View Full Version : courtesy

Jan 20, 2011, 6:06 AM
Does anyone else get annoyed when they pm or email someone, not necessarily for hooking up mainly to offer the nenefit of a lifetimes bi experiences, when no reply ar acknowledgment is received?

Jan 20, 2011, 6:10 AM
Not really, especially when that person didn't ask for a pm. Life is too short to worry about unintended slights.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 20, 2011, 6:33 AM
I post things in the forum..... and let people read it...... I welcome all comments, even the ones that I disagree with..... but I notice that a lot of people never post..... it doesn't worry me.... as there are times that there is no need for people to post and say anything...... and it is the same with pms..... not every pm needs a reply... we only think they do.....

most of the people that have pmed me and been polite, respectful and very insightful and helpful... or in need of help..... but often they will start off by saying * I may be able to help.... do you mind ? " or " I noticed your thread and I was wondering if you could ?"

that gives me the right of reply and yes I will reply to them..... but if people just pm me out of the blue and tell me all about their experiences and about how they deal with things.... then yeah... they are not talking with me, they are telling me to live.... and that can be a bloody insult and unworthy of a reply.....

the other common thing I notice... is that often, on a profile, is the words, please do not PM me ........ something that is ignored more times than a lady saying no to a randy male

Jan 20, 2011, 11:38 AM
I only pm a few people on here, I'm proud to say the ones I do mail, mail me back. That's cause they actually WANT to hear from me even if they don't want to hear exactly what I'm saying at that point in time.

I wouldn't pm a person just offering advice as LDD said, that's just pretty much saying "I did this, you should too." But there are many, many on here who specifically state "No Pms" should they then be expected to show courtesy to someone who didn't even do them the courtesy of reading a profile?

Jan 20, 2011, 2:00 PM
perhasp I should have stated that I only contact people who ask for advice or for like minded people to contact. I agree unsolicited contacts are a pain in the butt.

Jan 20, 2011, 2:32 PM
i pm people politely, giving them the option to ignore if they wish. they didn't ask for my contact, so i must not assume it is going to be welcomed.

i will reply to pm's out of politeness, or where i feel they are reaching out and need a reply. i have developed lovely friendships out of this, and they continue outside this site.

i have received some unsavoury pm's which have thrown me. people wanting to do things to me which i would only whisper to my darling. i would never say them to someone i don't know in case of offense. and in this case agree with duckie. i ignore them. life is too short.

manners allow us to choose the right response, and some things don't deserve a response.

Jan 20, 2011, 4:43 PM
lol I am the same way, Guys. I get unsolicited mail on occasion and I answer all of them If they are polite and mannerable to me, then thats great and I reply in kind. :}
There are some I just kinda breeze thru and give a curt reply. Like the guy the other day who wrote me concerning the "Teaching men how to suck cock" thread. This guy wrote "Miss Cat, your discription of how you perform oral pleasures was a delight to read. My regrets for not living closer"
Now That was polite and nice and I wrote back thanking him nicely.

Then yesterday I get this note: "Cat, I got so turned on reading how you suck cock like a big dog(Its a form of compliment) and got so turned on that I shot clear to the ceiling. I had to read it again and shoot the wall before I went to work this morning. Where do you post some of your wittings???"
I wrote back and said "Uhmm yeah, glad that worked out for ya. Have a nice day" lol
Not everybody is going to reply to a note or email, but its usually good manners to do so, even if they arent interested. Manners Do count. ;)

Jan 20, 2011, 5:43 PM
Then yesterday I get this note: "Cat, I got so turned on reading how you suck cock like a big dog(Its a form of compliment) and got so turned on that I shot clear to the ceiling. I had to read it again and shoot the wall before I went to work this morning. Where do you post some of your wittings???"
I wrote back and said "Uhmm yeah, glad that worked out for ya. Have a nice day" lol

Oh my!!! I'm blushing, you naughty Cat!

Jan 20, 2011, 9:33 PM
LOL@Mikey. Hey, I was only relating what was written to me! And if he/they got so turned on that they had to take matters into their own paws, then its not My fault! lol So there! :tong::tongue:
Laughing Cat

Jan 21, 2011, 8:58 PM
I use to post years ago, and i think that the posting meter is wrong, oh well.

I always felt that I would sound stupid in my posts, but I guess it has more to do with the overall self confidence, or lack there of, of admitting I am bi.

i would chat with folks and some would get back to me, but some would not, again it would make me feel small, I figured they were more together than I,

There are so many very nice folks on this site, I am grateful to the ones I have gotten to know.

I am one who reads way more than posts, maybe that will change, I am not sure.

