View Full Version : Myth of the Male Orgasm

Dec 27, 2010, 5:15 AM
An article which I found the other day, that some of you might find interesting-


Common wisdom about female orgasms a few dozen years ago was that women should be able to have them through penetration, with no additional stimulation – or they were frigid. So far, we seem to be well on our way to debunking that – most people understand that clitoral stimulation, or g-spot stimulation, or anal play, or vibrators, or other forms of stimulation are usually required in addition to (or even – gasp! – instead of) penetration. Sex education is about feminism, right? It’s about empowering women to have the sex lives they deserve. I get that.

The problem is that we have done wrong by men. We’ve developed the Cult of the Come Shot. Every guy is focused on busting a nut, and every guy can do it lots of ways, at any time…or he’s not really a man. He’s either fully functional sexually, or he’s got ED and therefore requires some chemical assistance in order to be a whole man. The problem is – for most guys, this isn’t reality.

One of the plus sides to being a sexually active, non-monogamous person who has sex with men is that I get to be privy to exactly how a variety of guys have sex. One of the down sides to being a sex educator is hearing how many people of all genders have deep, personal misconceptions about orgasms for men. The sad thing is how many of those misconceptions cause personal doubts about sexual behavior, self esteem issues, and relationship problems – and how rarely those misconceptions are addressed.

I’ve heard a lot of explanations from partners, often with a tinge of shame on their part. One guy I’ve had amazing sex with in the past said that usually, penetration and oral sex were “off the table” with partners; his problem, he believes, is that his circumcision wasn’t performed correctly and robbed him of much of the sensation. He gets off ok (if sometimes slowly) with his hands – but PIV sex & blow jobs aren’t going to do the job for him (or even, in some cases, give him enough sensation to maintain an erection).

And he’s not alone. I’ve been intimate with guys who can only orgasm in one position, and guys whose orgasms take a long time to work up to. I’ve been with guys who prefer to not use their cocks at all during sex, including forgoing all stimulation to their nether regions. I’ve been with guys whose ability to orgasm goes down as their stress levels go up. I’ve been with guys who go through weeks or months of not being “in the mood”.

You know what? NONE of that is inherently bad, or wrong, or “unmanly”. Just like we’ve all been preaching to women for the past 30 years, orgasms – and sexual pleasure – happen differently for each individual. Setting up an environment where men feel like they have to be sexual “on demand” is just as damaging and anti-feminist as inflicting those same expectations on women.

This also means that partners of men need to challenge their own expectations – and realize that the problems may not actually be problems. Often, we feel incompetent or not good enough when we don’t see the proof of our partner’s pleasure, and we may wonder if we’re sexy enough, or even if they are even turned on by us. Occasionally it ends up being a blame game on the guy – he must be getting his orgasms somewhere else, either by using porn, masturbating, or even cheating – and we get angry. We may even let it stop our conversations about what really feels good and intimate to us, as partners – and intimacy can slip into this nebulous place where we put the other things that don’t quite work and we don’t want to question.

Let’s start making room for these conversations in our relationships, and with our new partners. If we believe that sex should be about both people receiving pleasure, then finding out what pleasure actually means to each other should be at the start of that discussion, not an afterthought to be dredged up after expectations are not met. If guys aren’t orgasming the way they want, we need to support them in both checking in with their doctors to eliminate any physical reasons, and engage with them in things that do bring them pleasure without bogging down in unrealistic expectations.

Most of all, society could use a bit of a reality check: men don’t, by virtue of having a penis, always have the sexual response that we might imagine; and they do have the same right to their own health, pleasure and sexuality that we’re finally seeing women claim. The goal of sex positivity (at least for me) is that every person feel good about who they are, what their body does, and the pleasure that they can get from it – and if we don’t offer that to every person, regardless of their genitals, then we fail.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 27, 2010, 5:56 AM
yeah.... sounds like me....lol.....

my situation is a two parter.....

one, I lack a sex drive.... while I can have sex and have no trouble getting it up.... I lack that desire to fuck as much as possible.....lol
its more to do with a mental illness I have that affects my ability to connect with and empathise with people

two, I have nerve damage in my lower back and groin..... and its bloody annoying lol.... it can make cumming very painful.... and often cumming causes my back muscles to spasm and lock up on me....

I have a very understanding and dear partner that understands that I have issues with sex and cumming.... but that I am happy to ensure she gets satisfied.....
as for me cumming.... well its not important to me.... I do not rate cumming as the be all to end all of sexual encounters.....

I finish by hand generally but it allows my partner to lick me clean or swallow a mouth full and then kiss me.... and generally she doesn;t have to worry about female leakage and the wetspot in the bed that she has to sleep in.....

outside of that, I use masturbation as a form of pain release and anti depression med cos of the release of the endorphins when I cum and it helps with the migraines that I suffer from

when I cum... its explosive..... as my partner found out the other night for xmas when we had phone sex ( she loves the sound of me building up and cumming )... and after a profound orgasm, my chest, chin, the phone and the pillow cases were witnesses to the fact that cumming well is not a issue for me

incidently.... the longest recordest distance for a male to cum, is 18 ft.... and 10 ft into the air...... so using porn vids as a guide is not worth it.... they are lucky if they can shoot 6 inches.....

lol so guys and ladies.... yeah I am a *faulty * male, one of many and I am sure there are many of us in bisexual.com.... the thing is, we may not be 100% functioning.... but we make up for it with our hearts, fingers, toes, tongues, toys..... and a lot of mischief.......

stand up.... and *stand up * ... cos the ladies want men in their lives..... not perfect, never fail, ken dolls

Dec 27, 2010, 11:10 PM
What a great article, OP. Thanks!!!!

Dec 28, 2010, 12:07 AM
Once upon a long time ago, my dick was always leading the action.
Now, it needs to be coached into action.
Once upon a time, some years later, my dick was still always ready for action.
Now, it seems more than ready to reserve all resources for the final call to action.
Is now the time for me to consider other options to revive my dick’s reaction?
Maybe, Viagra or Levitra or long-lasting Cialis will do the trick.
But, even if you are like me, a little weak down there, if you just relax and enjoy the sensation, don’t be surprised if I am able to encourage your dick to get fat and thick.
Yes, back into action.

Dec 28, 2010, 10:49 AM
This is a good piece!

From 14 until 21, I was one to follow the same path, sexually. The guys I was with seemed to be almost always able to achieve an orgasm easily, just as I did, so I felt no need to vary my techniques.

I noticed that the ladies were much more complex and no two of them were alike. If they didn't respond to what I was accustomed to, I figured something was wrong with THEM! That was a serious flaw in my reasoning and probably the reason few of my M/F relationships lasted!

At 21, I began a 2 year relationship with a lady 40 years my senior. (I know, I can hear the groaning, but she was a fantastic, sensuous, lady) She was also bisexual and, although we never involved anyone else, she taught me so much about being versatile and gearing each relationship to the needs and desires of BOTH participants. Once I understood her, my relationships with the ladies improved a thousand fold! To a lesser extent, my male lovers appreciated me more, too.

She taught me that people have different moods and desires, from time to time. (The pendulum theory) What excites and arouses one person, may turn another person off. It takes good communication, genuine interest in bringing pleasure to your partner, and also being able to be fulfilled yourself, to make a viable relationship. In my experience, one-sided relationships rarely work for both parties. That may be one reason I've had difficulties with some strictly bottom lovers.

My personal needs vary little, but my GF loves variety and surprise. If I had not spent that time with my older lover, I may have never understood a person who has sexual flexibly. And, I may have never understood how gratifying it is to please others, as well!

Dec 28, 2010, 11:42 AM
WOW great read...I'm copying this and sharing it with some friends!!!

Dec 30, 2010, 9:17 AM
Bumping this up because I think it's excellent. I have a partner that for various reasons can't cum at the drop of a hat, but we have our pleasures and find that it makes him a better lover overall.

Dec 30, 2010, 9:52 AM
It is a great article.

I know that as I age--I have had to adjust to the changes in my body when it comes to sex. I may get as horny as ever--but the ability to perform to the level I once did is, sadly, waning--at least it seems most of the time.

Some days the ability to perform is pretty good--but some days--it seems that it is harder to "make things work."

Actually though---I can say that I enjoy the fact that instead of being able to cum quickly and often as was the case--is actually a good thing it takes longer now.

I like that it does take much longer before I cum--or sometimes not at all even though the rest of my body and certainly my mind and spirit have had a form of "orgasm."

It really makes me think that we need to rethink our assumptions about sex and such---that it is actually much more fun and fulfilling to "enjoy the journey" as opposed to the big rush of "getting to the goal line" with the result being the big, dramatic cum shot and body quaking orgasms.

That does come---it just takes a bit longer now!

Thanks for posting the article---I hope the message of it gets out there and maybe enters in the minds of many guys both young and old that they need to just take more enjoyment in the whole process of having sex, instead of just "busting a nut!!" If more guys and gals too had the idea that the best way to enjoy sex is to look it as a longer term process--more of a slow motion marathon instead of forty yard dash---everyone would be more satisfied with their sex lives, I am willing to bet!!!!!

Dec 30, 2010, 11:48 AM
Tremendous article. We ARE all different in the ways by which we gain satisfaction from intimacy, especially as we grow older and learn more about ourselves and what makes us "tick".

Jan 16, 2011, 3:58 PM
Bumps :) Just for Aidan

Jan 16, 2011, 4:52 PM
Bumps :) Just for Aidan

No comment :tongue:

I do identify with the post though, as we age, like Volt said, we have to adjust our way of thinking and allow ourselves the failure at times. Besides even if the big O refuses to spurt ten feet up in the air and become someone's new shampoo, there is a lot to be said for intimacy before, during and after. Or so my lady says and I am not arguing with her.

Jan 17, 2011, 9:38 PM
Well, ya know...I caint do all night long what I used to Do all night long, but I give it one hell of a good shot. A couple of lovers in one night is bout all this old Cat can handle any more, but thats fine by me. ;)
Good artical, BTW :}
Bad Cat