View Full Version : Bullying affects gays' health: Study

Feb 3, 2011, 8:08 PM
Bullying affects gays' health: Study (http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Bullying+affects+gays+health+Study/4217322/story.html)

"MONTREAL — Being bullied for being gay or lesbian can cause a hormonal disruption that is known to increase suicide rates, memory loss, cardiovascular problems and bone-density depletion, a study from Montreal's Concordia University shows."

Long Duck Dong
Feb 3, 2011, 8:33 PM
"MONTREAL — Being bullied for being gay or lesbian can cause a hormonal disruption that is known to increase suicide rates, memory loss, cardiovascular problems and bone-density depletion, a study from Montreal's Concordia University shows."

and its based on the salivia of 63 people

The study involved 63 Montreal residents between the ages of 18 and 25 who answered questionnaires and provided saliva samples in 2003 and 2004, said Benibgui, who was doing his doctoral thesis at the time. Part of the study was made public in 2005, but Benibgui didn't get around to releasing the rest until now.

while there may be some merit in what they are saying.... there is simply not enuf test subjects and background to the study to show a pattern to support the theory........

Feb 3, 2011, 9:24 PM
Personally, I think this is guy is scaremongering. His hypothesis is that the increase in cortisol in these FEW people MIGHT lead to problems later in life. In 18-25 year olds? Where's his control group? Where's another age group to compare results? Where's his backing by a medical professional?

Feb 3, 2011, 11:48 PM
The first sentence in the article states
"Being bullied for being gay or lesbian can cause a hormonal disruption that is known to increase suicide rates, memory loss, cardiovascular problems and bone-density depletion, a study from Montreal's Concordia University shows."

another sentence
"The newly released study is the first to show a biological link between homophobic bullying and long-lasting physical and psychological conditions, he said."

It is known that this hormonal disruption affects the body and that includes suicide rates. I see the study indicating a link between bullying and either death or health issues for bullied GLBT youth etc. This study will be repeated several times and it may lead to legal changes or consequences to improve the lives of GLBT people. It is possible that this study may be used for lawsuits and possibly even criminal charges against bullies. There will have to be further studies and legal discussions but this may be the beginning of significant support for GLBT youth etc. who are bullied.

Thanks slipnslide for posting this.

Feb 3, 2011, 11:54 PM
Well, I don't know about suicide (no inclination), cardiovascular problems (unknown), bone-density depletion (unknown), but my memory loss certainly has increased over the last several years that I've had a coworker trying to kill me. I've always attributed the memory loss to early Alzheimer's. But I can understand the connection... cognitive dissonance, not wanting to live emotionally in the real dangers that exist. Willful forgetfullness sure, suicide (for the more depressed and desperate to escape the hell), cardiovascular problems -sure- stress does this to Wall Street folks too, bone-density depletion (who the fuck knows?) perhaps from same stress effect.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 4, 2011, 12:30 AM
the hormone is cortisol..... it exists in all of us.... and normal activity affects it, including drinking a cup of coffee or having sex.....

its even prescribed as a skin treatment cream and oral tablets......

any respected specialist and expert in the field of advanced human biology and biochemistry, will tell you that every human being on earth that can get stressed or relax, is affected by cortisol...... and that the affects on people differ according to each person....

cortisol works in with epinephrine ( adrenaline ) to enhance short term memory it is long term high level cortisol that can do memory damage, but that again is stress related and happens to us all.......

( sourced from wikipedia )
Another function is to decrease bone formation. Cortisol is used to treat diseases such as Addison’s disease, inflammatory and rheumatoid diseases, and allergies. Low-potency hydrocortisone, available over the counter in some countries, is used to treat skin problems such as rashes, eczema and others.

Cortisol prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It stimulates gluconeogenesis (the breakdown of protein and fat to provide metabolites that can be converted to glucose in the liver) and it activates anti-stress and anti-inflammatory pathways

so the common denominator is stress and relaxation.....and of course there is a connection between bullying and stress
the experts have known about it for more than 40 years......

be careful with people doing thesis work..... its not always the * magic answer * people can think it is......

Feb 4, 2011, 8:58 AM
bizarre negativity?

Feb 4, 2011, 5:43 PM
If the researcher is trying to make such claims from just one limited study---then that is clearly wrong, but if the study is such that there is a strong indication his conclusions might be true--then that will hopefully lead someone else to do a larger, more complete study to determine the direct results of such experiences that make people secrete such chemicals, hormones or whatever they are and also for other studies to prove or disprove that long term exposure to such elements is indeed harmful.

I really would not be too concerned this one study is going to lead to much----even if a long term study did prove the assertions to be correct and all--what could really be done about it?

To be at all concerned with this study is "much ado about nothing!" and hardly worth being given one whit of thought--we have way the hell to much other important and real shit coming down on us to worry about what one lone researcher in some distant place is doing on this subject.

I have wasted all the time I am going to on this!!!

Long Duck Dong
Feb 4, 2011, 6:18 PM
lol..... the study is flawed cos its based around basic biochemistry

the hormonal disruption that is referred to in the study is the key to understanding why the study is flawed

a heterosexual person drinking 4 coffees
a asexual person arguing with their partner
a lesbian dealing with road rage
a gay person late for work and facing the boss
a trans person trying for insurance
a GQ person standing in court

and LGBT dealing with bullying

they all have one thing in common..... the cortisol hormonal disruption refered to in the original post.......

all the guy doing the study did, was take something he already knew about...and isolate it to LGBT only.... knowing the results had been documented in all people before, so it was a safe way to do a thesis and know that it would be accepted.......

in order to say that a cortisol issue led to suicide in a LGBT person from bullying, you would have to remove every issue that could disrupt the bodies cortisol levels, including every day living and even 3 cups of coffee would give you a cortisol level the same as found in a bullied person...... and how many people commit suicide cos they drink starbucks coffee ?????

all it takes is a lil common sense and basic knowledge of the human body.....

Feb 4, 2011, 11:55 PM
"even if a long term study did prove the assertions to be correct and all--what could really be done about it?"

I'm not sure how things are dealt with in your country as far as HIV positive people infecting others but in Canada something has happened that I would not have predicted ten years ago. If a person who is HIV + has sex without informing the person that they are positive, or even more so, deny their status when asked(and they know that they are +ve) they may be charged with sexual assault and end up in jail. This has happened several times in the past couple of years. If the person becomes infected and they die, the HIV+ve person is charged with murder. Several have been found guilty of murder (or manslaughter). This is only for those who intentionally infect others and not those who do not know their status.

I'm reminded of this. It may not be a parallel but I can see this study being replicated and eventually used to charge bullies with a more serious crime than I can not think of today. just say'n ;)

Yes, all bullies could end up being charged and not just people who bully GLBT.

Feb 5, 2011, 12:03 AM
Tenni, regardless of the parallel you described, this thesis is flawed. It's a natural occuring hormone in the body. It is in every human regardless of sexuality and it flares for the same reasons regardless of sexuality. They simply can not prove a correlation unless they have a way to isolate a control group, which in and of itself would be a stressful situation to be isolated from others.

As for using it for anything legal, unless Canada has a way more lax legal system than the US, they will never be able to use a thesis in a court of law. It is not something acceptable as evidence.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 12:45 AM
Tenni, regardless of the parallel you described, this thesis is flawed. It's a natural occuring hormone in the body. It is in every human regardless of sexuality and it flares for the same reasons regardless of sexuality. They simply can not prove a correlation unless they have a way to isolate a control group, which in and of itself would be a stressful situation to be isolated from others.

As for using it for anything legal, unless Canada has a way more lax legal system than the US, they will never be able to use a thesis in a court of law. It is not something acceptable as evidence.

DD when people do not know the difference between a sexually transfered virus and a naturally occurring hormone in the human body... and how the hormone is benefical to bullied people cos its a anti stress hormone..... you know its time to let them go off into their own lil dream world......

sits back and waits for the thesis that proves a direct correlation between rainbows and the birth of LBGT children...... and a direct correlation between LGBT bullying and lycanthropy......

Feb 5, 2011, 1:02 AM
What journal did you read about this study in?
(would you post the name of the journal, the quarterly that it was published in and what page(s) that it is on?
..also were you able to access the journal on the internet or did you go to a university to read it?)

What field is your doctorate in?...or masters

It is not a matter of lax laws but perhaps a matter of just laws as to this and future studies being used.

pst...not all studies have or need control groups at this stage of research. (uh and again you know that they didn't have a control group because?)

Feb 5, 2011, 1:06 AM
I read the article, I don't have a doctorate, but I do have a brain that knows how to conduct lab experiments, science 101. Now please tell me where this graduate student's doctorate is? Oh yeah, he doesn't have one. He has a hypothesis of a natural hormone and is trying to turn into a correlation with LGBT.

It is not a hormone that is only in LGBT so the thesis is flawed right there.

There is no solution to stop bullying, not in LGBT, not in anyone else. Not in women, not in kids with freckles, not with red headed kids, not with smart kids, not with stupid kids, not with poor kids, not with rich kids. Someone is always going to be different and some idiots will always take issue with that. Imagine that...kinda like this board.

Feb 5, 2011, 1:45 AM
"The study involved 63 Montreal residents between the ages of 18 and 25 who answered questionnaires and provided saliva samples in 2003 and 2004, said Benibgui, who was doing his doctoral thesis at the time. Part of the study was made public in 2005, but Benibgui didn't get around to releasing the rest until now.

The results showed that victims of homophobia had disruptions in their output of cortisol, a hormone released in the brain as a response to stress. Normally, cortisol levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening, but those facing homophobic bullying consistently produced higher levels throughout the day, Benibgui said."

It is questionable of you to make the statements that you have made without having read the full study in the published Journal (if it was published, otherwise you will have to find the university where Benibgui has put his doctorial thesis and now published further thesis write up in the university library. The article is very brief but note that he claims that there was a disruption in their output of cortisol..(must have proof?).

Based upon the article, I would wager that Benibgui has his doctorate hun. Yet you place yourself as more knowledgeable/expert not only of Benibgui but all of his advisors who evaluated his results when he had to defend his thesis. (of course we can not tell what his thesis was from this article maybe it was something totally unrelated ?)

Now, we don't know what his doctoral thesis is from the few words in this article. The fact that there was sufficient evidence to make a statement that there was a disruption in their output of cortisol indicates that much more was done in the study than is stated in the article.

Now, here are a couple of universities in Montreal that you may want to contact to ask how you may have a conversation with Benibgui. You go girl!!! I bet that you can shame him into seeing his errors!!!!

Concordia University
McGill University
University of Quebec-Montreal
Université de Montréal
Université Laval

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 1:48 AM
Being bullied for being gay or lesbian can cause a hormonal disruption that is known to increase suicide rates, memory loss, cardiovascular problems and bone-density depletion, a study from Montreal's Concordia University shows.

Fact, Bone density depletion is a natural aspect of cortisol, memory loss is a side effect of high levels of cortisol and is naturally occuring...

The results showed that victims of homophobia had disruptions in their output of cortisol, a hormone released in the brain as a response to stress. Normally, cortisol levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening, but those facing homophobic bullying consistently produced higher levels throughout the day

fact, it is a naturally occuring hormone.... and it counter acts the adrenaline in the system but you have a higher level of cortisol in the body in the morning as its part of the sleep and relaxation chemistry....

The study's participants were members of lesbian, gay and bisexual support groups. Among this group, levels of cortisol production varied significantly. This may be because some of the participants were more prone to being victimized since they had come out.

Fact, there was no set level of cortisol... only differing levels with no way to prove what was causing it including drinking coffee, road rage, etc etc... where was the non lgbt control group to measure the cortisol readings in non lgbt.....

While the study did not directly gauge participants' physical side effects, it is well-known that cortisol disruptions can lead to physical ailments. Besides measuring cortisol, the study's main focus was on whether participants were more depressed or had more thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts.

Fact... the study never gauged the side effects it claimed to find in the people... cos the effects are already known about from other studies.....
the questions the study asked, were used to work out if there was more depression or suicidual thoughts.......
so the thesis used existing studies to *prove* a link between cortisol and medical aliments.... using medical info that already existed and was documented by people that found that stress levels trigger cortisol....

And yet parental, family and peer support for a person who is lesbian, gay or bisexual was the greatest countermeasure to cortisol disruption. Such support also strongly affected the person's resiliency.

More widespread study is necessary, Benibgui said, but he said he hopes gay-positive policies can be justified by his findings' implications for the health system, if not on their moral and ethical merits alone

something we all already know.... its old news......... support can help people.... the human race has known about it for a few 10's of 1000 years.....

the LGBT have known about support networks and groups.. thats why they have LGBT support groups....

there is a direct link between people that are not reading articles and people that go off on a tangent, thinking that the medical experts over the last 40 years, missed something when they documented the effects of cortisol in the people, including the fact that stress raises cortisol levels..... strangely enuf bullying is stressful, we all know that....

so the guy has told people what they already know..... but is using the most obvious tear provoking aspect.... the LGBT.... cos people still believe that bullying LGBT is some how more tragic than bullying non lgbt.... and what happens.... well... look back over the thread... and the talk about extra studies into this..... when we already know about it and have for decades

Feb 5, 2011, 4:12 AM
..is all a bit silly this.. bullyin is bound 2 affect the health of those bullied.. gay or ne 1 else.. mental and/or physical... end of.. no need for big analytical barney bout it..:)

Feb 5, 2011, 4:42 PM
How can 63 subjects be a substansive study...hope the study wasn' t funded.

Feb 5, 2011, 8:05 PM
Surely the thing is not that everyone has these effects from different things in their lives, but that LGBT people may show the ordinary pattern on top of the impacts of social homophobia / biphobia / transphobia, and so as a group LGBT people would have higher rates of the problems related to changed levels of cortisol?

Further, if these cortisol rates are so widely known about for the wider population, there are probably statistical normal levels known about of what kind of distributions you'd get in young people - so there might not be such a need for a control group of straight cis people.

If a study of 63 has - as this achingly short report suggests - shown statistically significant differences from what would be expected, that's the kind of small-scale result you'd have to be showing before you'd get any funding to do anything more meaningful.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 5, 2011, 8:35 PM
Surely the thing is not that everyone has these effects from different things in their lives, but that LGBT people may show the ordinary pattern on top of the impacts of social homophobia / biphobia / transphobia, and so as a group LGBT people would have higher rates of the problems related to changed levels of cortisol?

Further, if these cortisol rates are so widely known about for the wider population, there are probably statistical normal levels known about of what kind of distributions you'd get in young people - so there might not be such a need for a control group of straight cis people.

If a study of 63 has - as this achingly short report suggests - shown statistically significant differences from what would be expected, that's the kind of small-scale result you'd have to be showing before you'd get any funding to do anything more meaningful.

cortisol exists in everybody, and it increases based around the level of stress in the body...... but yes, its individual to each person how they react to stress and that is why its impossible to make the connection......

the highest levels of cortisol in humans is found in people with high level stress roles, such as fighters, executives, daredevils etc.... people that produce high levels of adrenaline... cos cortisol counters adrenaline.....

the reason why you would not use a control group of cis people in the study... is that you would show the same results in both groups.....

its a bit like alcohol tolerance, i could do a thesis about lgbt people and their alcohol tolerance, and as long as I did not use a cis gender group in the study, I can say that lgbt people have a higher / lower tolerance to alcohol cos of bullying cos i would ask them questions and measure the amount of alcohol in their system...
but without a control group to measure the same findings against.... my findings are flawed......

so what I would do, is get my doctorate... then release the flawed findings when its too late for people to argue them..... and you have to ask yourself why nobody has done the research over the last 40 years ???? cos they already know, it can not be done...... and thats why it hasn't been done..... the findings change from person to person... and cos everybody reacts differently to stress, you can duplicate the same levels of cortisol in a person by finding their stress triggers.... and if a person has the same cortisol levels from drinking coffee... than they show from being bullied one day a week... then there is no way in hell it would stand up in court

the world of thesis and doctorates and funding is a dirty one.... and the findings are only as good as the scientific data to back them up

btw, the doctorate for the guy, was in clinical psychology.... thats why he have no medical tests done... just salivia swabs......
his field is in science of the brain, not biochemisty......

it would be like you getting around a website designer to build you a computer.....