View Full Version : Men Tolerate Girlfriends Who Sleep With Other Women

Jan 30, 2011, 3:35 PM
Men Tolerate Girlfriends Who Sleep With Other Women (http://psychcentral.com/news/2011/01/28/men-tolerate-girlfriends-who-sleep-with-other-women/23004.html)

"New research suggests men are more than twice as likely to continue dating a girlfriend who has cheated on them with another woman than one who has cheated with another man.

Women show the opposite pattern. They are more likely to continue dating a man who has had a heterosexual affair than one who has had a homosexual affair."

Jan 30, 2011, 3:55 PM
It's funny that this is brought up and I'm going through it... 50% of the guys out there allow a girlfriend to have an affair with another woman... Well, it might not be new news on that fact, but how do you get them to admit it so you could move on through this??? My wife would rather lie, taking it with her to her grave and turn her marriage into a outright shipwreck than to admit to it and continue with it with my consent. Someone, please explain to me that one...

Jan 30, 2011, 4:00 PM

Not surprising.
F/F is viewed as hot.
M/M is viewed as taboo.

I'm just the opposite. If I knew he'd been with a woman, we'd be done.
If I knew he'd been with a man....:tongue:.....it's a good thing.

It seems like she might not be comfortable with it herself yet. Admitting it to you will make it REAL. She might not be ready for that.
Definitely does not sound like it's worth the strife it's causing on your marriage.
Be patient with her. Maybe she just needs time.


Jan 30, 2011, 4:01 PM
It's funny that this is brought up and I'm going through it... 50% of the guys out there allow a girlfriend to have an affair with another woman... Well, it might not be new news on that fact, but how do you get them to admit it so you could move on through this??? My wife would rather lie, taking it with her to her grave and turn her marriage into a outright shipwreck than to admit to it and continue with it with my consent. Someone, please explain to me that one...

i can only suggest that maybe she feels deep guilt over cheating. lying seems to be so much more accepted in society than cheating. i mean, people lie over the stupidest, simplest things. whereas cheating is deceit on a deeper level. maybe that's why she can't/won't admit it. it may also be to protect herself. she may think less of herself and can't handle that. and if she can't admit it to herself and be honest with herself, how hard would it be to admit it to someone she may be frightened of losing? i could be wrong cos i don't know either of you, but just a thought.

Jan 30, 2011, 4:04 PM
I think the results are skewed, it doesn't mention what sexuality the people surveyed were. That makes a difference. It's like the poll I posted here, the results are opposite what was posted on a site where you have a predominately hetero population vs a more gay and bi population and even the hetero's here are not biphobic.

Bottom line I think you can look at any study three ways from Sunday and still find room for your own interpretation.