View Full Version : flooding in queensland

Jan 10, 2011, 4:19 PM
unbelievable. up to yesterday, the bulk of the state of queensland was underwater, flooded. the main arterial highway, the bruce highway was cut off in two places, gympie and rockhampton. i'm not sure if it's cut at maryborough also, which is flooded.

to our shock, a wall of water nicknamed an inland tsunami swept through towns west of brisbane - mainly toowoomba, sweeping cars and people away. they have found bodies and are still searching for survivors. i have never seen anything like that before. absolutely unbelievable. no-one had any warning, it just swept through. 8 confirmed dead, 72 missing. www.news.com.au

at present, on the sunshine coast where i am, we are expecting king tides which will cut our roads, and i am cringing in the house with a storm and pounding rain battling our place. the lightning and thunder is amazing. and it's only 7am. what will the day be like when it gets underway? and they say more rain is on the way. a friend of mine is hoping the word 'cyclone' doesn't raise it's head. trees exposed to saturating rain will have no hope of retaining a grip on the earth. and to add to the confusion, western australia is suffering bushfires. what next?

my thoughts go to all who are in further danger of flooding and fires. this is bad.

Jan 10, 2011, 7:38 PM
The weather does seem to be going bonkers all over the place----biblical floods in places that hardly ever see any rain at all---major snow now falling in large swaths of the deep American south--in places that hardly ever see such things--on an ever more frequent basis.

Some people have a theory that planet Earth is actually an living organism of sorts and it finally has had enough of us pesky, destructive human species kicking the shit out of it and is going to start doing its damnedest to wipe us out!!!

Jan 10, 2011, 11:17 PM
I've been following the story on Stuff.co.nz, that is just a royal mess. Do I understand correctly that the abos had warned for a long time of the propensity for a major flood in that area though?

Jan 11, 2011, 1:13 AM
I've been following the story on Stuff.co.nz, that is just a royal mess. Do I understand correctly that the abos had warned for a long time of the propensity for a major flood in that area though?

i really don't know dd. that's a good point tho. abos are much more intune with the land than we will ever be. we stick in dams, and housing, and highways without any thought to the way the land lies. i felt for sharon stone when she mentioned, with the tragedies in china - earthquakes, flooding etc, that maybe it was karma for moving entire villages and re-routing water flows etc. you can't mistreat the land and not expect something back. her timing sucked, but i think she had a point. we like to think we're in charge of the land, but no-one controls mother nature. ultimately, we are nothing more than big ants. in fact, i think ants are more useful than a lot of people i could name.

Jan 11, 2011, 2:36 PM
I so feel for all of you down there. And I worry about a few of our key members there too. You guys take care and be safe please...:(

Jan 11, 2011, 2:53 PM
I saw some more news video footage this morning that comes from those parts of Australia---holy shit---it is amazing at how much water is falling in those places--it is really awe inspiring and surely frightening.

I do hope that all of our community down there, their family and friends are all out of harm's way down there.

I guess if you live down there--you have to keep up with the news reports as to what is going on and if told to---leave and head for higher ground.

Take care all!!