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Apr 23, 2006, 7:33 AM
Happy St George's Day

Hi Folks

I thought I would take time out to wish my fellow country men & women a happy St George's Day.

For those of you who dont know St George slew a Dragon that was eating sheep and maidens causing untold distress to local villigers. Hearing the plight of a princes who was about to be eaten, St George killed the dragon with 1 blow from his lance. (see wikipedia for more info St George Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_George#Patronage_and_remembrance) )
St George is therefore noted for his chivalrous behavior (protecting women, fighting evil, dependence on faith and might of arms, largesse to the poor)

St George is not only patron of England but of soldiers, archers, and amongst others The most Noble Order of the Knights of the Garter. This is the highest chivalrous order in England with HM the Queen at its head, which dates back to medievil times.

Shakespeare in Henry the V rallies the troops before the Battle of Agincourt with the Battle Cry-

"God for Harry, England and St George."

Best wishes

Apr 23, 2006, 9:07 AM
well you learn something new everyday on here

Apr 23, 2006, 9:12 AM
Well Happy St. George's Dayto y'all.. I guess i was being ladyd's St George last night in chat,,,LMAO...

Apr 23, 2006, 9:20 AM
Happy St. George's Day to you also. And by the power of St. Michael and St. George, may God bless the Queen and the once and future King!


Driver 8
Apr 23, 2006, 12:14 PM
Are you absolutely, positively sure it was St. George? Couldn't it have been St. Smurf and the dragon (http://www.tv.com/the-smurfs/st.-smurf-and-the-dragon/episode/55848/summary.html)?

Apr 23, 2006, 1:54 PM

I do believe you are correct!!!

Oh and Saint Charles was in chat last night!! ;)

Love you Smurfy!!.....

Happy St. George's Day!!

Ladyd :)

Apr 23, 2006, 2:46 PM
Happy St. George's Day to you also smurfie!!!
Thank you for adding a new kink in my brain of knowledge. :tong: