View Full Version : things not to say

Jan 31, 2011, 8:53 AM
I was in a supermarket the other day,
little girl maybe 8 yrs old asked her mum " can i have some sweets mum?" to which her mum replied "no". Same question with same answer for about a minute or so...the way all children do...but do they then add " if you dont get me sweets, i will tell everyone here that you kissed daddy's penis last night". I have never seen a more crimson face nor sweets in a childs grasp so quick

Jan 31, 2011, 9:39 AM
Thats Funny :bounce::rotate:

Jan 31, 2011, 10:00 AM
That's a graphic example of why those with children should be careful what you say, or do, around children. Other than the fact that they may be too young to know those things, they can also be extremely open and honest. And, as you saw, things they see is great material for blackmail!

Then, once they find they have some power over you, you've lost parental control, too! No matter how embarrassing it'd be, I would not succumb to blackmail.

Jan 31, 2011, 10:42 AM
Not exactly something we said but before Kate's father died, she and I were looking after her sister (now our daughter... long story.. so forget it..) while he was away for a few days visiting friends. Upon his return he asked her how she had enjoyed herself.. bright as you like absolutely innocently she piped up.. "Great daddy, I got lots of nice new things, we went out to eat all the time, but what is that screaming and moaning coming from their room at night? It woke me up!":eek:

Talk about crawling away into a hole...

Jan 31, 2011, 3:45 PM
Ahhhh yes the things kids say....I remember a while back I went fishing with an old mate and his 2 kids the boy was about 11 at the time and his sister was all of 9, it was an early morning start to get the boat in the water and off we went fishing out into the open ocean. As the day progressed and the kids got bored they started playing around, and as anyone who has been in a 16ft boat in the open ocean knows it's not really a great playground for 2 children. Well it wasnt long before my mate went off his brain and told them to behave.......in no uncertain terms I might add, they finally settled with the girl going to sleep and the boy half heartedly started fishing again.

We headed back for the boat ramp in the late afternoon and when we reached it it was just on dusk with about 60 odd people there enjoyiong the sunset including my wife and my mates wife was there waiting for us. We were about 50 yards away from the ramp when my mates son's yells out at the top of his lungs "MUM, DAD CALLED ME A CUNT" and she yells out "GLEN DID YOU CALL HIM A CUNT"to which he replied ÖF COURSE I DIDNT, I CALLED HIM A LITTLE CUNT" I was laughing so hard that I nearly fell out of the boat the 60 odd people couldnt believe their ears and most were laughing too.

There is a lot of truth in being careful what you say around young kids....all this came about because my mate in a fit of anger telling his kids to stop fucking arond....all in all it was a great days fishing with a good catch and some light entertainment thrown in for good measure.

BTW...Before anyone goes off about taking kids out into the open ocean Glen's children were and are very capable fisherpersons winning many compertitions in their age groups....its just that their hearts wasnt in it on that particular day.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 31, 2011, 4:14 PM
Poor guy will not get his penis kissed for a long time.

There is a reason they make door locks but they have to be used.

Jan 31, 2011, 6:18 PM
I was in a supermarket the other day,
little girl maybe 8 yrs old asked her mum " can i have some sweets mum?" to which her mum replied "no". Same question with same answer for about a minute or so...the way all children do...but do they then add " if you dont get me sweets, i will tell everyone here that you kissed daddy's penis last night". I have never seen a more crimson face nor sweets in a childs grasp so quick

What happened to a pop on the ass and, "We don't tell strangers what we do in the house, do we? No we don't."


Jan 31, 2011, 6:31 PM
What happened to a pop on the ass and, "We don't tell strangers what we do in the house, do we? No we don't."


Unfortunately physical chastisement is now "assault". No wonder discipline and respect are lacking in decent society.

Jan 31, 2011, 6:55 PM
Unfortunately physical chastisement is now "assault". No wonder discipline and respect are lacking in decent society.

What....? Common sense done took a vacation among some of the law makers in the UK, huh??


Jan 31, 2011, 7:09 PM
What....? Common sense done took a vacation among some of the law makers in the UK, huh??


.. often Taylor.. as they do everywhere..;)

Max isnt quite right actually..it remains legal for a parent to smack a child within certain limits.. but hitting with with a closed fist or kicking, head butting, using a belt or some other foreign instrument is construed as assault. The debate goes on whether it is ever right to hit a child.. you probably have a fair idea where I stand on the issue..

Long Duck Dong
Jan 31, 2011, 8:55 PM
yeah taylor, here in nz, its illegal to smack your kids under circumstances....

there is a guy that was fighting in court cos he gave his kid a smack for swearing in public and trying to punch another kid.... and the father was reported and charged for smacking his son.....

he lost the case and the appeal...as it was ruled that his sons behievour did not warrant corporal punishment......

btw, side note.... did you know that people are trying to have the net made a aspect of basic human rights..... if that happens, you will lose the right to deny your kids access to the net... even if they misuse it or use it to cyber bully others.....

Jan 31, 2011, 8:58 PM
I remember how much trouble I had with two out of three kids, their tongues needed to be clipped. It wasn't so bad on the middle one, but the older one had issues with "tr", I remember being quite embarrassed when my ex mother in law had her oh so religious conservative friend over when we were visiting. She saw him playing with a fire engine and asked him what it was "He said my fire fuck"

Jan 31, 2011, 9:41 PM
I'm just laughing my ass off reading this thread, my lady is sitting quietly watching tv and she asked what was so funny. I read her out Chook's and she lost it. Just read her DD's and she's smiling ear to ear as she can imagine that scene and how red DD's face might have gotten.


Feb 1, 2011, 7:37 AM
It is unlawful for a parent or carer to smack their child, except where this ammounts to reasonable punishment.

Whether a smack ammounts to reasonable punishment will depend on each case.

However physical punishment is unreasonable if it leaves a mark or an implement is used.

The new childs mantra is.. If you hit me I will report you.