View Full Version : Told my therapist I am bi today, first time telling anyone

Dec 30, 2010, 12:13 AM
Was a big step for me. I have been having problems with my marriage which have recently been get better. Today I talked to her about my issues with male friendships and my being bi. I have been wanting to come out to my wife and this was a big first step for me.

I am curious how many married men are here that have never shared that they are bi with anyone the know?

Dec 30, 2010, 2:53 AM
Good for you!

Coming out is a hard thing to do, especially when you're already in a heterosexual relationship. I'm glad that you have a safe place to go to work out the issues surrounding whether and how to come out.

I'm actually somewhat out myself. My wife and some of my family know I'm bi, as well as some friends and associates. However, I'm not out to the entire world; my co-workers do not know, for example. Nor do they necessarily need to know. Coming out is a very personal experience, and only you can truly decide who is in the "need to know" category.

Good luck in your continuing journey. I wish you the best.


Dec 30, 2010, 3:10 PM
Boy.. I remember that day.

It was rough on my wife. She already knew I was, but when I said it to the therapist, she accepted I think even moreso.... thinking maybe it was just a phase or something, I don't know.