View Full Version : A Wedding Invitation

Feb 2, 2011, 8:45 AM
A rare thing for me on workdays is still being at home when the Postie arrives.. this morning was one of those rare occasions.. as I was about to go out the door Kate handed me my post and before taking my first class this mroning I groaned as my placcie card bill was opened and then was gobsmacked by the second.. a wedding invitation to my ex husbands forthcoming do.. I knew he was getting married, but an invitation was the last thing I expected.. his mum will be having kittens. A good thing.

I am truly chuffed for him, cos he is lovely and deserves better than he got from me.. he is also loaded, so she wont want for anything. I just hope she likes the quiet life locked away in the middle of nowhere.. I couldnt hack it, but she isnt me and having met her, and liked her, I think she will be ok as long as the dragon lady doesnt interfere too much. But poor Brian is an only child and I'm afraid no one is quite good enough for her son.. I certainly wasn't and she made that quite clear from the moment we met!! Fear not..Fran has long since had a word or 2 in her shell likes and given her a few tips in how too keep the old bag from becoming far too domineering..;)

So to Brian and Lynz I say love, health, happiness and joy..o yes..and babbas.. and put up a sign at the farm gate... Mothers in Law will be prosecuted... :bigrin:

Feb 2, 2011, 9:00 AM
Fran It seems like when I need a smile to start my day I always find a note from you with some chuckle worthy writing in it. Congratulations to your ex, and I am happy you two remained friends. My Mother-in-law has not been the best to me. She hasn't outright said:tongue: anything to my face but I hear the comments none the less. I just have to let it roll off my back for hubby's sake. He has a younger sister who can do no wrong, while he seems to do no right. So, by all means tell the new wifey all about how to fend off dragon momma! I hope you go to the wedding and have a great time ruffling ex-mommy in laws dragon scales.

Feb 2, 2011, 9:01 AM
LOL that's awesome Fran. I already know I have a dragon that is gonna be my new mother in law, pity the last mother in law I liked shame her son was such an ass :)

To your ex and his new bride to be I say: Slainte mhor agus a h-uile beannachd duibh.

Feb 2, 2011, 11:26 AM
Fran It seems like when I need a smile to start my day I always find a note from you with some chuckle worthy writing in it. Congratulations to your ex, and I am happy you two remained friends.

So am I, gurl.. have tried 2 stay friends wiv mosta me x's, but for 1 reason or t'otha its not always possible.. but am glad we especially have cos I luffed him 1ce an more 2 point like 'im enormously.. still do luff 'im in me own way.. wud nev wish ne harm 2 come 2 the daft bugga an only gud.. Linzi me calls the Bimbo, cos she sumtimes dusn act 2 cleva.. but recently found out that lil girl has hidden depths.. she will b gud for 'im an kno he will b for 'er..:)

ps..an the babbas? No 1 is cummin soona than lata the mucky paira ratbags.. an that lil bugga will nev want for luff eitha.. from either of 'em.. wiv luck the lil toerag may even soften the heart of the dragon!!! Spesh if its a lad.. :tong:

Long Duck Dong
Feb 2, 2011, 5:01 PM
hugs fran....... you gonna go ????lol

if I was there, I would be saying something like

Sydd gennych
Muriau ar gyfer y gwynt
A tho ar gyfer y glaw,
A diodydd ochr gwely y tân
Chwerthin i godi ei galon i chi
A'r rhai wrth eich bodd yn eich ardal chi,
A'r holl bod eich calon gall awydd

its a blessing of the home....

May you have
Walls for the wind
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks bedside the fire
Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire

Feb 2, 2011, 5:28 PM
Course I..we.. r goin!!! An not just 2 annoy mummy dearest.. but cos I'm fond of 'im an 'spose in a way it sorta is the final realisation of the rebuilding of a much valued relationship.. try an keep us away!!:tong: