View Full Version : phobias

Jan 24, 2011, 11:55 AM
Do you have a phobia?

Just been to the dentist..hate em!

Hard work is my new phobia(so says my ex) lol. Whats yours?swallowing cum...spiders?what makes you freak?

Jan 24, 2011, 1:07 PM
Spiders, nuff said.

Jan 24, 2011, 1:23 PM

God.. me lil life wud b rite mizzy.. :eek::( So many phobias....hows dus me live??

Jan 24, 2011, 1:29 PM
o yea.. an 1 me almost fogotted...

Endinuplikemegrananbuiltlikesideofahouseorworseaba ttleshipanbeinaritemiserableolecowophobia.. by far an 'way the biggest fear of all!!!!!

Jan 24, 2011, 2:03 PM
o yea.. an 1 me almost fogotted...

Endinuplikemegrananbuiltlikesideofahouseorworseaba ttleshipanbeinaritemiserableolecowophobia.. by far an 'way the biggest fear of all!!!!!

lol - oh, i needed that!!!! very good!!!!!!

(actually, much more than just 'lol' just don't know the code for 'took me half an hour to work it out, and what a hoot was that!!')

Jan 24, 2011, 2:15 PM
Aquaphobia - I'm not affraid of water unless it's dark. I HATE water near platforms, docks, anything with a lot of pillars, holes in underwater ground, you get the picture... Anything dark and waterry. Besides, I can't swim so this is expected.

Insectophobia - Ants ok. Spiders more-less ok. I can handle most of the insects, but centipedes. I react totally unpredictable when close to them. From catatonia, running away, feeling nausea, <insert anything fear induced>

Injuries that would left me uncapable. Ending quadriplegic is probably worst thing that can happen. I need at least one arm.

Jan 24, 2011, 4:36 PM
everything about dentists, from picking up the phone to make the appointment thru. needles - usually dr related, but getting a little suspicious of sewing needles which seem to always leave me bleeding. spiders - huntsmen in my bedroom freak me out cos they're so big and fast and more intelligent than me. cockroaches - never met one til i moved from nz to australia, and hate the scuttling sound they make cos you know they're there, and they move so bloody fast, and that smeary mark they leave on everything just to let you know they are there, and the big ones leave such a splat when you whack them with shoes, - EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

Annika L
Jan 24, 2011, 5:55 PM
Bees. I am foe to all bee-kind. I simply hate the little buggers. I have been stung a few times, and I know it's not all *that* big a deal, but still, whenever the friggin bastards are flying around I just go apeshit. And you'll never convince me that if I don't bother them they won't bother me: they can sense that I hate them, and they hate me right back and pursue me maliciously. Yes, yes, I know, they make honey, they pollinate the flowers. I'm a big fan of honey...I even brew mead, which is a fermented honey drink. If I could eradicate all bee-kind from the Earth, I'd be willing to do without flowers. Fruits and vegetables (and mead) I'd have a harder time doing without...but the whole point of phobias is that they aren't rational, right? I want them gone. Now. And they can leave behind a bunch of honey for me, and an alternate mechanism for pollinating plants, dammit. I hate them.

(Oh, yeah...I'm no huge fan of swallowing spiders, either...but it doesn't rise to the level of damned bees.)

Jan 24, 2011, 6:57 PM

I even dislike typing the word.


Jan 24, 2011, 7:27 PM
There are things in life I'm not fond of but not the point of phobia. Although lately I am wondering if there is one about being dragged all over two cities to various shopping areas :bigrin:


Jan 25, 2011, 8:58 AM
Two things:

1. Being up on an unsteady ladder. Not afraid of flying, bugs, snakes, bats, etc, etc.

2. Like Arthas..........being in water where I can't see what's below me. I can swim, can swim for hours, but hate to be in water where things I don't know are below me, broken glass, limbs from trees, alligators, poisonous snakes, biting fish, etc, etc

Jan 25, 2011, 10:30 AM
There are things in life I'm not fond of but not the point of phobia. Although lately I am wondering if there is one about being dragged all over two cities to various shopping areas :bigrin:


Only 2 Aidan hun?? Used to drag my ex hubbie round eva every city I could get near.. Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Manchester, Carlisle (ugh.. waste a time... avoid),Paris, Lille, Tunis, Brussels, Bruges, Dublin, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, Bristol, Cambridge.. etc etc etc.. an how he h8ed it.. now I get dragged screamin by Kate round places... mind u my screamin is usually wen shops shut!!! An how much nicer it is 2 go shoppin wiv sum 1 who actually likes an undastands it..:bigrin::tong:;)

Jan 25, 2011, 7:38 PM
........Oh, yeah...I'm no huge fan of swallowing spiders, either...but it doesn't rise to the level of damned bees.)

You swallowed a spider? Why? To catch the fly? (that wriggled and wriggled and tickled insider her. I don't know why she swallowed a fly........)

Annika L
Jan 25, 2011, 9:09 PM
You swallowed a spider? Why? To catch the fly? (that wriggled and wriggled and tickled insider her. I don't know why she swallowed a fly........)

Eep, ya silly bugger...it was a reference to the OP, for Pete's sake!

Jan 25, 2011, 10:33 PM
I'm somewhat obsessive compulsive about hand washing so I guess I have a germ phobia. I can really relate to Howard Hughes.

Jan 26, 2011, 8:39 AM

Jan 26, 2011, 10:56 AM
Ha Ha! Lady HaHa!

I once saw a 200 pound Marine faint, from the thought of getting his flu shot with a needle! He'd spent two tours in Vietnam, had a Purple Heart awarded because of combat wounds and a bronze star for bravery! He was also proficient in Karate.

Nothing scared him, but a little bitty needle!


Jan 26, 2011, 11:03 AM
Taxidermy. Scares me to death (pun intended). Can't go into a room/or look through a window with anything larger then a fish or a pheasant on the wall, etc. (or if I do, I stay far away). There's a story behind it too. Lol. *shudders*

Jan 26, 2011, 11:38 AM
I HATE snakes....I can't stand the very thought of them. I can't even go through the reptile house at the zoo!

Jan 26, 2011, 11:41 AM
'part from the dross me wrote earlier..me only real phobia is flyin.. yep.. from time me goes through the gate till the minute the engines switch off at other end me nerves r a mess.. poor Kate's hands r crushed an me knuckles r as white as white.. bloody Wright Bros have a lot 2 ansa for lemme tellya!

Jan 26, 2011, 11:42 AM
I HATE snakes....

Shudda jus left it at that Mumsie.. tee hee.. wudda jus sed.. yea.. me an all.. tee hee:tong:

Jan 26, 2011, 11:50 AM
Taxidermy. Scares me to death (pun intended). Can't go into a room/or look through a window with anything larger then a fish or a pheasant on the wall, etc. (or if I do, I stay far away). There's a story behind it too. Lol. *shudders*

So you could spend a night at the Museum?

Jan 26, 2011, 11:52 AM
'part from the dross me wrote earlier..me only real phobia is flyin.. yep.. from time me goes through the gate till the minute the engines switch off at other end me nerves r a mess.. poor Kate's hands r crushed an me knuckles r as white as white.. bloody Wright Bros have a lot 2 ansa for lemme tellya!

Don't worry Fran, it's all a big con trick. You get into this tube with other people and then they put it on a train. As if anything weighing over 100 tons could fly - don't make me laugh.

Jan 26, 2011, 12:47 PM
My dad was a pilot...private planes.

Mom was scared shitless of flying.

She used to say that she didn't mind flying, as long as her feet were still on the ground.

Dad didn't help, when he'd tell her that he could take off easier, if she'd raise up off the seat, just before he took off. Having less weight in the seat, helped the plane get airborne, faster!

I don't know how long she did that, before she realized her weight was still inside the plane!

It wasn't nice to fool MOTHER!

Fran, next time you fly anywhere, try raising up in the seat, just as they take off!

Jan 26, 2011, 8:45 PM
Don't worry Fran, it's all a big con trick. You get into this tube with other people and then they put it on a train. As if anything weighing over 100 tons could fly - don't make me laugh.

Is it?? Oooo me feels much betta now... bloody gud spesh effects tho innit?? tee hee.. :bigrin:

Jan 26, 2011, 8:47 PM
My dad was a pilot...private planes.

Mom was scared shitless of flying.

She used to say that she didn't mind flying, as long as her feet were still on the ground.

Dad didn't help, when he'd tell her that he could take off easier, if she'd raise up off the seat, just before he took off. Having less weight in the seat, helped the plane get airborne, faster!

I don't know how long she did that, before she realized her weight was still inside the plane!

It wasn't nice to fool MOTHER!

Fran, next time you fly anywhere, try raising up in the seat, just as they take off!

Only movement ya get outa me on a plane realist is to squeeze me partners hand inta mush an 2 raise me cognacs 2 me lips an swallow.. :eek:

Jan 26, 2011, 11:01 PM
This is going to sound sooo stupid after hearing about Spiders, Snakes, Roaches, ect. Those things dont bother me at all. I dont fear them, maybe that's why....And I adore water. :}
I have this thing about Dolls. Yessss, plain, old ordinary girl toy dolls. Damn things have creeped me out ever since I was a little kid. Had something scare me when I was a kid, and have Hated the damn things ever since. I was never a normal little girl anyway, and hating dolls was just unheard of growing up in the 5o's. I loved all kinds of other things, but stuffed toys and dolls were not among them. .:eek:
*Shivers*Next on the list is Basements. I'm not real fond of those. Wasnt real keen on the root cellar either, then later on watching scary movies cemented my dislike of basements even more...lol
A kinda/sorta/maybe/perhaps scardy Cat:rolleyes:

Jan 26, 2011, 11:08 PM
Riding with other drivers... I used to have nightmares where I am a passenger in a car and we get hit by a semi then I am in a wheelchair afterwards. The dreams were very vivid and would wake me up in a cold sweat every time I had it. I think it had more to do with not having control than anything else, but now I know not to worry about the things I can't control.


Jan 27, 2011, 11:43 AM
This is going to sound sooo stupid after hearing about Spiders, Snakes, Roaches, ect. Those things dont bother me at all. I dont fear them, maybe that's why....And I adore water. :}
I have this thing about Dolls. Yessss, plain, old ordinary girl toy dolls. Damn things have creeped me out ever since I was a little kid. Had something scare me when I was a kid, and have Hated the damn things ever since. I was never a normal little girl anyway, and hating dolls was just unheard of growing up in the 5o's. I loved all kinds of other things, but stuffed toys and dolls were not among them. .:eek:

That's my other repressed phobia. I cannot stand porcelain dolls--their glass eyes and creepy painted-on smiles. Ugh. And it sucks that my fiancee loves those dolls and wants some in our house. >.<

Jan 27, 2011, 12:22 PM
This is going to sound sooo stupid after hearing about Spiders, Snakes, Roaches, ect. Those things dont bother me at all. I dont fear them, maybe that's why....And I adore water. :}
I have this thing about Dolls. Yessss, plain, old ordinary girl toy dolls. Damn things have creeped me out ever since I was a little kid. Had something scare me when I was a kid, and have Hated the damn things ever since. I was never a normal little girl anyway, and hating dolls was just unheard of growing up in the 5o's. I loved all kinds of other things, but stuffed toys and dolls were not among them. .:eek:
*Shivers*Next on the list is Basements. I'm not real fond of those. Wasnt real keen on the root cellar either, then later on watching scary movies cemented my dislike of basements even more...lol
A kinda/sorta/maybe/perhaps scardy Cat:rolleyes:

Can undastand ya feelin asya dus bout dollies.. tho did luff mine as a child.. still have 'em as it happens.. but teddies??? Ya don like me teddies??:eek: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... sniff.. u not wanna cum 2 my house, Cat me luffly???? Steiff Paradise... an every year at LEAST 2 more new additions.. last year 5 (tho 2 wer for the kids)!!!

Wen me pops me clogs.. Kate gonna b wortha bomb just in Steiff teddies..:tong:

Jan 27, 2011, 4:03 PM
.........*Shivers*Next on the list is Basements. I'm not real fond of those. Wasnt real keen on the root cellar either, then later on watching scary movies cemented my dislike of basements even more...lol
A kinda/sorta/maybe/perhaps scardy Cat:rolleyes:

You touch upon a serious point.

a) that girl in Austria being kept in an underground cellar (for 18yrs was it?)
b) Another one in Belgium
c) the underground tunnels of the Viet-Cong
d) really narrow cold slimy passages (one arm head and neck size) in pot-holing

Maybe it's got something to do with becoming less slim, bendy, agile with age.

Jan 27, 2011, 10:45 PM
i promise you this is the oddest one on here, but i'm terrified of the litte demons.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:53 PM
I need more than I have now because: You just can't have too much MONEY!
You know what I mean. What happens if the tree in the backyard gets struck by lightning. There goes $4000 dollars. Crap!!! So, whatever it takes you have to make sure you can take care of that. Otherwise, there goes that vacation you were planning to take. Vacation! Forget that! I am going to have million dollor a house in Florida, whatever it takes. :):bigrin:
Look at that guy on the steet corner with the sign: "I am hungry"! Give him some money? Let's have some fun and give him the over-ripe bannana from lunch!! :tong::bigrin:
I have Greedaphobia!!! :(:eek:

Wish you well but care about others too.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 27, 2011, 11:56 PM
i promise you this is the oddest one on here, but i'm terrified of the litte demons.

I have mild aphephobia.....

what it is, is a fear of body contact and it can trigger anxiety attacks, stress related issues and yeah social anxiety disorder

very few people are allowed to touch me.... there was times even my partners could not touch me.....

Jan 28, 2011, 12:03 AM
Fran...well of Course I love your Tiggies....oh wait, you said Teddies...sorry, got excited there for a minute, my mistake...LOL:bigrin:
Bad Cat

Jan 28, 2011, 12:11 AM
Maybe it's got something to do with becoming less slim, bendy, agile with age.

Uhhh yeah, thanks Hep. But being all of that has nothing to do with my dislike of basements. I'm not too thrilled with attics either, but I can handle those vastly better. And just the record, I am just as "Bendy and agile" as anyone else..disability and all. And trust me, if I'm scared enough, I can leave you behind for whatever it is to get whilst "I" beat feet! LMAO:bigrin:

Jan 28, 2011, 12:13 AM
*Note to self* Just flash LDD yer boobs since he cant handle getting a nice, warm, snuggly boobie hug. I'll just hafta hug DD instead. :tong::tongue: LOL
Bad Cat

Jan 28, 2011, 1:11 AM
*Note to self* Just flash LDD yer boobs since he cant handle getting a nice, warm, snuggly boobie hug. I'll just hafta hug DD instead. :tong::tongue: LOL
Bad Cat

I'd like a boobie hug... Got no phobia there.... :bigrin:

But spiders give me the creeps something ugly...
And large bodies of water.... :paw::paw:

Jan 28, 2011, 3:12 AM
Maybe it's got something to do with becoming less slim, bendy, agile with age.

Uhhh yeah, thanks Hep. But being all of that has nothing to do with my dislike of basements. I'm not too thrilled with attics either, but I can handle those vastly better. And just the record, I am just as "Bendy and agile" as anyone else..disability and all. And trust me, if I'm scared enough, I can leave you behind for whatever it is to get whilst "I" beat feet! LMAO:bigrin:

Was thinking of myself there Cat.

The thought of you being bendy, agile (and frisky?), means that I'll now need a cold shower. Be gentle with me (at first)