View Full Version : alternative remedies

Jan 22, 2011, 3:06 PM
got to wondering if anyone has any alternative remedies, or old-fashioned handed-down recipes that have helped health-wise.

i have a benign tumor that i'm waiting to see a specialist about, but read in my herbal book that a heaped teaspoon of herb robert mixed with egg yolk (which assists absorption)every morning on an empty stomach can help reduce tumors. don't all scream. i do believe our bodies are meant to heal themselves if given the right resources. i also believe it doesn't happen overnight as the condition took years to get to this stage. and i don't believe slicing and dicing is always the best medicine as scar tissue and anastetic (i can't even spell that) are just as dangerous to our bodies).

and in case anyone's really interested. hubby had piles (no, you don't need to be interested in that - lol), but my herb book said to get a slice of aloe vera the size of little finger, skin in, and insert it in back passage. he said it cured his piles so quickly. he couldn't believe it, after visiting dr's, getting oinments, all the pain and discomfort. this little gem fixed him up so quickly and painlessly. he's converted. don't know due to 'back-door' action, if piles are common, but hope i can put a smile back on your face.

would love to know anyone else's tried and tested gems.

Jan 22, 2011, 3:45 PM
LMAo. Oh I'm sorry Biz. I'd comment on this more, but I cant. I'm too busy laughing. And I wont be able to water my Aloe plant ever again without grinning. More to come...

Jan 22, 2011, 6:12 PM
LMAo. Oh I'm sorry Biz. I'd comment on this more, but I cant. I'm too busy laughing. And I wont be able to water my Aloe plant ever again without grinning. More to come...

hey babe, you should see hubby's face when i wave a stalk under his nose. he gets this naughty grin that cracks me up. i'm guessing at the actual time, he wasn't grinning so hard, but his bum and him sure are now. it's good for more things than sunburn.

Jan 22, 2011, 8:18 PM
If you really suspect cancer.
No fructose. Protein and vegetable diet.
No fruit, kill sugar input.
Cancerous cells gobble up fructose.

Jan 22, 2011, 9:28 PM
If you really suspect cancer.
No fructose. Protein and vegetable diet.
No fruit, kill sugar input.
Cancerous cells gobble up fructose.

no, don't suspect cancer (although it is interesting. what's a lump that gets larger but is benign? i guess cancer breaks off and spreads making it dangerous???). it's not malignant. it's just lump. i read that cancer can't live in a alkaline environment. if it were lethal, i'd be cutting all acidity out of my diet to start with. heard somewhere sugar is poison to our systems. but thanks for that.

got any oldfashioned remedies that work for you? ginger's supposed to help nausea. i rarely suffer from that so can't test it out.

honey, ginger, warm water to gargle for sore throats and ward off colds. at the slightest tickle in my throat, indicating an infection of some type, i slap down 2 garlic/horseradish/vit c tablets. depending on how tickly it is, they may go down every hour for 5 hours. work an absolute treat.