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Feb 1, 2011, 8:09 PM
Enrique wants to be your hero..

But who is your real hero?

My dad... No copying y'all :eek:

Feb 1, 2011, 8:22 PM
LOL wouldn't be copying to say it. My dad is my hero. Always has been, always will be.

Feb 2, 2011, 8:14 AM
There are two.. me Grandad an me dad.. 1 who first treated me as other than a child, taught me compassion for others and who could read me better than any other human being, and the other who has shown me such love and affection and taught me more about the world than any other.. and who of course spoiled me rotten... without I hope spoiling me too badly as a human being..:)

Feb 2, 2011, 11:54 AM
I don't have heroes. I used to have them but they dissapointed me.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 2, 2011, 7:32 PM
I used to say other people...... but then a friend said that to me, I should be my own hero... cos I have done so much in my life, survived so much and kept strong to what I believe......

personally, yeah I can see it that way, but credit where credits due...and people I admire are my partner for having faith in me, knowing some of the battles I struggle with, and a friend and their partner, whom went above and beyond the call of duty... and gave me and DD our lives back......and a sister that believed in me til the end.... I wish she could see me now..... and realise that I made it, sis.... I made it....

Feb 2, 2011, 7:47 PM
I used to say other people...... but then a friend said that to me, I should be my own hero... cos I have done so much in my life, survived so much and kept strong to what I believe......

personally, yeah I can see it that way, but credit where credits due...and people I admire are my partner for having faith in me, knowing some of the battles I struggle with, and a friend and their partner, whom went above and beyond the call of duty... and gave me and DD our lives back......and a sister that believed in me til the end.... I wish she could see me now..... and realise that I made it, sis.... I made it....

*cries and gives LDD a long wet kiss with lots of :tongue:*

Feb 2, 2011, 7:54 PM
my mum. always my crusader, my supporter, my cheerleader. even when her life was a mound of steaming not-so-pleasant stuff, she always was there for me. with everything she's taught me, i only hope i can do her justice and return the favour in her time of need.

Feb 2, 2011, 10:43 PM
My 13 y/o daughter. She helps to keep me together when I feel like I'm falling apart.

Feb 3, 2011, 12:34 AM
I can count 5 heroes/heroines in my life (past/present), one of which is Mrs. Blue. There are two outside my life.

All 7 have demonstrated loyalty, vulnerability, and honesty.
All 7 have demonstrated these traits as a subset of love.

I suppose love defines my heroes/heroines. Those gifted with the capacity and the ability to practice real love - that few are brave enough to lend themselves so vulnerable in a world where betrayal is so profitable.

The two outside my life have sadly passed.
John Paul II and Mother Theresa.
Their writings and actions can be appallingly humbling and inspirational.

Poor damned Benedict! Tainted mediocre bastard.. (by comparison to JP II) can never live up to the -searing self challenging and personal humanist growth- of JP II. Plus, Benedict's fugly... :) JP II was just old, ancient, bent, bowed, but never ugly.
It's funny (but perhaps not) the Velveteen Rabbit principle applies.

Feb 3, 2011, 2:35 PM
We have been married 31 years... I was raised Orthodox Jew, she was raised very devout Roman Catholic. We are both now devout agnostics. The only way to describe our wedding and early marriage usually uses the word jihad on part of our parents bad attitudes for a long time.

Along the way, we met a gay couple who became close friends, they got together when one was 15 and the other almost 21, they have been together almost 40 years. One is Hispanic and comes from a devout Catholic family, the other is Jewish. Not only did they have all the same family shit we did, but they came out in the process... it was not easy for them.

However they remain a happy, loving couple. True partners.

Now both families are close, celebrate together and accept the situation.

These guys are our relationship heroes.

When folks marvel at our length of marriage, we just LOVE to tell them about our heroes and watch their eyes cross (no one expects a straight looking couple to cite a gay couple as role models...YES!!!!)


Feb 4, 2011, 5:50 AM
My answer for this will seem extremely strange but I have to say that my the hero in my life is the hero I created in a video game, World of Warcraft.

My character is a tall and strong person, always seeking the next great challenge or ready to explore the next huge dungeon or area he wonders into. Along the way he meets other such hero's and together they can ban together to take on even greater tasks, be it battling though a ship full of undead to slaying a large fire breathing Dragon. There was nothing he couldn't do and every adventure he went on only made him stronger.

However, not everything is about killing and exploring. There are also the difficult times. Going out of his way to help a friend in need, only to have them turn on him or lie in order to get what they wanted and leave him in the dust. Having his hard work wasted because a group of friends wanted to go off and fight and force him to wait around hoping they would need him, only to go months without ever grouping with them. The hardest part, was when he met his greatest friend and ally, and for three years they fought together, grew together, some may say they even loved together, only to find out one day that she would no longer be coming back because she found someone who would take care of her better then he did.

All these hardships aside, he still manages to put on his gear, hop onto his horse and ride out into the world to meet those challenges knowing full well that he can get hurt again, and still he rides on at full speed.

As much as a nerd as I am sure I just made myself out to be, that has to be my hero to me.

Feb 4, 2011, 4:13 PM
Enrique wants to be your hero..

But who is your real hero?

My dad... No copying y'all :eek:

. . . . . ahhhh, who's Enrique?

Doggie :doggie:

my son is mine, btw!

Feb 5, 2011, 12:23 AM
. . . . . ahhhh, who's Enrique?

Doggie :doggie:

my son is mine, btw!

Enrique Iglesias.., singer and son of julio.

Feb 5, 2011, 10:09 AM
Void looks around the void, ponders. ...



It is difficult for me to find a hero. Maybe, I should reveal my roots of Eris (http://principiadiscordia.com/) and name my uncle Bob (http://www.subgenius.com/) as a hero. Then, I also need to consider the Dada (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada) inside. Fine, I'll say Ursula K. Le Guin (http://www.ursulakleguin.com/) and be safe, ... maybe.

Void rambles on pondering away.