View Full Version : Would you ever consider attending a national "Bisexual Conference"?

Apr 24, 2006, 12:59 AM
Curious minds want to know... how many of you would consider attending a national bisexual conference or convention?

- Drew :paw:

Apr 24, 2006, 1:33 AM
woo hoo! i was the 2nd voter!

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2006, 1:57 AM
yes and no ( i voted yes but only if it was close )

if it was a political thing, like the national council for the bisexual community type stuff.... i would'nt

if it was something like we have in nz ( the big gay out, or queens on the quay or the hero parade ) then i would

i will leave the political grandstanding for the people that feel that they have something to prove, I don't need a BI tv channel or health awareness for BI's
or something like the BI olympics.... cos that is just creating seperation and I am part of the human race, its just my sexual perferences that can set me apart..... but its only truely evident if I walk around waving a banner saying, I am bi...

Apr 24, 2006, 2:00 AM
I most definetly would. I'm dissapointed that there isn't one closer to me. i would really like to attend one.

Driver 8
Apr 24, 2006, 7:14 AM
Not only would, but have.

Apr 24, 2006, 10:49 AM
I would go and would not mind traveling if I had the time and the money when it happened.

Apr 24, 2006, 11:28 AM
I guess it really all depends, would there be a chance i might get to participate in my first mmf...if so then hell yes i would be there in a second. If there wasn't really a chance that i would participate in the mmf, chances are i would still be there.

Apr 24, 2006, 4:27 PM
I would have answered with the unqualified "Yes" but have great difficulty sitting in a jetliner seat for the trip let alone standing in the long line to get checked in. I would be physically unable to remove my shoes and put them back on without assistance.

Apr 24, 2006, 5:34 PM
I am with rumple on the time & money to travel, as things are right now i dont have much of either (some how i get the feeling im not alone either)

Please dont get me wrong, its a great idea, and i would love to meet the other memebers from the site too

just my :2cents:

P.S. thank you DREW for another thought provoking pole question!!

Apr 24, 2006, 7:49 PM
I would like to attend, but this year is out of the question due to other plans

Apr 24, 2006, 9:16 PM
Most definitely and have. Went to the North American Conference on Bisexuality in San Diego in 2003 and to the Bisexual Arts, Film Festival, Literature, Education, and Drama (BAFFLED) Anti-Conference in LA in 1999. Haven't seen any follow-up NACB or BAFFLED cons though. I like the the political and educational stuff, as well as something social. We are still a new community and need all the organizing we can get.

Mimi :flag1:

Apr 24, 2006, 10:39 PM
Yes I would attend mostly out of curiousity about what goes on at these conferences and, if it was in a warm climate, then for a vacation as well.

Apr 24, 2006, 11:44 PM
It's a time/money factor for me also. Time/money being available, I'm THERE. If it's close enough (say within 250 miles of San Antonio) I'll make the trip. Outside that circle it gets a lot more difficult to attend.

I hosted a bi reunion for my guys for several years. It was a *wonderful* time, a chance to be with others of a like mind - sex was there if you wanted to play, no pressure if you didn't. As the years progressed, we called ourselves the IRC Friends reunion, because we had gay partners, straight spouses, straight friends...just a whole motley crew getting together for a great weekend.

I was asked to pull one together for this year, but...time/money became an issue early on. Maybe next year :)

Thanks for a great site, a wonderful place for family to gather, Drew.


Apr 25, 2006, 2:36 AM
Most definitely and have done so. I have attended four so far: the North America Conference on Bisexuality in Vancouver in 2001, the international conferences in Boston (1998) and Minneapolis (2004) and the midwest regional BECAUSE in Milwaukee (2002).

I'm very much looking forward to the one in Toronto, as one of the conference's organizers. If anyone has any questions about the upcoming 9th International Conference on Bisexuality (June 15-18), I will be happy to answer.

Apr 25, 2006, 2:39 AM
Most definitely and have. Went to the North American Conference on Bisexuality in San Diego in 2003 and to the Bisexual Arts, Film Festival, Literature, Education, and Drama (BAFFLED) Anti-Conference in LA in 1999. Haven't seen any follow-up NACB or BAFFLED cons though.
Mimi :flag1:

I was hoping to go to an NACB last year but the one originally planned for New York last summer fell through. It turned out that the Transcending Boundaries conference last October in Hartford doubled as a North America bicon.

Apr 25, 2006, 3:35 AM
yes i would if it was close enuogh for me to go i would love it so would my wife :flag3: :bigrin:

Apr 25, 2006, 8:17 AM
*SIGH Toronto

wow. I've got a beloved friend there, I'd love love love to meet. Gosh I wish I could go.

Apr 25, 2006, 7:30 PM
I voted yes if close by; as with most it seems, time, travel, money are issues we have to attend with. I think I'd surely and enthusiastically enjoy such a gathering.
There seems to be a Gay awareness here in Portland, Oregon, but I haven't noticed much of a "Bisexual" awareness here.

Apr 26, 2006, 8:13 PM
I voted only if it was close by (shouldn't that be close "bi" - lol).

If I had the time and money, and depending on what was being offered there, I might actually cross the country to attend one.

Apr 27, 2006, 12:43 AM
Yes,but like many i to would find the cost of travel and lodging and the fact of maybe missing work is the big problem.
I know of the event in Toronto(close to me) but same thing,money money money..Damm if i was rich i would attend them all.. :2cents:

Apr 30, 2006, 6:23 AM
Other than Pride Festivals, I'v not had an opportunity to attend a conference. Being reasonably close to Los Angeles, I'm sure that I've missed them. Where do I find information regarding a conference close to home?


Apr 30, 2006, 9:15 AM
if it was not to far from where i lived ,and to get the chance to meet other bi men,yes i would love to,............

Apr 30, 2006, 1:51 PM
I was hoping to go to an NACB last year but the one originally planned for New York last summer fell through. It turned out that the Transcending Boundaries conference last October in Hartford doubled as a North America bicon.
Oh, I wasn't aware that NACB joined with Transcending Boundaries last year. Or maybe I was, but didn't go because they merged with the trans stuff. Personally, I don't think that bi issues should be blurred with trans issues. I hope that NACB will have another con on its own soon.

Mimi :flag1:

Apr 30, 2006, 2:01 PM
yeah toronto! up the queens hwy. 401 campground in area cant wait..

Apr 30, 2006, 7:30 PM
yeah our biggest concern as a group seems to be the old formula; money, speed time and distance.

can i afford it?
how fast can i get there?
how far away is it?
how long will it be?

much as i love the idea, i gotta vote my pocketbook on this one. :bipride:

Apr 30, 2006, 8:12 PM
Other than Pride Festivals, I've not had an opportunity to attend a conference. Being reasonably close to Los Angeles, I'm sure that I've missed them. Where do I find information regarding a conference close to home?


The best way to keep aware, I believe, is to watch the Events section of websites such as this one. Beyond what you see now, there is the next Transcending Boundaries conference in MA in late October. If you are interested in something like an LGBT conference, you may want to look for information on "Creating Change".

I do not know yet of any 2007 conferences but I am sure that some events will be announced at later dates.

May 5, 2006, 10:07 AM
I'd love to go, and I'm sure my better half would also, but as others stated, time, distance, and money, not to mention our small children, keep anything like that in the fantasy catagory :( .

May 5, 2006, 2:02 PM
As some few of you know, I despise flying, especially the way you end being treated (cattle get better respect). For that reason, I would be far more enticed to such a gathering if it were held in a city with good Amtrak service, although I will use Greyhound for exceptional travel events.

I would also be far more tempted by an East Coast city, at least for first one, due to the travel time.

May 5, 2006, 2:30 PM
only if an orgy was involved LOL LOL LOL!!! Really what do bisexuals have in common besides chronic horniness that we could have a confrence over?

Ashoka & Kaurwaki
May 5, 2006, 5:22 PM
There's going to be a national Bi conference in TO this year (I'm pretty sure anyway), next month I think. We've talked about going, but it would be a little wierd for us. We don't really know anyone in the Bi-community around here (which is completely our fault. Working 4 12 shifts in a row tends to kill any interest in going out, besides to get the basic nessesities.....) and Kaur's new to the whole thing anyway (as am I, but I'm the strait one). We'd be much more willing to go if we knew people there. Otherwise, I'm all for going out and having fun :D

Edit: Of course, right after I post this, I see the featured article at the top. I think it's time for Ash to go to bed......

May 6, 2006, 1:18 PM
Big GRINZ ! Toronto eh? Woo woo gona be a blast, all I gotta do is waltz over to Ryerson :P Yay! Page me if yer gona be there :tong: maybe we can hook up.

But yes, if it was some far away place like California or Florida, it would depends on time and money restraints. *sigh* but thats reality.... unless its a working vacation thats somehow sponsored *wink

May 9, 2006, 5:20 PM
I would without a doubt if I had the resources at the time and could work it. The most important lesson I've learned through this black hole of insanity I'm slowly crawling out of :eek: is that people like us, ALL of us are all we have. Our families reject us, we make our own families based on love and understanding. We must stand together, because in the end, all we have is one another. At least that's what I've come to know.

doing my damnedst to keep my chin up and be the man I know I am,
-Tom 2.0 aka evil wizard's cat man :(

:female: :bibounce: :male: :bipride:

I can feel the noise in my head stopping, little by little. I'm getting there. Thank you all profusely for your kind words and moral support. All of you. You know who you are. And so do I ;)

May 20, 2006, 3:38 PM
I would love to. That won't likely be a possibility for me soon though (college student, going to be away all summer so I'll miss the Pride Fest near me).

It's my first summer out, but I'm still not out to my family... so that makes pride events much more desired but a bit less attainable. :(

(Side Note: Any members from Virginia to comment on the bi-acceptance of Southern Virginia? It's mighty far south compared to NJ, so I'm worried but I need to be able to be myself too...)


May 21, 2006, 11:52 AM
I'm down with that. Sounds like a mini-vacation if it was placed geographically condusive for such an event. How about South Padre' Island? I'm there! :tongue:

May 22, 2006, 8:15 AM
I too would attend if it was close, and my work schedule allowed it..... :2cents: :bipride:

May 26, 2006, 7:08 PM
:) I'd love to attend one! I've attended poly conferences before, but never a bi one, so it would be really exciting. My only concerns would be costs and content.

May 27, 2006, 12:22 AM
I like the idea of the convention but it would have to be really close as money is the biggest issue right now. I'd really like to meet everyone I know from chat :)

May 28, 2006, 12:40 PM
Hey Drew! I would love to go to a bi conference, because I know that that is a place I can call home. I voted only if it's close by, times are hard and I cannot be traveling way across country just to go to said conference. I just think it'd be a great idea, because so many people feel alone in being bi, and just to get the same love we get on this site in person would just be awesome.

May 29, 2006, 12:29 PM
I am with rumple on the time & money to travel, as things are right now i dont have much of either (some how i get the feeling im not alone either)

Please dont get me wrong, its a great idea, and i would love to meet the other memebers from the site too

just my :2cents:

P.S. thank you DREW for another thought provoking pole question!!

well put MIHH,i to am with both rumple and you..

purple rose
Jun 9, 2006, 11:31 AM
YEAH, it'd be great to meet other bi people in my area :flag1: