View Full Version : At the risk of sounding sexist........

Jan 22, 2011, 12:07 PM
Do ladies have an off switch to the shopping gene? I have been to more stores, craft booths, art galleries, bead shops, trading posts...you get the picture.

I'm exhausted and think it's just me feeling my age, my lady is 15 years younger than me and she said it's just men don't have the shopping gene.

So is there an off switch and do guys have one? If so I must have headed over to the extra endowment line the day that was handed out.


Jan 22, 2011, 12:37 PM
Aidan, I am female and I hate to shop. Guess I did not inherit that gene. If she's a shopper, she'll always be a shopper- no such thing as an off button!

Jan 22, 2011, 12:48 PM
Aidan, you sound like my dad. He thinks the point of going to store is to get what you came for and go home. I tend to agree with that philosophy but I dread anytime my mother is along on a trip. I swear she looks at EVERYTHING whether or not she has any intention of buying it, it has to be examined and commented on.

I got to the point, I don't even stay with her in a store. I grab a cart if it's groceries and head off, or just wander over to whatever I came there for, get what I need, pay, go out and sit with my dad who wisely stayed sane by staying in vehicle and smoking.

Normal trip with just dad, less than an hour, that includes 20 mins to store and 20 mins back, normally three stops, bank, grocery and cig store. Stretch it to 1:10 minutes and I can go pay cable too.

Normal trip with just mom, approximately three hours and half the time she forgets what she went for because she got sidetracked.

Normal trip with mom and dad, about 2 hours cause after 41 years she knows Dad gets more and more annoyed the longer he sits and waits.

Now for online shopping? I like to window shop. But I'm not annoying anyone but myself when I find something I want, well maybe Duck cause I do tend to drop off interesting links :tongue:

Jan 22, 2011, 12:49 PM
I agree, you're STUCK, Buddy!

My ex was one who'd buy stuff she didn't need, because it was on sale.

Praise the LORD!! My GF is NOT a mega-shopper..............makes a list, gets what she needs (with tunnel vision) and is in and out fast...no farting around.

I'm telling you, she's a peach!

Jan 22, 2011, 12:57 PM
Yep. I'm one who is married to a recreational shopper. She takes sometimes up to two hours just to go grocery shopping. I take no more than half an hour when I go.

She's gotten a little better about buying junk just because it's on sale. She used to go the the Dollar Store and bring back all kind of junk kitty toys, just because they were so cheap. Cats would never use them, I'd throw them away and she'd go out and buy more.

She finally gave up on that but she buys an amazing variety of stuff at the grocery store. I think she also fits the definition of a hoarder as years ago we probably had over 30 bottles of various salad dressings in a shelf in the garage. Still, she'd buy more when she got the urge or the price was right. I finally threw nearly all of them away.

I avoid going shopping with her because I'm NOT a shopper. I buy only what I went to the store for and go home.

Jan 22, 2011, 2:24 PM
ninja shopper here.

I HATE it. Doesn't matter what it is: groceries or retail. I'm in and back out in record time; I take a list, get what's on it and don't look sideways.

my poor Mother...I was such a disappointment to her :bigrin:

my ex-hubby...was a shopping maniac, he LIVED to shop ... yet another reason he's the X (we couldn't afford it) and he was a hoarder too.


Jan 22, 2011, 2:25 PM
i sometimes wonder if i have slightly more male hormones than female ones myself. i'm a chick, yet i hate shopping. i have a list for groceries - in, out, if it's not on the list, it gets forgotten. can't remember the last time i bought anything retail. and i go early. i hate crowds, i hate noise. can't understand how people spend the whole day shopping, or at the plaza. absolute waste of time, and an exercise in torture for me. told you i was odd.

Jan 22, 2011, 2:30 PM
novelty triggers a dopamine dump in your brain, you must get it some other way. shopping can do it for some though, maybe women more but I feel great when I buy a new shirt or sports coat or whatever. some feel great just looking at stuff.

Jan 22, 2011, 2:41 PM
Sorry Babe. Its in Some women's DNA..Gotta learn to deal wif it. :}
Cat, conservitive shopper

Jan 23, 2011, 12:06 AM
I detest shopping, a chipped plate can still be eaten off of, does it really matter if my coffee cups don't match? Or the sheets were not "coordinated". I guess I should explain, she just moved in. She says til it was her place as well she didn't feel she should say anything about the "bacherlorness" that bothered her a wee bit.

Gotta admit though, it is a damned nice thing to be sitting here and having her beside me while we talk about window treatments to match this gorgeous painting that we both fell in love with and is now on my living room wall bringing sunlight and nature inside my home.

I'll deal with the shopping gene as a wise friend just told me that when she's done nesting it should settle down.


Jan 23, 2011, 2:01 AM
I detest shopping, a chipped plate can still be eaten off of, does it really matter if my coffee cups don't match? Or the sheets were not "coordinated". I guess I should explain, she just moved in. She says til it was her place as well she didn't feel she should say anything about the "bacherlorness" that bothered her a wee bit.

Gotta admit though, it is a damned nice thing to be sitting here and having her beside me while we talk about window treatments to match this gorgeous painting that we both fell in love with and is now on my living room wall bringing sunlight and nature inside my home.

I'll deal with the shopping gene as a wise friend just told me that when she's done nesting it should settle down.


Aidan, that is just so fucking male.:rolleyes: It will be fine, trust me when I move down to Duck's he already knows the stuff I want to get and he knows why lol.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 23, 2011, 2:06 AM
lol..... its when she tells you to stop scratching ya butt and farting in bed, that you are really in trouble.....

chipped plates..... lol..... ladies want to entertain people and show off the love of their life..... not your chipped plates with 2 left from a set of 6.... lol....
next you will be telling us that you are drinking scotch from a champagne flute cos you have no decent tumblers lol

lol.... yeah I know.... we are males and males should stick together..... but dude... them women... they have this esp thing..... its like a mental twitter network, and next thing you know, you are walking down the street and some old lady will start knocking shit outta ya with a handbag cos you made dinner with odd plates......and ya coffee cup leaks....... and lets not talk about the sheets that are 3 shades of sun bleached and faded......

hell DD is getting ideas too..... she sent me a roll of toliet paper...and told me to read it..... dude it was a bloody list of things we need...... in 4 ply with notes on each ply........ cries.......

Jan 23, 2011, 7:00 AM
Shoppin.. oo fun! Who wants men there ayway? All they do is moan asya go round bout expense.. much betta wen they're nower near!!

Jan 23, 2011, 7:59 AM
Shoppin.. oo fun! Who wants men there ayway? All they do is moan asya go round bout expense.. much betta wen they're nower near!!

You're nowhere near as keen when it comes to groceries are you, darling? Hmmmm? :rolleyes:

Jan 23, 2011, 8:15 AM
Thats a bit of an understatement, luffer mine..:tong: Thats a necessary purgatory not real shoppin is it?:rolleyes:;)

Jan 23, 2011, 8:28 AM
I have to admit that I (and many guys) have the shopping gene too... but for us it is triggered by hardware stores :-)

Jan 23, 2011, 12:02 PM
First off, I want to say a thing about what I think of women
and their need to shop and...er...what?!?!?!?

Sorry, gotta go... My lady friend wants me to go pick out matching
drapes for the living room.... :bigrin:

Me, personally, I hate shopping... I think it should be a "get in and get out" type of thing... But there are days when I go into a store (mall, Target, Walmart, etc.) to get what I need and suddenly my gay button gets triggered and I find myself thinking how pretty something would look next to some other thing I have at home, and before I know it, my shopping cart is full of crap that I find I don't really need... But I take 'em cause I will eventually put them to use.... :paw::paw:

Jan 23, 2011, 12:13 PM
Just yesterday, my brother-in-law was griping about my sister's extravagance.

I was visiting them while he was ranting, on and on, about how she was wasting money on unnecessary things like, food, gasoline, paying bills, and sundry other stuff, when there's not one drop of whiskey in the house!

I tried to tell him not marry her..........but would he listen?

Oh no...he was IN LOVE!!!

Women have never been able to get their priorities straight!

Jan 23, 2011, 12:30 PM
Our priorities are just fine, Realist darlin'!:tong:

Jan 23, 2011, 3:15 PM
Well, I had my day or so of torture and my most treasured reward. What was my reward you might ask? A night of glorious sex or a scintillating massage or....who the hell am I kidding. I got to eat the biggest plate of country fried steak with lots of gravy and not one word about cholesterol out of her beautiful mouth :)

Of course when the results come in from the lab test next month she might have something to say about it. Well fuck me and runs to take my Lipitor.