illness in the States---but they sure do have plenty of therapists offering treatments for sexual "addictions" regardless.

I am surely not any kind of medical person---but I am sure that the physical processes of sex addictions versus addictions to substances is very different since in the case of things like alcohol, cocaine, meth, heroin, pills and other "drugs"---they chemically change things in the body and mind.

I would bet that it is really not accurate to say there are true "sex addictions" as much as they are really "sexual compulsions."

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 10:45 PM
sex addiction is covered under 7 ( I think ) different disorders that deal with addiction and OCD type behievour......so yeah volty its not directly labelled as a addiction

drugs and alcohol trigger a chemical change in the brain.... sexual addiction is the same, but its hormonal and natural chemicals, and that is why there can be the chemical treatment along side the counselling

there is also a sexual addiction that is based around self stimulation ( masturbation ) people that have become addicted to the chemical release and feeling of masturbation and they can not function sexually.....

most of the sex and sexual addictions, are aspects of OCD, CA disorders ( compulsive addiction disorders ) and anxiety based disorders.....

in the old days we just called them nymphos..... bloody modern times and spoilt that lol

Feb 6, 2011, 10:00 AM
so that's why they call it a'dick'ted

once you suck cock with a girl ... you want her to do it with you
again and again

I love how she gets so wet from it too

does that count when you suck 'girl cock'?


Feb 6, 2011, 10:45 PM
I think mr m douglass would call it an addiction rather than a disorder or mallady.
His wife katherind may call it pleasure.

Feb 7, 2011, 9:08 PM
it's real u have to cut ur dick :(