View Full Version : facebook gripe

Jan 29, 2011, 3:31 PM
best friend's son-in-law just found out his grandfather had died from a comment on facebook. he lived in another state, but the family there never bothered to pick up the phone and call to let the rest of the family know.

i would have thought after all the publicity about us becoming emotionally desensitised due to computers, this would stop happening. you know, when you know better you do better - that sort of thing. people watch these sorts of stories being reported as shock value on the news, say how disgusting, and then go and do it themselves. have we become so insensitive? or like the poor, is there a level of insensitive yobs that will be with us always?

artsy girl
Jan 29, 2011, 3:36 PM
That's really a sad story.. and of course very unsensitive on that persons part.. .
the trueth of the matter is .. someone is always willing to be an asshole though.. people are just peopel.


Jan 29, 2011, 10:01 PM
Everytime I read stories like this I take it with a grain of salt. I know many people who don't even stop to listen to answering machines or check voicemails on their phones because they are so obsessed with going home and getting online. While it's sad he found out that way it makes you wonder if that was the only way to tell him that was guaranteed. Facebook takes a lot of shots and for good reason but the entire blame can not go on the social networking group this time. :2cents:

Jan 30, 2011, 1:10 AM
My parents are like that. Once I found out that an uncle had died after the funeral.

Jan 30, 2011, 6:08 AM
I've been online since the early 90's late 80's. From that time I've learned vast amounts. I've also wasted thousands of hours of life and living. This habit got it's start when I was 13, about the same time I lost virginity oddly.

The public schools here had just began to embrace computers. We had an older fellow come in to teach us how to use the old Apple II desktop boxes. I didn't know until after-wards but he was a member of a group known then as DARPA. At the time the whole acronym really didn't mean squat to me.

He taught us to write in BASIC code. It was an interesting notion, you could make a machine connected to other machines do what you wanted. There was power when until then I had been stripped of even humanity at times. I got really good with Basic.

He allowed us to read a huge 'code book' which explained the basics of Basic. From there I started wondering, reading more. I discovered the box could talk over phone wires. I asked to run a program. This program shut down DARPAs network for 15 minutes, then gracefully rebooted it. This was a simple basic program, taking around 3-4,000 lines of code from some newbie teenager.

I've since lost interest in basic, programming. Still tinker about at times but nothing serious. Forgot my code which was for the better as they didn't seem happy he let me do that as a lesson.

Can I say computers have made me degraded?

That depends on your view. From where I am, if I actually applied to it then likely I'd be a billionaire several times over. I don't apply. Don't desire that sort of wealth. Thank you Internet for making me a Hippie. Met my wife and boyfriend via the Internet as well. Both love me so much at times it makes this old cantankerous dog wonder about why he's so blessed. And I love them too. The internet led me to read about Taoism, Richard Bach, Flatland, Castanada, Hugh Mearn, Oldgen Nash (better than Suess), Grimms, and various others I would have never gotten to. Even read Golden Bough, Lesser and Greater Keys of Solomon.

Became a crackpot 'Conspiracy Theorist', too. Sorry I don't wear tin foil hats. But I do believe power corrupts, absolute power absolutely. I believe abuse is wrong. Believe respecting yourself and others is right. Yes the internet became something of a father to me, having none for myself. So in my own right I'm one of the 'new breed' that wants a datajack put in my noggin. Seriously, I want cybernetics.

But I also want to remain human. It has been a long haul for me to become human. I helped topple a wall, brought the core of communism to a halt, launched a rocket that exploded our hopes. I've also remained on the verges, seen the evils and the goods. Been both at times, I'm human just the same as any on the other end of the wire.

Facebook and its ilk in my view is evil. It classifies people. This means it's easier for divide and conquer to work. We aren't pieces, we're whole people. One people. And maybe it is a matter of education, maybe, or maybe we need more nuclear weapons aimed at one another. I don't know, sadly. But I do know we got to come together, not apart. Yes there are monsters out here. But until we aren't the monster, we can't hunt them.

Sorry for rambling in a sad refrain. Just tired, but never stop runnin'.

Jan 31, 2011, 8:26 AM
Society has become too dependent on electronics as a whole..does anyone really care that your current status is bored at work or that the office joker has just thrown a sheep at you!

We are constantly watched by big brother on his cctv..our shopping analysed by our "loyalty" cards etc. We can meet up via sms, get fired by text, get dumped by partners so why not die electronically as well?

Jan 31, 2011, 8:44 AM
I don't like Facebook, myself...........find it too intrusive, and too many uninvited people wanting to be involved. I'm more comfortable with less complications/diversity and more concerned with a specific subject matter.

I feel comfortable with this site's format. It's simple and you can correspond with those who share like interests, opinions, or ignore those you don't wish to communicate with.