View Full Version : The Next Step...

Jan 2, 2011, 4:09 PM
Hi Everyone,

Last night, on my way home from a great, two day, New Years Eve party I was talking to a beautiful woman (who I have a crush on) and, while talking about the possibility of dating, told he that I was Bi-sexual. She nothing of it (shes also bi) and it was no big deal.

But it was the first time that I've said it. She is part of a large circle of great friends that i have. I'm not worried whether or not other find out.

I feel great. I feel like I can kick ass and take names... but whats the next step in the Bi journey? ::gets a dry heave from how cliche that sounds:: I'm still looking to experiement. I want to try being with a guy who is light heart and good humored, but I don't know how to move forward.

Jan 2, 2011, 4:24 PM
Well.... probably see if she is interested in you as far as a relationship goes. It may be an unfortunate possibility that your bisexuality may has consigned you to the "friend zone".

Now that it's potentially known that you are bisexual among your circle of friends, maybe it's time to discreetly inquire of the or ask any other bi females in your circle to be wingmen if you want to do the club thing.


Jan 2, 2011, 4:34 PM
Sorry... I didn't word my post very well.

She is 100% still interested, but we put things on hold while we are figuring out many different things in our lives. Ironic that I'm finally ready to put myself out in the world as a bisexual, and an awesome girl starts talking to me about dating. Cool... but funny.

I was talking more about that next step as a bisexual. I'm looking to try being with a guy before getting into my next relationship with a woman. Maybe I should just go with the flow... I'm not sure.

Anyway... thanks for the response.


P.S. I dug your Love Letter post

P.S.S I hate clubs