View Full Version : Craig's List Personals

Paul B.
Jan 14, 2011, 12:38 PM
Have members responded to men seeking men personals on CL? Are they legit? Most seem to be looking for immediate hooks, whereas I personally would be looking to go more slowly than that!! Appreciate any feedback/experiences.

Jan 14, 2011, 12:45 PM
I check the CL M4M ads multiple times a day. Some ads are legit. Some aren't. Even the seemingly legit advertisers won't respond to you for various reasons. You just have to play it by ear.

Jan 14, 2011, 7:09 PM
Craigslist is the way to go for online hookups: Be candid in your ad, and patient enough to wait for the right person.

There are a lot of scams, ads and predators, but, c'mon, how else are you gonna meet like-minded folks? Be careful, but have fun.

Jan 14, 2011, 9:35 PM
In 2008, I hadn't had a male lover for over 15 years. Newly divorced and lonely, I thought I'd try to find a lover on Craigslist. Looked at ads for some time.........months, before I found an interesting one.

Then, I called a fellow, who wrote a very interesting list of things he'd like to share with the right guy. I was thinking we'd meet for coffee and some eyeball contact, but found someone I actually knew!

He turned out to be a gay teacher, who I'd met when I was home on vacation, at a party several years before.

That turned out to be a great connection....for a while, at least. At least it broke my 15 year dry spell!

Jan 14, 2011, 9:52 PM
Have members responded to men seeking men personals on CL? Are they legit? Most seem to be looking for immediate hooks, whereas I personally would be looking to go more slowly than that!! Appreciate any feedback/experiences.

I have responded and posted on CL. For me I have found that location plays a big part. When I was up north people responded and were legit. Here in the south very little legit M4M but you gotta be patient and post exactly what you want or respond to exactly what you want. Good Luck!

Feb 7, 2011, 3:18 PM
I have met a couple of nice guy's on cl, the guy I am seeing now I met on cl and we have been getting together for about 6 months now and as some of you know we tried to get me topped the other day but that is a different story. You just have to be patient and make sure you be careful about meeting someone, always meet in public for the first few times just to make sure. Good luck with your search.

Feb 7, 2011, 8:12 PM
i have met one or two on there we met in a public place first then went on from there

Feb 8, 2011, 5:33 AM
If you prefer to get to know people before indulging, try posting an ad in the Strictly Platonic section. There, make a point of implying - or mentioning outright - that if you click, things needn't remain platonic forever.

It's worth a try anyway!

Feb 8, 2011, 8:26 AM
I find it interesting that only men have responded to this post.. I guess i am curious if any women post and have luck doing so??
We men are pigs is the thought.. what about the ladies. I see a lot of ad's for them on Craigs list, however; most are scammmers and bullshit!

Feb 8, 2011, 6:26 PM
This may sound strange but the listings in the Keys on this site are almost nonexistent. I have been checking CL. It’s working for me now but nothing long term. Just too many married guy looking to play around. If I reply I state that up front not interested.

Feb 8, 2011, 6:58 PM
Craigs can truly be a gamble. I have met some amazingly cool people there, but also met people that outright scared me. When you answer an anonymous post you use the e-mail system on Craigs. You don't realize it could be the same people or persons who post daily until they respond ! Some creepy people post multiple times a day from multiple e-mail addresses, to meet people for fast and sometimes risky anonymous play.

As had been said by others, I prefer to meet real people, and develop an actual relationship. I am not into meeting guys "looking for now" or people that frighten me into worrying they did something unsafe with someone else an hour ago...in a mens room, a park, a car, etc....

Feb 13, 2011, 11:09 AM
In the Craigslst List world, Strictly Platonic seems to be what you arelooking for. I posted there looking to meet people with no sexual come on at all, and the replies I got were mostly straight/bi guys looking for a friend they can explore their bi side with. Funny, asthat is what I was posting for but wasn't overtly sexual at all in my listing.

Feb 13, 2011, 11:34 AM
I posted there looking to meet people with no sexual come on at all, and the replies I got were mostly straight/bi guys looking for a friend they can explore their bi side with. Funny, asthat is what I was posting for but wasn't overtly sexual at all in my listing.

I've posted Strictlly Platonic ads on CL a couple times. Both times I just advertised "Correspondents Wanted" and asked if there were any local guys that just wanted to do some e-mail chat about queer stuff; Past history, fantasies and such. I specified no sex to begin with but maybe we could graduate to phone chat and personal meetings.

I got a few decent replies from guys where we discussed things for a few days but after that we pretty much ran out of things to chat about and the discussion ended. There were a few guys that replied but wouldn't say anything about themselves and it ended up pretty much a one- sided discussion which I put an end to rather quickly.

I also received a few replies from guys just looking for hook- ups despite my already having made it clear that wasn't the purpose of my ad. One guy got real aggressive and acted like I was the one proposing sex from the start. A real jerk who ended up telling me he wasn't going to chat anymore because of one reason or another. I didn't bother thanking him.

The best one was a local guy that was mostly interested in hook- ups but contacted me to chat, anyway. We went back and forth for weeks, him not writing anywhere near as much as I did, but it was fun. We actually decided to meet for sex but the timing was never quite right. When it was, he'd suddenly go quiet on me. Eventually he just stopped writing.

I gave up on the Strictly Platonics for a while and just posted another one a few months ago. Within a day someone flagged it as being inappropriate despite it being non- sexual in nature. I didn't bother trying to repost, but maybe one of these days I will.

Feb 13, 2011, 12:41 PM
As several respondents have said in a different way, using CL to meet other bi men is a risk, but often it's the only game in town, especially in rural areas if you are bi and want to meet other bi men. You must develop a feel (no pun intended) when choosing whom you want to play with. I stay away from replying to the "right here, right now" blatantly raunchy, promiscuous, grabastic, aggressive ads which are actually quite humorous and amusing to me. The ads I post make it clear that I will play only with men who take the time to share via emails not only their mm interests and desires, but whom demonstrate that they are safe, sane, discreet, laid back and patient like me and whom want a fun encounter, not a quickie slam-bam hookup or a ltr. I do repeats with men if we clicked on our 1st meet and both agree we'd like to meet again. It is rare that I connect with a bi man on CL and meet him "right now" on the spur of the moment, but it has happened a couple times and was quite fun and well worth it. More often we chat via emails or texts or sometimes by phone until we're both ready to meet...whether later that day or week or the next week.

Feb 13, 2011, 1:37 PM
Been there done that.

Lots of "no shows".

I think mose like the fantasy more than the reality

Feb 13, 2011, 4:52 PM
I've looked at alot of the Women seeking women ads and honestly, most of them are in a relationship and don't want their SO's knowing about what they are doing. I won't be a part of that because I respect honesty and integrity in a person. Plus, I believe that you should treat your partner the way you would want to be treated.

Maybe I'm an idealist, but you shouldn't have to hide who you are from your partner.

Feb 13, 2011, 5:26 PM
I never cheated on either of my wives, but I did have sexual desire for others. They were both aware of my desires and fantasies because I did not hide them. Only difference in my wives and me is they had sexual desires for others which they hid from me, they acted on those desires and did cheat...go figure LOL