View Full Version : Vlog Endeavor and Introduction

Jan 2, 2011, 8:29 PM
Hey folks!

At 14 I realized I was bisexual, and ten years later I still feel that it's an aspect of my identity that is sadly under developed. I have very little access to other bisexual people, but I've decided that if this is something that hinders my happiness, then its time to try a new approach.

I'm at an odd stage in my life where dating isn't really in the picture. But if there's something I'm good at, it's discussion. And since I can't find bisexual people to talk to in my real life, then I shall venture forth onto the internets to see what can be seen. :)

This vlog project is to start a dialog between myself and anyone willing to discuss with me. To start with, I have an introduction that gives a general picture of where I am, and a nebulous explanation of what I hope to accomplish. (Sorry about the nebulous part - I halfway don't know what I hope to accomplish, but I know I have to start somewhere.) I also have another topic that's a little more specific.

On the short term, the goal is to prompt enough discussion that half (or more) of my vlog content comes from interacting with those kind enough to watch and respond to my vlog. The rest will draw from my own experiences (or lack thereof). This is my first attempt with a blog and as such, the content of the video is a little unorganized. (A nicer, snootier word would be 'organic'.) Everything just comes from my head, so I know it sounds a little rambly. With more experience I hope to include more organization.

As intimate as this topic is, I'm hoping to approach it (and have it be approached by others) in an academic-ish way. In other words, this is not a personal ad.

Anyway, I hope to get some responses (feel free to leave a comment on the vlog, or a response here)! Ask me stuff, pose a question, challenge me. :)

The videos are password protected.

Password: owlseverwhere

http://www.vimeo.com/18377694 (Introduction to Vlog)
http://www.vimeo.com/18377910 (Topic #1)