View Full Version : who's into revenge?

Jan 27, 2011, 4:13 AM
we live in a resort, and have a nasty neighbour. he was forever taking advantage of me until finally i put my foot down (he's only been here 4months?). well, we ended up having a yelling match. actually, he kept yelling me down, followed by threats etc, which i ignored cos think it was heat of the moment stuff. anyway, found out from management, he's driven them bats and they absolutely hate him along with a lot of other people here. so now he's selling and doing it through management. they said if he hadn't done it through them, they would have made the sale very difficult for him. i was surprised. i mean, i don't like the man, but i don't hold grudges. i wouldn't do anything to be malicious or hurtful, and i was surprised that they weren't being more professional. hubby wanted to come down and put him in his place, but i curbed that idea. two hot-heads is not what's needed. but hubby, along with management are into getting even, revenge. i find this rather disturbing, though some of hubby's revenge tricks have also made me chuckle. let's just say when he got a glint in his eye and picked up my toothbrush, i would watch him closely. is anyone else into revenge and getting even? or do they just let it go? you know, karma and all that?

Jan 27, 2011, 5:17 AM
Theorectically the nasty neighbors ruining my sleep are cows. Real cows. As in the kind you milk and feed hay. They are in the field next door and love to bawl outside my window in the late morning which sets off my dog so they bawl some more to comment on his barking. In the midst of this cacophony I am desperately trying to sleep. Do I get revenge? Everytime I eat a steak :)

Jan 27, 2011, 5:22 AM
I agree withya Bizel hun.. revenge is much 2 negative and destructive and its outcome unpredictable for us 2participate in its pursuit. I will not say that I am a perfect angel and have never sought vengeance, but never after the initial shock of the original slight.. I have a temper and can fly off the handle and seethe and seek retribution there and then, invariably coming to regret it because the negativity and red mist has so badly clouded my judgement that my actions have but made things worse.

However if I have time to calm down and think clearly, then I never wish for vengeance but to try constructively to seek a resolution and to move on. So much misery is caused in our world by acts of revenge, and our reacting to a slight to ourselves or others so negatively does nothing to imrove human understanding.. I am an emotional and rational human being, and if I get get over that intial reaction without doing something stupid, then I am invariably able to get overs things, deal with it rationally and not negatively, and move on. No vengeance included...:)

Long Duck Dong
Jan 27, 2011, 5:46 AM
we live in a resort, and have a nasty neighbour. he was forever taking advantage of me until finally i put my foot down (he's only been here 4months?). well, we ended up having a yelling match. actually, he kept yelling me down, followed by threats etc, which i ignored cos think it was heat of the moment stuff. anyway, found out from management, he's driven them bats and they absolutely hate him along with a lot of other people here. so now he's selling and doing it through management. they said if he hadn't done it through them, they would have made the sale very difficult for him. i was surprised. i mean, i don't like the man, but i don't hold grudges. i wouldn't do anything to be malicious or hurtful, and i was surprised that they weren't being more professional. hubby wanted to come down and put him in his place, but i curbed that idea. two hot-heads is not what's needed. but hubby, along with management are into getting even, revenge. i find this rather disturbing, though some of hubby's revenge tricks have also made me chuckle. let's just say when he got a glint in his eye and picked up my toothbrush, i would watch him closely. is anyone else into revenge and getting even? or do they just let it go? you know, karma and all that?

lol when it comes to revenge.... I am an complete aglen..... ahh... angle... mmmm lagne.......ummm ange....... ok........ a asshole.....

I take revenge to new levels of * goddammit you are one nasty mofo...* but I am one cold hearted bastard when it comes to revenge, cos I will get in a persons face and tell them that its payback... and they best learn quickly that its never a good idea to go after me without just cause....

to me revenge is a refined art.... if I want revenge, its against the person directly, not their children, family, pets etc.... its against the person themselves and its justified......

many people take about how going for revenge is senseless and not worth ya time..... and that may be true.... but its like a woman getting the last word on things and yeah... when it comes to revenge.... only a fool pisses a woman off, cos they will take your balls for souvenirs

I tend to have the opinion that most anti revenge people have never had just cause to go for true revenge.... and we are not talking about idle gossip, or remarks in a forum .... we are talking about the real cold blooded, hard core antics of people that break hearts and souls....

I have a simple way of looking at things.... hurt me, and I may forgive you... hurt my partner and I will come looking for you for answers... hurt my family and you are asking for a world of hurt... hurt my cats and man you face the death penalty.... but you touch a lil child... you interfere with a lil innocent child, and I will make the rest of your life a living hell on earth......

oh yeah baby.... revenge has its place in the world........

Jan 27, 2011, 6:39 AM
Theorectically the nasty neighbors ruining my sleep are cows. Real cows. As in the kind you milk and feed hay. They are in the field next door and love to bawl outside my window in the late morning which sets off my dog so they bawl some more to comment on his barking. In the midst of this cacophony I am desperately trying to sleep. Do I get revenge? Everytime I eat a steak :)

understand the cow thing completely. our resort backs onto a field and our unit is right on the edge, next to it and our 25 odd cattle came back a week ago. one huge bull with the biggest danglies i've ever seen, and lots of cows, calves. there's one stupid one that bawls at about 2am when it gets separated, i'm guessing. either that or it's afraid of the dark. don't they sleep at night?? at that hour, i don't care if it's on fire. SHUT UP!! i'm a lamb person myself, but i do remind it, it's going to be a burger.

best friend's daughter-in-law was horribly mangled in a head-on cos of two drunk drivers having a race. she's going to take years to recover, one leg and foot coming good 8 months later, other foot still in doubt - may still lose it. for an active young woman, this is devastating. but while in hospital, word got out that one of the offenders was in the next ward with a broken leg. my friend was very tempted to take a baseball bat to hospital and threaten him. i told her to leave it to the courts, cos the girl may loose her compo, court case etc. turned out, word was wrong and the guy with the broken leg wasn't the offender. revenge can be very dangerous. i do appreciate the white rage that makes people react, but reactions are not rational. mistakes can be made - were nearly made. can't say i blame her, or you ldd, but it's a fine line we tread at times.

Jan 27, 2011, 6:48 AM
I can't even really whine as I will get no sympathy from my parents, the freaking dawnbirds. I sleep during the day and am up at night, that's thanks to the like 17 hour time zone difference. So the cows are just being cows, if they are bawling at night it's when they are in their barn so I don't hear them :)

Other than that, I do believe in revenge given the right set of circumstances. And the circumstances are different for each person and each offense but like LDD if a child molester was caught redhanded by me I'd be tempted to reach down and rip something off and toss it in the nearest drain.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 27, 2011, 6:59 AM
lol bizel, I would have bailed him up for answers, without the baseball bat....

it would have been made clear that I am asking for answers and what the hell happened and who was responsible.... and that yes that I would be waiting for the official ruling by the cops and the judge..... but so help me god... they are very lucky that they all survived.... and i know only too well, what can happen..... so my best suggestion is that they grow up and learn from their mistakes this time...... cos if i come calling again. somebodies legs are in deep trouble.... and driving may never be a option again

Jan 27, 2011, 8:37 AM
I've been wondering lately about a situation that I am in. Something was done to me that was negative. The person's actions seem to have been intentional and to take something or potentially harm me. Although I am hurt, shocked and disturbed, I seem to be going more the self blame route than wanting to harm this person or get revenge. I'm a bit surprised about my reaction and wonder why I don't want revenge. Why is it that I don't want to harm the other person when they have harmed me? There must be sets of factors that makes us want to see the person who harms us have something bad happen to them? We must have reasons why we want them to feel our pain at certain times and not at others?

Jan 27, 2011, 9:00 AM
To me, revenge is art and a MUST. Sometimes I overreact, but they usually deserve it.

Once I beat the crap of a crooked cop. He was beating his gf (a good friend of mine) so me and her brother made a plan. Her brother had a long hair back then and made it messed up, looking like a bum. He also had a bottle of schnapps with him which was spiked. He walked past that cop and he hit him several times and took the bottle. Later that night, cop was returning home and I beat him with a crowbar (not really a crowbar, just a 4/5 inch thick steel rod), broke his left fist, forearm, and smashed muscles on his left shoulder. He got hit in his right knee, but no damage. And left side of his face was pretty bad, but he healed.

He's one of those tough sobs who heal pretty good. At least from the outside. That happened some 6 years ago, my friend has a caring boyfriend, her brother don't look like a bum (now I do) and that cop is always passive-agressive, but he behave.

I know, this was pretty graphic (actually, most of the graphic was left out) but I can't just say I'll rip someone open for my friends, I know that I can do that if needed.

Dead Account
Jan 27, 2011, 9:12 AM
Not into revenge. That one word is exactly what's wrong with the world. Then it turns into a game of one-up-manship which grows into a war. I do what I can, claim responsibility for my part and let the rest go. Life is too short for this kind of thing.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:00 AM
Theorectically the nasty neighbors ruining my sleep are cows. Real cows. As in the kind you milk and feed hay. They are in the field next door and love to bawl outside my window in the late morning which sets off my dog so they bawl some more to comment on his barking. In the midst of this cacophony I am desperately trying to sleep. Do I get revenge? Everytime I eat a steak :)

Are you suggesting cannibalism?

Jan 27, 2011, 2:31 PM
Several years back, in my youth, (cough) I would have said "Lets go hunt it down and beat shit out of it!" and mean it. Now, in my old age, I prefer to use my intellect to do any retailiation that I need. Someone a couple centuries ago told me "Never fight with your heart. If you fight with your heart, you are just using useless emotions. Fight with your brain and you'll always win, for if you use your brain, you're thinking logically"

Always think logically when getting revenge, and you'll be far better off. Like the old saying goes "If you're going to do something crazy, be smart about it"
Make sure someone messes themselves up with their own rope, so hit someone where it Really hurts...get em in the pocketbook or make them look stupid by making their own plan backfire in their faces.

Many years ago we had a neighbor that was nothing but a nasty, vindictive old Bitch. She was cruel to my kids, poisoned 2 of my dogs(We got them to the Vet in time thankfully) inticed neighborhood kids to throw rocks at our windows, slashed tires on our vehicles..you get the picture. My husband at the time wanted to go punch the old bitch out, I told him hang on. She was making phone calls to the house in the middle of the night, constantly waking us up. MY Mom was sick with cancer at the time and I Had to leave the phone on. So I contacted the Victims task force and had a trace put on the phone. Trick was keeping her on the phone long enough to be able to find where the calls came from. One morning at 2 am I got the call. I know who it was. When she began the screaming and weird recordings, I pretended to have a nervous breakdown. Faked crying "I cant take this anymore! Who are you? Why are you doing this to us, I need sleep. Leave us alone, ect" and kept the tirade up for like 3 minutes. Thats all the time they needed. I kept this up as she laughed on her end, and until I heard the 3 beeps on my end. I suddenly laughed and said "Gotcha you old bitch. You're mine now" She slammed the phone down immediately. The Police called me the next day and told me they got her. She would be visited shortly. I told them, "Well she Needs to be put away for a while, She's sick. She cant take care of herself and her house smells like something died in there. Its sad really..."
We were going to be heading to Disneyland that weekend and I knew they would be calling on her the following monday after they got all the paperwork arranged. I took chicken livers, raw bread dough, and steak fat, and old eggs and buried them in a coffee can in the back yard...in the Mohave desert heat, for three days and nights. We were to leave first thing Friday morning, so late that thursday night I dug up Mr. Coffee can and slipped around to the back of our place. From standing on a tall ladder, I could gently toss the contents of the can one at a time up against the cooling pads of her swamp cooler on top of her little house. They splatted horribly and Stuck, saturating the pads and making that stanch permiate her whole house. This mess couldnt be seen from the street, and she was gone for the night, but had left her swamp cooler on while she was gone...
We packed up about 5 a.m. and all over the top of her house were desert Ravens, trying to find the stanch and shitting all over the cooler, adding to the mess...lol Of course they are up all the evidence before the sun even came up...:bigrin:
We drove off just as old bitch was coming back into town. She flipped up off and we just cracked up. She came home to a horrible stink, and couldnt blame it on anyone. She even called the police and animal control to come remove the Ravens who were "Swarming" all over her house, and if they couldnt she was getting out the shotgun"
That did it. Cops were at her house in a heartbeat, and she was taken into custody..for her own safety. On the way to jail, she ranted about how she Knew I had conjured the birds into attacking her house. She yelled "THose Indians are as bad as niggers at calling up bad spirits and shit"
She was being taken into custody by two black officers....
Thank goodness I am not that young and vindictive anymore. I like using what little brain I have.
Oh, and they had to open up her whole house and have it fumigated while she spent her 72 hours in lock down to rid the house of the disgusting smell. Her pads had to be replaced. Damn Ravens....LOL
Cat, good girl.

Jan 27, 2011, 2:36 PM
Are you suggesting cannibalism?

no, you dag. it's 'cowabalism' - tee hee.

Jan 27, 2011, 3:01 PM
Cat, I'm so sorry for all the nasty things I said about you!

I will NEVER make collect obscene phone calls to your house again, in the middle of the night...........nor will I flip you off, if I see you on the road!

I will send you Christmas, Thanksgiving, and birthday cards. I will cut out coupons for you. When I see a sale, I'll call you!

All I ask is, please, PLEASE, don't get revenge on me!

Jan 27, 2011, 3:02 PM
I'm afraid to admit to some of my revengethings I did in my youth. Few were illegal ><

Jan 27, 2011, 3:46 PM
......... hubby wanted to come down and put him in his place,.........

Is Hubby back in contact?

Jan 27, 2011, 4:14 PM
Life can become most difficult when you have a highly disagreeable neighbor. I had a real dilly many moons ago at this one apartment complex I once lived---fortunately, the management booted her pretty quick---but not before she caused some trouble for me.

Jan 27, 2011, 6:02 PM
Not me, I am into justice however. My lady friend said she is very into Rehvenge and yes she said spell it that way, don't google unless you want to see yet another kind of vampire.


Jan 27, 2011, 6:29 PM
pfft Aidan, tell her I know the book series and as a matter of fact all but one of the books in that set I have are signed by the author J.R. Ward.

Jan 27, 2011, 7:04 PM
Is Hubby back in contact?

gidday hep, i am not focusing on hubby at mo, cos as ldd tells me, he's all mixed up and needs space - i'm giving him a year. hubby phones, says he's not going to phone, then won't phone for a month, now it's a week, then phones again. said he's going up north, then is hanging around til monday, then he may go. said he was terrified he wouldn't find me sexually attractive, then started a little sexy talk on the phone. i asked him if he was feeling a little sexy himself, he said no - had no sex drive. i told him to stop winding me up then cos sexy talk with someone who's not really into it, is a little deflating. you tell me - are we still together, or is he going his own way? i don't know anymore. i have a bloody bald patch!! not giving up, but not getting hopes up. i hate crashing down, it hurts too much. am not going to be a doormat for him, but i won't desert a friend in need either. am sorta looking forward to some phone silence just to give me a break. i'm just grabbing what enjoyment i can, and believe me, you guys are it. i love reading your thoughts. don't always agree, but love them just the same. and cos i love you all so much, i thought i'd spare you the latest, you'll be fed up to the back teeth with his changeable attitude. thought when i have a definite answer, i'll let you guys know, if you're even interested any more. there's more to life than my drama. big kiss for your interest. hug, b

Jan 27, 2011, 7:18 PM
Oh boy!! For me revenge is a must. But I follow the old addage, "revenge is a dish best served cold." I always get my revenge cause it makes me feel better, but the way I do it, from behind the scenes, they don't even know what hit them. I just sit and watch from a distance. One time when I was repeatedly wronged by a boss, a VP of a large bank here, I wanted blood. It took a few years, but when I was finished with him, his wife was gone, his big career was gone, and as last I know, he was selling life insurance at a mall. Bastard!! But I got him. :cool: I'm now in the process of doing it again to another asshole ex boss.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:55 PM
LOl Real, I dont mind if you call my house and make obscene phone calls...just dont call collect. And please know that if you start on me...I recipocate ;):bigrin::tongue:
Laughing Cat

Jan 28, 2011, 1:28 AM
Revenge is a dish that is best served cold.....

I don't wish anyone any harm, but there are times
that some peeps need to be taught a lesson...

I read this in an old issue of Easyriders and would like to
see what the end results would be...

During the summer, find yourself the freshest road-kill..
Put it into a mason jar and seal the jar air-tight...
When possible to manage to do it, climb your targets roof
and place the jar inside the air conditioning unit...
Let time do its work and eventually, the decomposing gases
should break the jar and send even the hardiest of dudes
running and puking... :bigrin:

Of course, I would never do that... :rolleyes::paw::paw:

Jan 28, 2011, 6:11 AM
pfft Aidan, tell her I know the book series and as a matter of fact all but one of the books in that set I have are signed by the author J.R. Ward.

She said to give you a cookie :tong:


Jan 28, 2011, 3:05 PM

Living well (and I AM) is the best revenge. :tong: