View Full Version : Came out to a friend yesterday

Feb 2, 2011, 3:50 AM
A friend of mine who I have grown closer to over the last few weeks mentioned he was gay and lived a fairly openly gay lifestyle, which was not overly surprising to me. I started talking to him about it and told him I had been struggling with the idea of being bi. I also came to the realization that telling him helped me accept it as well. It's definitely weird to actually say it aloud and tell someone.

I was one of the people who came on this forum asking for advice on the internal questions and all that, the "Am I or am I not" debate. I just thought I'd let you all hear a success story.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 2, 2011, 4:23 AM
lol well done...... many people look around to see if the world has changed if they come out....and realise nothing has changed, only perceptions...lol

I remember one guy I know that came out as gay and complained that he could still not get laid, at the local lgbt bar... the barman just shrugged and told him that he may have come out as gay, but he was still in denial of the fact he was a asshole...... I spilt my jack and coke laughing........

I have seen many success stories.... and it makes me smile cos I knowing that publicly admitting who you are, can be harder than coming out....
the difference there is coming out is when you tell people what you are.... publicly admitting is when you acknowledge who and what you are

you publicly admitted who you are, you realised its who you are and you told somebody..... now telling other people that you are bisexual, is not as hard... its just more awkward...

Feb 2, 2011, 6:13 AM
Congrats :)

Feb 2, 2011, 6:43 AM
Congrats on letting it out. Its an awesome feeling.

So... any chemistry between your friend and yourself?

Feb 2, 2011, 10:46 AM
well done...... many people look around to see if the world has changed if they come out....and realise nothing has changed, only perceptions...lol

I remember one guy I know that came out as gay and complained that he could still not get laid, at the local lgbt bar... the barman just shrugged and told him that he may have come out as gay, but he was still in denial of the fact he was a asshole...... I spilt my jack and coke laughing........

I have seen many success stories.... and it makes me smile cos I knowing that publicly admitting who you are, can be harder than coming out....
the difference there is coming out is when you tell people what you are.... publicly admitting is when you acknowledge who and what you are

Love the bartender story!! And your input!

Feb 2, 2011, 11:09 AM
knowing that publicly admitting who you are, can be harder than coming out....
the difference there is coming out is when you tell people what you are.... publicly admitting is when you acknowledge who and what you are

Wow! Hadn't thought of it that way. I like to think of myself as mostly out, although I would prefer not to publicly admit I'm queer. I have told myself, though, if I'm ever asked about my sexuality, I'd be honest about it.

I was taken aback with that idea a bit when I went out with some old military friends for breakfast this last Sunday. No one asked me but for some reason I started thinking about being queer as I sat with the group. I'm not sure I could have admitted it in front of all those guys if the subject came up. Maybe one or two privately, but not as a group.

What a sissy I found myself to be.

Feb 2, 2011, 12:55 PM
The public admittance is what I feel best about. And you're right, I was expecting the world to have a different color or something, but I realized all that changed was myself and there wasn't as much weighing on my mind.

Feb 2, 2011, 9:15 PM
The public admittance is what I feel best about. And you're right, I was expecting the world to have a different color or something, but I realized all that changed was myself and there wasn't as much weighing on my mind.

its crazy how much better you feel after you tell some one that knows how you feel or just understands how you feel. coming out was the hardest thing i ever did. most of my friends a rednecks so that was a little odd. but i did find out who my real friends are.
i think it was real cool that you found someone to be there for you.

Feb 3, 2011, 2:40 PM
I am Belle, married to a man, one woman short of gay. I guess from our earliest days, even before we started dating I assumed he was gay. When we became serious, he told me that he had been sexual with men- as a matter of fact our best man was his past lover- and it never bothered me. Seven years ago during a conversation it came out that he wanted to have a man in his life. A while later we found this site. Two years ago, after much diligent prodding from me, he finally admitted to me OUT LOUD that he was gay. He said it was the scariest moment of his life, but also one which freed him. Little by little he has been telling people whom he feels should know. One thing which helped him immensely was attending a gathering in NYC last summer where nearly twenty couples from around the country who are living in Mixed Orientation Marriages and making it work took place. It gave him sense of confidence knowing other gay men were married to women and making it work.
