View Full Version : The Archetype

Jan 8, 2011, 4:10 PM
I've noticed that I've met several people recently who fit into this category of personality that I've labeled the archetype. Bisexuality is an aspect of this archetype, but I'm not saying that all bisexuals are like this; kinda like how a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't a square and all that. The characteristics of personality that I've found in this type of person are:
Very intelligent
Very talkative
Very arrogant
Often has more enemies than friends
Makes bad decisions and is sometimes very reckless
Very social, but sometimes socially awkward
I find that I fall into this category, as do a few people I've known over the course of my life. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed these kinds of traits all in the same person, if they've noticed any other traits that go along with these, and if there are any thoughts on the nature of this archetype.

Jan 12, 2011, 10:38 PM
I'm just going to bump this cause there were no replies, sorry...

Jan 13, 2011, 11:10 PM
Hmmmmm, Some of those fit me..............

Bipolar...nope, but I am dyslexic

Bisexual...yep, since my earliest memory

Hypersexual........in my youth, into my 50s, I thought I was normal, but was often told I was hypersexual.

Very intelligent........I hope I'm reasonably intelligent

Very talkative.........I can be, if I know the subject well, enthusiastic about a subject. But, I listen, too.

Very arrogant....I hope not, really try to avoid arrogant people. Try not to be overbearing, obtrusive; I don't FEEL arrogant.

Often has more enemies than friends........Have few enemies, but also have few friends. Pretty much marching to the beat of my own drummer.

Makes bad decisions and is sometimes very reckless.....I'm afraid this trait was mine in my youth.

Very social, but sometimes socially awkward.........not overly social, but appreciate and enjoy close friends and their company.

Is that what you had in mind?

Jan 14, 2011, 7:46 PM
Bipolar - slightly
Bisexual - duh! XD
Hypersexual - if my partner allow me to be...
Very intelligent - I think I'm pretty intelligent.
Very talkative - I have impaired speech so I don't like talking. But with certain people I can talk for hours. If they understand me.....
Very arrogant - I'm not arrogant, but selfish.
Often has more enemies than friends - I don't have any friends so this is true.
Makes bad decisions and is sometimes very reckless - I haven't really make any decisions, my parents are doing this for me and can't leave me alone already.
Very social, but sometimes socially awkward - only the second part.