View Full Version : Male sexuality less fluid?

Jan 24, 2011, 7:23 AM
They say that there are a lot more bi girls then guys. But For 1 it's more hip for a girl to be bi, and its more hip to hide it if u are a guy.

There are you're motives for how people answer surveys, I know I certainly wouldn't have admitted I was bi, even to myself a few years back. Maybe it is different with white people but it's definitely different for guys.

And just this bi forum seems totally dominated by men in every thread. Where is the women?

My guess is that men also dominate the bi category,by a lot or a little that is to hard to answer.

So what do you think folks?

Jan 24, 2011, 7:35 AM
This phenomena seems to vary. In my experiences, anyway.

The first place I noticed a proliferation of bisexual ladies was in Regensburg, Germany, in the late 50s.

On a 2 trips to England, specifically London and Southampton areas, during that same era, I was introduced to several bisexual guys, but I don't remember meeting one bisexual girl, there.

I lived for about 30 years in and close to Louisville, Kentucky. My 1st wife was from there and she was bi. During that time, I probably met 10-15 bisexual ladies, but only maybe 5 bisexual guys.

I lived in central Pennsylvania for 10 years and only met one bisexual lady there, the whole time!

Jan 24, 2011, 6:19 PM
Well we all have our personal experiences but I'm talking about that women can be more open about their sexuality these days, you simply can't deny that..

Jan 24, 2011, 7:31 PM
Well take a look at the member's list. Most of the members are male, there are several females here that are not bi, they are simply the partners of bi males or allies of bisexuals.

I think it depends on where you are in the world as to whether or not a male is more liable to hide it than a female. Of course when you are in countries where the penalty is death for homosexual activity I'd be inclined to hide everything.


Jan 24, 2011, 7:56 PM
Well we all have our personal experiences but I'm talking about that women can be more open about their sexuality these days, you simply can't deny that..

They might be able to be more open about their sexualities, but they still have to be careful walking alone at night, being alone with strange men, etc.

My point is that the behaviors and interests of straight men guide a lot of what is acceptable.

Jan 24, 2011, 9:39 PM
when hubby was looking for hook-ups, i sourced a bi website in australia. it's mainly male dominated. the discussions are all about men hooking up, what they like to do, what they want - extremely graphic. the photos include some women, but those seems to cater to male fantasy of two women. there doesn't seem to be much involvement from women, or sensible conversations. if women get involved, it's immediately thought of as a come-on and seems to attract attention that would make me uncomfortable. on that site, i would not like to be a bi/straight/gay woman. this one here encourages open discussions with little sleaziness. i love the open banter. way more mature. i mean, we can be in our pants, but it's not tacky. there do seem to be a lot of guys here, but they are lovely and can hold a conversation, and not just their you-know-whats.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 24, 2011, 10:13 PM
They might be able to be more open about their sexualities, but they still have to be careful walking alone at night, being alone with strange men, etc.

My point is that the behaviors and interests of straight men guide a lot of what is acceptable.

I tend to disagree.... that is the type of statement used by people to hold another group responsible for society.....

the behaviours and interests of the status quo and religion, form the basis for what is acceptable..... and most of what society is shaped by, is the words of a few, held up by the many.....

queen victoria outlawed homosexuality... the catholic church and other groups, used the bible..... but nature is the one that is the true peer pressure group by way of reproduction......

there are many cultures that revered the female as the higher being... but it is predominately the white male culture that has the history of treating women as lesser beings..... and supporting the ideas that the male rules the roost.....

the behievour of males leaves a lot to be desired... with some in this site, pushing for a end to infidelity... supporting poly marriages... and condoning the treating of females as lesser beings.......

if we continued to follow the examples set by the predominately white cultures, we would lack marriage ( it would be legal slavery and ownership ), commitment and other virtues and we would have females used as breeding stock and property.... and we would be encouraging slavery of others, wars... aspects like white supremacy etc

so yeah.... blame the straight male for the way things are.... but take responsibility for what we have created ourselves.. and the fact that bisexual males are seen and regarded as males with no morals and ethics that place dicks on altars and worship them, and treat those we profess to live, as second place in the scheme of things.....

now before people shit bricks, I am not singling out every bi male ...as many of them are not like that at all...... in the same way that most of the straight society is not responsible for the fact that society is the way it is......

Jan 25, 2011, 4:00 AM
queen victoria outlawed homosexuality... .

Actually she didnt.. homosexuality was long before her illegal.. the last execution for sodomy in the UK (in England as a matter of fact)occurred the year prior to her ascension to the throne.. she coudlnt in any case, since the uk, as a constitutional monarchy had a parliament (stuffed by nobs with very few voters) to legislate even then.. but that aside.. it was Victoria who was primarily responsible for the UK and most of the Empire having no ban on female homosexuality, not cos she was an old dyke which she certainly wasn't, but cos she didnt have a clue how and dint belive that women could have nooky with each other.. consequently proposed legislation on homosexuality had to be redrafted removing clauses on lesbianism..

Jan 25, 2011, 4:02 AM
Maybe it's fat too early in the morning, but pleese!....Dumb that down for me!

Long Duck Dong
Jan 25, 2011, 5:24 AM
Actually she didnt.. homosexuality was long before her illegal.. the last execution for sodomy in the UK (in England as a matter of fact)occurred the year prior to her ascension to the throne.. she coudlnt in any case, since the uk, as a constitutional monarchy had a parliament (stuffed by nobs with very few voters) to legislate even then.. but that aside.. it was Victoria who was primarily responsible for the UK and most of the Empire having no ban on female homosexuality, not cos she was an old dyke which she certainly wasn't, but cos she didnt have a clue how and dint belive that women could have nooky with each other.. consequently proposed legislation on homosexuality had to be redrafted removing clauses on lesbianism..

I said outlawed, i never said made illegal.... the original meaning of outlaw, is sacer or set apart.... and homo sacer is a male set apart.... queen victoria would not accept anything to do with homosexuals... to her, they were homo sacer......

the legal issue of lesbianism was not dealt with until 1921.... victoria died in 1901....

The Buggery Act of 1533 (25 Hen. VIII c. 6) was an English sodomy law which existed from 1534 to 1861, buggery being anal sex between a male and a male... or a male and a female

The Labouchere Amendment, also known as Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 made gross indecency a crime in the United Kingdom. The amendment gave no definition of "gross indecency," as Victorian morality demurred from precise descriptions of activity held to be immoral.

it allowed for the prosecuting of homosexuals without proof of sodomy...

in 1921 the Lord Chancellor, Lord Birkenhead, argued against the criminalisation of lesbianism on the grounds that it would only alert innocent women to the existence of such activity..... 20 years after queen victoria has died......

fran... get your facts right

Jan 25, 2011, 7:57 AM
the behievour of males leaves a lot to be desired... with some in this site, pushing for a end to infidelity... supporting poly marriages... and condoning the treating of females as lesser beings.......

Pssst I know lots of women(gay/bi/straight) who are empowered by poly marriage...