View Full Version : blowjobs with condoms?

Jan 17, 2011, 10:02 PM
have tried researching this on past threads, but there's very little there. okay, have horny hubby who had first full-on sex fest. loved it. he's visiting the guy on a regular basis, which is fine. uses condoms for anal, which is fine. when asked about blowjobs, seized up and said not to ask. he's now talking about another bloke who knows a bloke who lives up on a farm where they spend all weekend doing everything......

so, guys, when the little head is involved and not so much the big one, is it possible for guys to think beyond their groin and consider safe sex, or is there too much blood flow in the wrong direction? read that it's better to use a condom for blowjobs. i think hookers do (don't take that as gospel - don't really know). realise a blowjob with a condom doesn't sound too exciting, but it's safer, isn't it? i know he's grabbing any exposure to sex with a man that he can, and i know some guys run around like dogs in heat. think i have one of those. he used to be like that with me, but only me. starting to worry about health issues. any suggestions on how to make him think with his big head????

Long Duck Dong
Jan 17, 2011, 10:14 PM
the trouble is that a lot of people will argue that there is miminum risk with oral sex, so you are making a mountain out of a mole hill

but, thats people that are looking after their own desires....... you are looking at things, not from the point of view of minimun risk, but from the fact you want to be safe and respected.....

if my partner wanted me to use a condom for oral, I would do it..... but I am more interested in my partners feelings and concerns than a sex partners, cos my partner is long term..... and using a condom is not really that much of a big deal......

I know of people that have caught oral stds, so regardless of the arguments about minimal risk and getting partners tests, there is always a risk factor..... but most people will automatically blame the other person.......
strangely enuf, the other person never forced us to suck their cock, we chose to suck it

personally, you can do the hard line stance, which is that you have given him permission to learn about himself..... and what is more important ? your partner or the feelings of the person whose cock he is sucking...

Jan 17, 2011, 11:11 PM
Flavored condoms. A guy i talked to over the weekend said he always uses these

Jan 17, 2011, 11:33 PM
If you put a condom on your dick and stick it in my mouth, I do not care what flavor it is, I will rip it off with my teeth!!!! :eek::eek:

Jan 18, 2011, 2:04 AM
Putting the bacterial infections and their increasing immunity to antibiotics to one side, virally mediated AIDS is only one aspect of problems.

In the medical profession, there is a latter day realisation that H(uman) P(apiloma) V(irus) is causing S(exually) T(ransmitted) D(isease). HPV's are associated with warts of all sorts and with cancers.

There are over 100 strains / species of HPV. Reputedly, there is site preference (places where they attack) for the greater majority of these. However, the viruses do not know the rules and they also tend to 'mutate' / vary in their infective nature.

There is now a move to immunise young ladies before they become sexually active in order to try to prevent infection and cervical cancer taking hold. However, the virus is not killed in this and so may be transmitted in turn through e.g. oral sex.

Increasing levels of buccal and throat cancer are being recorded since the popularity of oral sex has increased. It gets worse. There are also increasing levels of anal cancer and oral repercussions being recorded for the same reason

An argument has arisen that immunisation should be given to all sexually active people regardless of age and gender / sexuality in the attempt to check these increases.

One must conclude that the more partners one has then the greater the risk of epidemic occuring. Barrier methods are not always successful. Treatment for virus attack of all sorts is limited. Saying NO may be the only effective way of staying safe.

Seems like the religions advocating monogamy and restrained sexual activity had some relevant guidance to offer.

Can't eat
Can't be sexual
Religion and the tax man forbid enjoyment
I hate golf.
Is there any point to being alive?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 18, 2011, 3:27 AM
Can't eat
Can't be sexual
Religion and the tax man forbid enjoyment
I hate golf.
Is there any point to being alive?

yeah.... lol.... its calling forum trolling :tong::tong::tong:

Jan 18, 2011, 8:54 AM
I think that many focus on HIV but other STD are there. from a website.

Chlamydia and Oral Sex
Oral sex is not considered a common cause of Chlamydia infection, but it is a possibility. If the vagina, cervix, anus, penis or mouth come in contact with infected secretions or fluids, then transmission is possible.

Gonorrhea and Oral Sex
Gonorrhea can be passed during oral sex (either giving or receiving). Ejaculation does not have to occur for gonorrhea to be transmitted or acquired. Gonorrhea survives well in the throat, and gonorrhea throat infections from oral sex are relatively common. (Apparently, there are no/few symptoms if Gonorrhea is in the anus or throat and so your partner will not know that they are infected).

Herpes and Oral Sex
Herpes can be transmitted via skin to skin contact, so the risks during oral sex are clear. It’s important to remember that transmission can occur even if there are no visible sores, and you or your partner may be infected with herpes and not know it. Some people are not aware that cold sores are a form of herpes.

HIV and Oral Sex
While the risk is considered to be low, there have been documented cases of HIV transmission where the most likely way it was transmitted was through oral sex via semen, vaginal secretions or blood. HIV is not transmitted via saliva, and deep kissing is considered a safe sexual behavior. There have been cases of oral sex transmission during fellatio (performing oral sex on a man) and cunnilingus (performing oral sex on a woman).

HPV and Oral Sex
Oral sex is considered a less common cause of HPV infection, although it has been documented. HPV virus is shed from the surface of warts and any form of direct physical contact may result in transmission.

NGU (Non-Gonoccocal Urethritis) and Oral Sex
Most of the germs that cause NGU can be passed during oral sex, even if the penis or tongue doesn’t go all the way in to the vagina, mouth or rectum and even if body fluids are not exchanged. A recent Australian study provided further evidence for oral sex as a transmission route for NGU.

Syphilis and Oral Sex
Oral sex is considered an efficient way to transmit syphilis, with one CDC study reporting that more than 13% of syphilis cases in a geographic area were attributed to oral sex. Transmission usually occurs during vaginal, anal or oral sex when syphilitic sores or patches come in to contact with slightly abraded skin or mucous membranes.

Yeast Infections and Oral Sex
There is evidence to suggest that women who have recurrent yeast infections may be infected by receiving oral sex. In one study, receiving oral sex had an association with an increased risk of recurrent yeast infections at three times the rate. Oral sex with someone who has a yeast infection can lead to thrush, which is a yeast infection in your throat. Oral contact with yeast will not give you a yeast infection in your vagina, because the yeast will be killed in your digestive system.

Jan 18, 2011, 2:13 PM
There's no point in using condoms for giving oral sex or getting it.

Condoms taste and smell nasty even the flavored ones.

I have been sucking cock since before and during the HIV/AIDS pandemic and I'm still HIV negative. I have never gotten any other STDs either and I've been with 100s of men.

HIV is killed by saliva and by swallowing.

not having a go at you, just trying to understand (i have my blonde moments - lol). if saliva kills hiv, then why do you need to swallow it? if you spat it out, wouldn't that with the saliva be even more safe??

Jan 18, 2011, 2:40 PM
I just don't know how to respond to this

Jan 18, 2011, 3:22 PM
The sad truth is you can't really trust anyone if you ask about their safe sexual status. It's not because they lie, but simply because they could have picked something up since the last test that didn't show up yet in blisters, warts or other obvious signs.

I am done having sex just anywhere, but that's my choice. My lady didn't demand I cease being with whoever I want, it's my choice to only be with her. I've had my share of both genders over my life and now I want to just settle down with someone compatible with me.

I know I got lucky with all the risks I took in my life. Sadly I didn't even use condoms often with females to prevent pregnancy let alone anything else but as far as I know there are no little Aidan's running around and I never caught anything or spread anything, knock on wood.

But that was me being stupid, if I was starting out now with all the information we have on the spread of STD's, I'd damned sure use a condom for any sexual activity that involved contact with another person's body fluid's, whatever they may be.


Jan 18, 2011, 3:25 PM
There's no point in using condoms for giving oral sex or getting it.

Condoms taste and smell nasty even the flavored ones.

I have been sucking cock since before and during the HIV/AIDS pandemic and I'm still HIV negative. I have never gotten any other STDs either and I've been with 100s of men.

HIV is killed by saliva and by swallowing.

There are many other STD's besides Aids, and you can get them from oral sex. Your reply just shows how irresponsible you are.

Jan 18, 2011, 3:32 PM
There are many other STD's besides Aids, and you can get them from oral sex. Your reply just shows how irresponsible you are.

Kind of nice to know who not to get to know though huh

Jan 18, 2011, 3:40 PM
bizel, just show your husband some pictures of oral std's like this http://www.examiner.com/sex-relationships-in-newark/can-you-get-stds-from-oral it nudge him to think first

Jan 18, 2011, 4:18 PM

This, to me, is a prime reason never to have sex with anyone, who you do not know well and trust, plus have a certificate of clean health before you are intimate. Even then, there are some things that are not detected by health department health services, I'm told.

If he is seeing multiple partners (which appears to be the case) he really is playing a terrible form of Russian Roulette! He's not only playing it with his own life, but if he comes home to you, right now, I would be terrified!

This is a terrible horror story, but true. In 1982, I had an employee who, after a fight with his wife, went to a large city and paid for sex with a prostitute. He came home, they made up and soon after, she discovered she was pregnant. Within 18 months, the baby died, his wife died, and then he died. They were in their 20s. That was his first and only time to cheat. They all died of full-blown AIDS. I know folks with AIDS are living longer, now, but what an awful thing it is.

Jan 18, 2011, 4:53 PM
I haven't yet had the occasion to provide oral sex to another man that I feel safe with. I actually don't do with some women that I don't feel I can trust entirely when with them.

But, knowing what I know about putting codoms on my cock before sex, just smelling them is enough to (in my mind) deter me from the practice. For me to suck another man's cock, I just simply don't think using a condom. It doesn't cross my mind. I suppose there are flavored ones, but I want to know the geography of a man's cock, to feel and taste that skin, to know the texture and folds of the skin, I want to feel the sensation of his pre-cum and my saliva on his cock. I don't fantasize about this with a condom on the imagined person's cock when I am thinking it up in my brain.

Proceed with caution and don't do it until you know you can trust that other person. There are many other ways to be intimate before sucking that man's cock. Go with them until such time that you feel comfortable enough that you won't get a gift from that man.

Jan 19, 2011, 12:18 AM
There's no point in using condoms for giving oral sex or getting it.

Condoms taste and smell nasty even the flavored ones.

I have been sucking cock since before and during the HIV/AIDS pandemic and I'm still HIV negative. I have never gotten any other STDs either and I've been with 100s of men.

HIV is killed by saliva and by swallowing.

I DEFINITELY AGREE with your opinion of condoms. But, I tend to bond with one sex partner at a time. So 100s of men is extremely likely to happen for me. But, given all the unexpected stuff that has happened in my life, I can't say absolutely never.

Jan 19, 2011, 4:43 AM
I hope you realize that people who have HIV are no longer dying like that and are leading full lives.

I have friends who have been HIV+ for 25+ years and they are still healthy, have an undetectable viral load, and a very high CD4 count in the thousands.

They are healthy and nowhere near AIDS or dying from it.

There are much more dangerous and risky sex acts that one can do that are a very high risk for HIV and other STDs unlike oral sex.

Yours and you friends' God is obviously more powerful than that / those of the rest of the world.

Jan 20, 2011, 10:47 AM
Blow job with a condom? I don;t think so. Try sticking a dildo in your mouth and see how it tastes.

The reality is we are most concerned with HIV and if you really do study the transmissions of it by oral only sex, you'll quickly realize that you have the same probability of being hit by a train in the middle of a freeway.

While I've only given ONE blow job in my life I know a lot of women that have given HUNDREDS without condoms and not a single one of them has contracted HIV.

I suggest you read this discussion at UCSF. Basically no one can say there is ZERO chance. However many of the "reported" transmissions of HIV from oral have been found to be questionable due to "other" undisclosed activities.


Jan 20, 2011, 11:15 AM

I understand, from reading articles and listening to doctors, that HIV is more apt to be spread through lesions. Even a small scrape on a person's gums, from brushing their teeth, biting a tongue, or cheek, can provide a route for the Virus to enter the blood stream.

They are more certain that anal sex is more apt to spread the virus, because the anus is so tender and more prone to being stressed.

Swallowing semen is supposedly not nearly as dangerous as one may think, because the stomach acids will kill almost anything that enters the stomach.

I've heard that a person is more easily subjected to other STDs, like herpes, syphilis, etc, etc. than AIDS. I'll go without before I will take a chance....but that's just me!

I'm no expert, by any means, but I think I've been safe so far, because of being so selective, cautious, and most of my lovers have not been active with multiple partners....especially in the last 30 years, or so.

Jan 20, 2011, 10:42 PM
There are many other STD's besides Aids, and you can get them from oral sex. Your reply just shows how irresponsible you are.

Exactly Goonie.... Anyone ever hear of Hepatitis C? How about Herpes? Neither are curable and both are orders of magnitude more prevalent than HIV!!!

Jan 21, 2011, 11:13 AM
Exactly Goonie.... Anyone ever hear of Hepatitis C? How about Herpes? Neither are curable and both are orders of magnitude more prevalent than HIV!!!

Actually HEP C is extremely difficult to transmit and requires BLOOD to BLOOD pathogens to do so. In other words BLOOD MUST BE PRESENT.

To date there has not been one documented case of HEP C being transmitted by unprotected oral sex. Probably because not many people suck cocks with VISIBLE sores etc....

As for Herpes being transmitted orally there is an increase in HSV2 being transmitted Orally. However if you already have HSV1, ie cold sores, which 50% of teenagers have and 80-90% of Americans have by the age of 50, it does appear to afford some protection from becoming HSV2 positive.

Also of note is there is an increase in women becoming HSV1 positive in the genital region from Oral Sex.

HSV is no longer screened for in STANDARD STD PANELS. The reason is that the CDC and Community Healthcare systems consider it a waste of resources, because they assume, statistically, that EVERYONE has one or the other or both.

HSV is primarily a stigma from less than educated people. Reality is MOST people that carry HSV don't even know it because symptoms are infrequent and often unseen.

If you doubt what I've written is correct I suggest you visit you County run Clinic and get an STD screening. Where you can also discuss with a highly trained professional RN that deals with these on a daily basis.

Be educated, not fearful. You'll live much longer and happier lives.

Jan 21, 2011, 11:04 PM
I don't have Hep C or herpes. That being said wouldn't you rather have Herpes than either Hepatitis C or HIV?

Most people already have herpes and/or HPV-warts but just do not show any signs or symptoms or have break outs.

You really should educate yourself more about HIV and STDs.

You're not going to get Hepatitis C or any other types of Hepatitis from sucking cock.

You can easily get Hepatitis A and B from kissing and swapping spit but before you get even more paranoid you can easily be vaccinated for them like I have been.

Hepatitis C through G-yes there are multiple strains of it, and Hep A and Hep B are very easily transmitted through rimming or eating ass. I never got Hepatitis because I was never into licking someone's asshole or having mine licked because it's disgusting.

Most bisexual and gay men I know do not even engage in rimming at all anymore because of the high risk for various strains of Hepatitis from it and intestinal parasites and bacterial infections. You're not going to get HIV from rimming unless you have broken skin on your anus or mouth or there's a bleeding cut there.

If you give oral sex to a woman when she is menstruating or you fuck her without condoms then you can get Hepatitis C and HIV from her if she has them. I have never had sex like that with a woman when she's menstruating because it's disgusting and I would not put my cock or mouth anywhere near her vagina then.

I am vaccinated against Hepatitis A & B. Herpes is extremely common, I may have it, or may not have it. I have lived long enough to be exposed to it and get it, sex or no sex. Never, had symtoms of it, but I still may have it. You could get it from me or not get it from me, if I have it. It is uncommon to be tested for it because it is so common for people to have it, but not know it.
Anal sex for me?: Not likely, especially without a condom!
Suck a dick with a condom on it? :eek::eek: Never!!!

Jan 23, 2011, 12:22 AM
Although out of a half dozen or so experiences I've had, I haven't tried to take one orally with a condom on it, and I would certainly try it once to see what it was like, but I prefer to watch the person's cum shoot out onto my face and down my hand around his cock as part of the excitement of the whole thing.The condom destroys that entire scenario, so I'd say no. However if in a situation where it was more of a whoring myself out or calling some escort service for a guy just for that reason, I'd def. use them and adapt...and be alive the next year to talk about it!

Jan 23, 2011, 2:30 AM
as a student,i experience to have sex with my same sex.,regarding about blowjob with condom,.i think i begged to disagree,.how do you know if that fucking dick is delicious when you were condom,at this moment we need t.condom will use when a a girl no plan to have a baby,.anyway the true essence of a boy is being the best that he can be.

Jan 28, 2011, 2:32 PM
Ok, Lots of talk, but if you use one, what flavor? Most at the local CVS are lubricated and taste like crap. Trojan has one not lubed, but none of the thin sensitive types are without lube. We are not pounding someone’s butt here so don’t need the industrial strength. I hate that little tip thing, like going down on a nice dick with a snot on the end. Any thoughts?


Jan 28, 2011, 5:57 PM
i've given a partner a blowjob with a condom. i then did a cum shooter. for those that don't know, you put the open end of the used condom between your teeth, your partner then pulls the end like a rubber band and lets go. all the cum shoots into your mouth. yummy.;)

Jan 30, 2011, 7:53 AM
I'm horribly scared of getting HIV or some other STD. This is why I'm not the slut I fantasize to be sometimes. Its why I wish I could have a guy and a woman :three:in my life, so we could be tested and therefore reduce our risks. I have Crohn's disease (a non-transmittable genetic auto-immune disease) and the anti-immunity drugs I take have the opposite role than the drugs I would need if I got HIV. Meaning if I get HIV I'm royally fucked like folks were back in the day before the great drugs available to HIV+ folks these days. With my roller-coaster health I'd probably succumb to AIDS and die within 2 years. I've had the first of three of the Gardasil vaccination. Unfortunately I had an adverse reaction to it so I'm not sure I'll be able to get the remaining 2 shots. Supposedly Im the first male to get the vaccine at Stanford. I only got it because I explained to my gastroenterologist I was bisexual, newly single and about to start sleeping with guys and still had to push for it. I had to pay the full amount out of pocket even though I get EVERYTHING paid for by medical. The shots also increase one's chances of blood clots and Pulmonary embolisms, which I've already had 3!

So when I think of giving head, which I think of quite often I think "play safe". I like to give head but I will only do it if I put a condom on the dick Im sucking. I'll admit that I haven't followed my rule when I'm receiving (especially when its a woman fellating), something I need to stop immediately. I also have never used protection when eating a girl out. No dick will ever go in my ass without a condom (still got a virgin ass). That I know I will never make exceptions for, even if I someday get married to guy. I want to play with clean (tested) folks without oral protection but I'm still apprehensive. I want to taste another guy cumming down my throat and hopefully I'll get into an arrangement where I can one day do so relatively safely. I've never tasted another guy's cum. My ex-gf used to snowball my cum back in my mouth which was hot. Most of my sexual life I've jumped from one long term relationship to another [only women :( ] which is why I think I've been able to stay clean. But alas I'm single now, and want it to stay that way for at least 2 years. It scares me to think whats out there.

For me it ruins more the mood to know I'm at risk when doing something sexually more than using a condom, so I rather use a condom. I can relax and enjoy the sex, whatever type it may be that way. I disclose my bisexuality beforehand and my desire for protection.

I don't find un-lubricated condoms bad tasting. A little weird sure, but not bad. I look for the LifeStyles un-lubricated and WITHOUT spermacyde condoms for giving/getting head more than the flavored ones. The spermacyde is what tastes horrible so stay away from that. I buy a separate box of lubricated condoms for sex if needed and have my own water-based lube which is safe on toys, condoms, skin.

I wish we lived in an HIV/AIDS/STD/STI free world so I could be a cum slut without worries.:cutelaugh

Jan 30, 2011, 10:44 AM
My MM experience is old, pre AIDS, and I love the taste and feel of someone cumming in my mouth.... BUT.. is totally amazes me how folks HATE condoms and will justify unsafe sex because of taste, attitude, etc.

When I was single, I used condoms, I even would suck the cum out of them if they were only being used to prevent pregnancy (exclusive partner and no STD issue).

The polyurethane ones don't smell or taste like rubber...

And for those that said, suck on a dildo.. I havel, some are awful (cheap jelly), silicone ones are fine lol
