View Full Version : Dire Straits hit censored for gay slur

Long Duck Dong
Jan 13, 2011, 9:57 PM
now I am starting to lose all faith in the anti discrimination / PC outfits to have a working brain cell

Canadian radio stations have been warned to censor the 1985 Dire Straits hit Money for Nothing, after a complaint that the lyrics of the Grammy Award-winning song were derogatory to gay men.

Link to story (http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/music/4541815/Dire-Straits-hit-censored-for-gay-slur)

The lyrics that offend ?

(See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup Yeah buddy that's his own hair That little faggot got his own jet airplane That little faggot he's a millionaire)

adds this to the list of things lost and changed over the years in the interests of PC

noddy books... not longer feature the gollywog ( racist ) and noddy and big ears sharing a bed ( encouraging homosexual activities )

tom sawyer story... the word nigger removed ( racist )

history period books word faggot removed, in context it refers to a bundle of sticks ( offensive gay slur )

iconic aussie poem... a poem about kookaburras contains the line * gay your life must be * in context it means merry and happy.... school principal changed it to rainbow colored, your life must be, as gay is refering to homosexuals

and tango makes three.... a true story about two male penguins at central park zoo, forming a couple and being given a egg to raise..... censored cos two males raising a egg is seen as encouraging homosexual behievour....

Jan 14, 2011, 2:12 AM
Gee you'd think they would be more concerned about the fact some kids might believe you can actually get Money for Nothing..... :bigrin:

Jan 14, 2011, 3:51 AM
"but the child that was born on the Sabbath day
will be bonny, blythe, good and rainbow coloured"

naaaa daft... dusn rhyme..:tong:

.. bet me Auntie Gay will will chuffed she can't call 'erself by 'er given name ne more..

Jan 14, 2011, 8:40 AM
Only two comments.

1. We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us (POGO)


2. (22 second video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7hQN4Amaeg
(perhaps only South Park fans will 'get it'.

Jan 14, 2011, 9:19 AM
I guess while I've always tried to be a gentlemen the world is becoming just a bit too PC for me. So when does this ride stop? I want to get off.

Jan 14, 2011, 10:06 AM
Dire Straits...

I knew this was the reason for the lyrics waaaaay back then, but here are excerpts from Neil Macdonald (senior Washington correspondent and one of the CBC's most revered reporters) to confirm it.


"If you look to the origin of the word, it's disgusting."

It sure is. Which is exactly why Mark Knopfler wrote it into the lyrics. The entire song drips with irony.

In fact, Knopfler himself has spoken about how those words made it into the song.

He had been in an appliance store where a guy dressed in a baseball cap, work boots and a checkered shirt was watching MTV on a wall of televisions and muttering "Hawaiian noises" and "faggots" about the performers he was seeing on the screen: "Chimpanzees banging on bongos."

"Now that ain't working," the guy declared. Knopfler grabbed a pencil and paper and scribbled down the lines.

The resulting song was actually written in the voice of the ignoramus in the baseball cap, with someone admonishing him.

See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup/ Yeah buddy, that's his own hair/ That little faggot got his own jet airplane/ That little faggot, he's a millionaire.

I bought the album, Brothers in Arms, when it came out in 1985, and I got what Knopfler was saying immediately: Rock stars might look silly to you, pal, but somebody sure likes us. We're rich, and we don't even have to work very hard. Maybe get a blister on our little fingers. You just keep on hauling refrigerators for a living.

.......The point is that Knopfler was using the word faggot against people who use it seriously. Sort of the way many of my gay friends do. (They call themselves "queers," which I find a little jarring, but I get that, too.)


apparently the Newfie who complained is not familiar with the concept of irony *sigh*.

Read more:



Jan 14, 2011, 10:20 AM
In rebellion against the latest Newspeak, it's time we stood up to revisionist history!
Here, shown for the first time in public, is the original photo.
Open your encyclopedias to "Atomic Bomb" and "World War II" and paste this correct original over the politically corrected iconic photo:

Jan 14, 2011, 5:00 PM
It's often been said there are more ways to be offended than there are to offend. I think that's true in this case. There comes a point in time when one person's "right to not be offended" should not take precedence over the value of what artists have done. It's a fairly easy thing to not read a book or to not listen to a song if it bothers you, but some people....

It's like how the McDonald's in NZ is offering free wifi for customers. You'd think people would be ecstatic right? Nope...people immediately ran into MickeyD's and tried to load various sites to see what got past the filter and what didn't. Immediately it was an antiLGBT thing cause gaynz couldn't be loaded, never mind that it's a family restaurant and ads on the page are offering sexual hookups with half nude pics.

Even gay columninsts are amused at the outlash that says McDonald's is homophobic

I love this columnist btw so here's another clip of his blog about the Mark Twain affair.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 14, 2011, 5:19 PM
lol the list of blocked sites by mcdonalds is extensive....

sites that contain ads that feature R / X rated ads or personals.....
all sites that are adult material related
torrent sites
file sharing sites...

the general idea was for people to use messenger services and emails, news sites and basic web surfing, using free wifi...... a courtesy service......

it reminds me of the issue with rabbit island in nelson, nz..... and how members of the gay community, want it made into a cruising area for gay people to hook up and have sex in public, which is illegal,... and still have the area kept as a family friendly place with children running around

much of the gay community is furious at the minority gays for that stance, as after many years of fighting for the civil union ( LGBT marrying rights ).... a minority group are doing exactly what the gay community said would not happen......

Jan 14, 2011, 5:58 PM
I've been reading a lot about this story the last few days. It's just ridiculous. That little faggot sounds like he's got it good.