View Full Version : confused

Jan 2, 2011, 11:42 PM
I am a female and I am about 10 percent attracted to females and 90 percent attracted to men. I never want to have sex with a male though and I fear anything entering my vagina. I fear sex--and I think that my attraction to females is dying away. I wish it wasn't, i try to watch lesbian porn, but sadly i think the phase may be ending. I may be a celibate but still have sex with girls.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 2, 2011, 11:55 PM
lol ok..... you have some interesting areas in your life that you are dealing with.....

now most bisexuals will tell you that our desires ebb and flow, they are rarely constant, so do not fret too much about the shift in desire and attraction.....

however, something in what you wrote, got my attention....and that its your fear and worry about penetration..... on the surface, it would appear to a person like me that your fear of sex and your attraction to females may be a hand in hand aspect of you as a person

you can private message me if you want, or post on the forums..... but I am mildly curious about your fear and how you see your fear and how it affects you..... as fears and phobias hit us all on differing level and in different ways.....

the trouble is that most people will see your fear as a paranoia or delusional fear that you need to get over...... well hun, its a real fear to you and it affects you as a person and your life.....

so lets use some *trigger * words that can help you better understand the level of your concerns and worries

1) oral sex, how do you feel about a pair of lips or a tongue touching your vagina, licking and caressing, placing pressure against you... moving slowly inside......

2) do you have the same feeling and reaction when you think about a lady doing that and a male doing it

3) fingers stroking you, placing pressuring, slowly entering you.....

4) is that equal for both genders or just male or female

5) penises and strapons, what one is more reaction provoking and why, is it the gender of the person, the object itself, or a fear of pain, hurting.... pregnancy etc

the reason I ask, is that fears can gain a powerful hold on us and our lives, yet we do not understand them that way.... we know the fear and what the fear is of but often the fear as a basis that can provide a way for us to become in control of what we fear, rather than the fear controlling us.....

Jan 3, 2011, 12:22 AM
Good Grief Duck, make me hafta have a cold shower why dont'cha??? lol
And how can one be celibate and still have sex with girls? If you are celibate, it means nothing, nada, not a bit. Wanna clarify this for me?