View Full Version : Large or small breasts?

Jan 28, 2011, 3:54 PM
One thing I notice is that in str8 pictures the woman seem to have very large breasts, but in bi pictures the woman have all sizes but many have smaller breasts.

The woman I love has small breasts and they drive me wild, nothing like seeing a nipple show through her clothes, forget those padded bras.

So can I ask, do you like large, medium or small breasts and why.

I will take a small but tender breast any day over a large and with no feelings nipple.

what do you like?

Jan 28, 2011, 5:34 PM
Hmmmm, you showed your bias, adding to your original question, by identifying small breasts as tender and sensitive, or large breasts as having insensitive nipples.

When all aspects are considered, I'd choose the lady who fits my interests, has mutual desires, and is more-than-likely bisexual....the size of her breasts would not enter into the equation. During my life, I have had lovers with all manner of figures, but none were rejected because of their physique.

On a solely superficial level, I like larger, more voluptuous, women.

If I was Frankenstein and could build a lady for myself, I'd end up with my girlfriend. She's a raven-haired, full-figured, honey, who is loving, intelligent, and sensuous.

She also has large breasts (which are crowned by extremely sensitive nipples, by-the-way) and a butt that would shame JLO!

Jan 28, 2011, 5:40 PM
i like em all. some of my best experiences was with an ex. she had small breasts but were her hot spot. she loved anything you did to them. suck her breasts and she would get very nasty and vocal. current wife has big ones. not as much a hot spot but very nice. hers is her ass. i just love it all. :bigrin:

Jan 28, 2011, 5:45 PM
I like breasts
Yes I do,
I like them big or small
Don't you?


Mine are on the small size. My girls boobs are on the large size. It's all good. They provide us with pleasure and provided her children with some nourishment.


Jan 28, 2011, 6:59 PM
I've never been with a girl with a huge breasts (but been with girls of all sizes) and allthough big (big are that slightly larger than my hand, huge are just.... HUGE) breasts are nice to see anytime, in sex I prefer smaller and medium breasts.

But I hate when I'm with girl who unfortunatelly almost doesn't have breasts and they don't want me to touch them, sometimes not even to look at them. And they all enjoyed sucking them.

Jan 28, 2011, 7:05 PM
Somehow, breast like dicks are connected to the brain, and if you can't deal with the brain, it doesn't matter too much,:eek: except when looking at porn.

Jan 28, 2011, 8:48 PM
i love them all :)
small ones bounce so well when she is riding on top :):)
large ones make a great pearl necklace facilitator :):)
inbtween ones are works of art that jiggle the light fantastic :):)
i love breasts of any size:):)
my mom's are the best :):):):)

Jan 28, 2011, 9:55 PM
Hmmmm, you showed your bias, adding to your original question, by identifying small breasts as tender and sensitive, or large breasts as having insensitive nipples.

When all aspects are considered, I'd choose the lady who fits my interests, has mutual desires, and is more-than-likely bisexual....the size of her breasts would not enter into the equation. During my life, I have had lovers with all manner of figures, but none were rejected because of their physique.

On a solely superficial level, I like larger, more voluptuous, women.

If I was Frankenstein and could build a lady for myself, I'd end up with my girlfriend. She's a raven-haired, full-figured, honey, who is loving, intelligent, and sensuous.

She also has large breasts (which are crowned by extremely sensitive nipples, by-the-way) and a butt that would shame JLO!

That is a discription of a woman that would cause me to be sexually excited.
But, I like some with a little less too. Really thin totally turns me off.

BJ Hunter
Jan 29, 2011, 12:37 AM
Well, I love ample women, large breasts, and large ass just does it for me.
I love the way they look, and feel, and love to have my face between them.
Skinny women, especially with skinny legs do nothing for me.

Jan 30, 2011, 1:58 AM
*Note to self: Send Real an anonny-mouse pic of me with the eyes blurred out so he cant tell who it is,,,...LMAO.
Silly Cat

Jan 30, 2011, 2:32 AM
Anything from A to D's. If they are really HUGE I'm not that into them but still enjoy em. The past 2 pairs I've played with are C's and D's; so I'd really like to play with some A's and B's right now. I like it all lol.

Dead Account
Jan 30, 2011, 4:52 AM
Any size will do...

Jan 30, 2011, 1:27 PM
Don't know why, but for some reason I like small breasts. The smaller the better!
Small breasts just turn me on!!!!!

Jan 30, 2011, 2:52 PM
Anymore than a handful is a waste.

Jan 30, 2011, 2:53 PM
Guess I'll be a guy and say big.:2cents:

Jan 30, 2011, 5:19 PM
XXXL of course !!!!:tongue:

Jan 30, 2011, 5:23 PM
It's kind of amusing seeing the guys who want not just large breasts but breasts so large that it is guaranteed to cause issues for the woman. Intense back pain and shoulder grooving is very sexy no?

When I worked for a chiropractor we treated several people with breasts that were just too big for their frame, we documented the shoulder grooving from the bra straps digging in and the fact they came for care for their back. It was part of their medical history needed to prove that they had tried alternative methods so the insurance would pay for a breast reduction surgery.

There is nothing wrong with fantasies but please spare a thought for the women who have this problem.

Jan 30, 2011, 6:33 PM
Large, what exactly is large? Love em A cup to D cup, anything any bigger is a waste.:tong:

Feb 1, 2011, 2:57 AM
Eh, no real preference. It's just a happen-stance that all the girls I have had LTR's with had C cup or bigger.

Feb 1, 2011, 4:22 AM
I adore large breasts but i have had woman with not much more than a nipple. i was married to a petite woman with 32FF boobs and they were awesome(she loved them too). scoreland.com is the place for big boobs.
i don't like fake boobs at all but will crawl across broken glass for a woman with D or more.
mmmmm, i feel a stirring . gotta go:tongue:

Long Duck Dong
Feb 1, 2011, 5:32 AM
lol tits.... drools... well I better keep a breast of the subject line before I make a boob of myself cos I am thinking about titties..... awww shit.... too late

I like breasts on a woman that is comfortable with them... size is not really a issue with me, as they enhance a ladies attractiveness.....

I can not say what is really the perfect breast size for me..... cos its the lady they are on... that can make a c cup into a d cup... or a b cup, based around their body shape and size.....

I know that I love nipples that are sensitive to a mans lips, fingers and caress... but not that sensitive that pressure from the lips feels like I am chewing the nipples off lol.......

Feb 1, 2011, 11:41 AM
While I don't make a choice of being with someone on the size of some body parts---in the case of women---their breasts---if I like someone and want to be with them--it doesn't matter if they have big breasts or small ones---but when it comes to breast size in the theoretical sense---my preference is---in my nature of being contrary to many of the things a person is supposed to like according to the mass cultural standard setting outlets like movies and TV--I do tend to prefer smaller breasts.

Feb 1, 2011, 1:11 PM
I come from a family of large breasted women. It was the norm in our household. I think that I had only two female cousins who were not large. I heard about the complaints that large breasted women had to deal with. One of my sisters suffered so much that she had a breast reduction. I never knew that nipples could die during that procedure.

I like small to slightly large (prefer naturally firm though,,kinda difficult to find in women over 40..lol). I was in a relationship with a woman for about a year before I realized that other guys oggled her breasts. To me they were normal. ...sigh but I miss them today...they were so round and firm :bigrin:

Feb 1, 2011, 1:30 PM
I don't like either, I prefer middle of the road sized breasts. Something that looks natural. I had an ex who had done breast reduction surgery, she went from a H to a C cup and was never happier in her life. I was quite happy with the finished product. She told me how painful it was for her to try and move around and how no bras actually supported the weight. I saw pics of her before and after and she looked like a whole new woman. Before she was almost haggard from the strain of carrying them on her thin frame, no joy at all in her eyes. The after she looked like a million bucks.


Feb 1, 2011, 2:25 PM
It's just too broad a question.

I have played with breasts so small they went away when the girl put her arms behind her head, yet they had the most sensitive nipples and were small enough to pop in your mouth with just a little bit of sucking ! I've played with large breasts (up to DD's) that were exciting to look at, and useless and lacking in sensitivity to please the woman. I've also enjoyed large breasts that were very sensitive and had huge nipples...One woman I dated had inverted nipples (basically useless...lol). There can be good or bad breasts of all sizes and shapes. What would happen if the greatest breasts in the world were attached to a complete bitch !! Then what huh?!?!

I've spoken with women who complained of men who's penis' being too large and hurting them too....goes both ways folks. A small dick that can go all night might be better than a big one that pops once and goes home.... :bigrin:

Always fun to chat it up though.....

Feb 1, 2011, 3:30 PM
Much prefer small. A nice pair of 34 A's are perfect.

I find small breasts incredibly sexy.